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Everything posted by NearPup

  1. just ruined the hopes and dreams of everyone who isn't French, just like they did in Beijing :P
  2. Decent chance and win their first gold medals of the games today.
  3. I actually think the move to three riders will help Canada, since Mitchell specializes in long sprints. She probably will be more comfortable doing 750m.
  4. So it finally matches the men's race. Also IMO 500m is just too short for such a race.
  5. Because of global warming the Dutch have been forced to put away their skates and to bike to work instead.
  6. These Olympics is the very last women's team sprint contested with two riders. It's a very positive change imo.
  7. The Americans woke up and decided to take out all their pent up frustrations on Australia. Ouch.
  8. Second medal from RBC Training Ground, right?
  9. Canada should really be a gold medal contender in the team sprint for the next Olympics, I feel like that event is what would really play to Mitchell's strengths.
  10. Ya, this Canadian women's sprint team is extremely inexperienced (the result of talent scouting). They are both really promising, but they clearly lack racecraft.
  11. Yes and no I guess. The women's sprint team was a big question mark.
  12. On the one hand, basically everyone in the climbing community would be thrilled if Ondra won this. On the other hand, the format is clearly a joke and thank God this is the only time we have to see it run this way.
  13. They can simply define a tolerance. I don't understand why this would be such a problem, just chose a reasonable amount of time where both feet can be off the ground while keeping the spirit of the sport.
  14. I sure am happy Canada doesn't have to play the US again this tournament... even an out of form US team is extremely scary.
  15. They have time penalties in race walking now?
  16. The world feed commentators don't know that the quarterfinals of the sprints are Bo3 -_-
  17. Canadian rider is going to get relegated (sprinter's lane violation), right?
  18. I feel like a race where the top four qualifies should lead to much less aggressive racing tbh.
  19. I mean it's pretty incredible that it has never happened before, just given how many Olympic podiums there have been.
  20. It would be a surprise alright xD
  21. TBH I continue to be deeply, deeply unimpressed by kumite. It just looks quite ridiculous IMO.
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