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Men's Basketball Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games 2020

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Iran's roster in Tokyo, US and France should be careful :d


btw even being here was a miracle, thanks to Poland and Nigeria and also Venezuela :d some of our veterans deserved another Olympics for their last NT competition, so it was some kind of gift from nowhere for them


there are 3 athletes in our whole delegation who didn't born in Iran, all of them in our basketball team. (they have Iranian fathers though)

none of them are important or key players but having them in the final squad just shows our current situation. we couldn't find better players inside the country :facepalm:

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Well, so much the the Americans being considered the favorites here.  Looked bad in some of the pre-Olympic warmup games and clearly it's continuing over here

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To add, 25 long winning streak has ended.

Not that this loss is shocking as we might think. USA was close to lose in Rio, and we know that Spain was close even in London. 

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It was already clear at the last World Cup that the rest of the world has caught up to the United States (ie no flukes required to win).

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