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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Because mixed events help the silly gender equality political corectness BS more than having a women's team event. It's that crazy but don't search for logic when it comes to pure politics.
  2. Line-ups for women's team event have been announced. Unsurprisingly Carina Vogt and Eva Pinkelnig are kicked out after a pathetic performance in today's competition.
  3. US politics is dominated by these two parties for over 150 years which means you have a problem. Bernie Sanders is old as the hills and you can't bet on him doing anything in politics at this stage Besides, California us heavily pro-Democrat anyway so I find it difficult how people from that state can say a bad word about Democrats like that. The Hollywood propaganda does it's job very well too. Republicans are the only evil in US politics and Fox News should be banned, that's the only mainstream message I get for number of years now
  4. And there won't be another one since IOC has clearly said they prefer Brisbane. So nobody will waste a single penny of public money to bid for something that's already been decided. You got to love democracy, transparency & integrity shown by IOC here?
  5. Corrupt & incompetent Democrats? How on Earth is that possible? Only Republicans are corrupt & incompetent after all
  6. Might as well close this thread since there is no bidding "process" to begin with. Brisbane gets it and everyone else can f### off
  7. Why? More of the "moderate vs progressive" internal war for the Democrats? Or simply Cuomo has become too powerful and might upset Kamala Harris' Presidential bid when Joe Biden retires with health issues? I didn't hear ANY of this Cuomo backlash when Trump was still President
  8. Changing the gates in women's ski jumping is so frequent and unneccessary everyone except FIS is tired of it. Nothing you can do about it though.
  9. Tremendous choke from Kramer. Takanashi only bronze is also a loser. Ema Klinec is World Champion. Really happy for the Slovenians!
  10. She can't possibly do worse than Miriam Goessner... when it comes to sporting performance
  11. Vogt only got a place in the team because of her name. Lisa Goerlich should have been selected. German women are quite clearly in ddcline in ski jumping.
  12. with 45 athletes. We field six women in 4x400 relay which probably means Swiety & Holub will only run in the final. 1. Katarzyna Sokólska (bieg na 60 metrów) 2. Ewa Swoboda (bieg na 60 metrów) 3. Małgorzata Hołub-Kowalik (bieg na 400 metrów, sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 4. Justyna Święty-Ersetic (bieg na 400 metrów, sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 5. Angelika Cichocka (bieg na 800 metrów) 6. Joanna Jóźwik (bieg na 800 metrów) 7. Anna Wielgosz (bieg na 800 metrów) 8. Martyna Galant (bieg na 1500 metrów) 9. Klaudia Kazimierska (bieg na 1500 metrów) 10. Karolina Kołeczek (bieg na 60 metrów przez płotki) 11. Pia Skrzyszowska (bieg na 60 metrów przez płotki) 12. Adrianna Szóstak (trójskok) 13. Klaudia Kardasz (pchnięcie kulą) 14. Paulina Ligarska (pięciobój) 15. Adrianna Sułek (pięciobój) 16. Aleksandra Gaworska (sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 17. Natalia Kaczmarek (sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 18. Kornelia Lesiewicz (sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 19. Joanna Linkiewicz (sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 20. Dominik Kopeć (bieg na 60 metrów) 21. Remigiusz Olszewski (bieg na 60 metrów) 22. Przemysław Słowikowski (bieg na 60 metrów) 23. Kajetan Duszyński (bieg na 400 metrów, sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 24. Mateusz Borkowski (bieg na 800 metrów) 25. Patryk Dobek (bieg na 800 metrów) 26. Adam Kszczot (bieg na 800 metrów) 27. Adam Czerwiński (bieg na 1500 metrów) 28. Marcin Lewandowski (bieg na 1500 metrów, bieg na 3000 metrów) 29. Michał Rozmys (bieg na 1500 metrów, bieg na 3000 metrów) 30. Damian Czykier (bieg na 60 metrów przez płotki) 31. Krzysztof Kiljan (bieg na 60 metrów przez płotki) 32. Artur Noga (bieg na 60 metrów przez płotki) 33. Adrian Świderski (trójskok) 34. Piotr Lisek (skok o tyczce) 35. Robert Sobera (skok o tyczce) 36. Paweł Wojciechowski (skok o tyczce) 37. Konrad Bukowiecki (pchnięcie kulą) 38. Michał Haratyk (pchnięcie kulą) 39. Jakub Szyszkowski (pchnięcie kulą) 40. Paweł Wiesiołek (siedmiobój) 41. Dariusz Kowaluk (sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 42. Jakub Krzewina (sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 43. Mateusz Rzeźniczak (sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 44. Wiktor Suwara (sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów) 45. Karol Zalewski (sztafeta 4 x 400 metrów)
  13. It's funny how Cuomo was the face of COVID on TV when Trump was still President and suddenly they all hate him. If the COVID situation doesn't get better in USA Democrats have nobody else to blame but themselves anymore since thet have full power now and I bet they know COVID will cripple them too. So they're setting up to throw people to the wolves. Cuomo is obviously one of the first who will have to fall on the sword.
  14. Looks like Democrats have to find a new scapegoat now that Trump is out of office and they can't blame everything on him anymore. New York governor Andrew Cuomo is suddenly feeling the heat
  15. Let's see if Takanashi doesn't choke at WCh for a change It should be Kramer vs her for the gold. Kriznar & Opseth didn't look impressive in training & quals so should only fight for minor medals.
  16. Thankfully no gold medal sweep for Norway. Sundling with a power performance in the final whereas Svahn completely flopped in the SF
  17. You think IOC will bankroll the Canadian bid just to keep the Games away from Qatar or Russia? They can get away with this shtick only as long, not to mention four straight Olympics in French/English speaking countries? (Paris, LA, Brisbane, Toronto). That's like zero diversity involved on top of everything else
  18. Canada? After Montreal spend 40+ years paying off the 1976 debt? Canada ain't hosting the SOG in my lifetime ever again. Madrid lost three straight times recently and I think they're done with more bids for a while too.
  19. The most serious bids would be Russia, Turkey and Qatar anyway. These are countries which can spend all the public money they want to and nobody would ask anyone if hosting the Games is "sustainable financially" IOC might as well drop the transparency bullshit but they can't prevent Qatar from hosting SOG forever. Unless flexing them between USA and Australia every four years would be a sign of "diversity"?
  20. They won't. They are officially banned because their doping plan apparently can't be approved in time for the start of IEC. World Athletics rejected their first plan. It's done.
  21. There is no "professional weightlifting" that sucks all the talent out of the Olympics pool though. The thing with boxing is that all the teenagers from USA, UK, Latin American countries are lured by the big pro contracts and don't need Olympic medals anymore. World Amateur Boxing championships are dominated by Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Cuba lately so by countries that get zero love from IOC to begin with. The cold war USA vs The East in amateur boxing is long extinct.
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