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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Nice last set and bonze for Japan. Not a very closed match..
  2. Poor Mexico... Amazing match for our team
  3. Is very interessing see that almost all player sign a try. Amazing dream for Fiji, I'm very happy!
  4. I think that now is official Gold medal for Fiji! Hystorical!
  5. Amazing results for our team They not trained in the last month and all media predicted the last place.
  6. Korea for the Olympic Poker. Only 1 event to play
  7. Great tie-break betweet Italy and Usa USA won 24-22
  8. Maybe Almost all favorites losed this year. Who know
  9. Internet is back Amazing ippon for the Czech judoka
  10. Refeers remove the 50s of penalities from the Kuhnle's time. She's qualified for the final
  11. Questo è vero ma ben tre quarti posti ti lasciano un pó di amaro in bocca
  12. Ditemi che è un incubo Un altro 4° posto
  13. So, Valentina Truppa said that this was the last conpetition whit Chablis. She'll change her horse after a lot of years She writed on fb a long and amazing post when she say "Thanks Chablis, you are my hero"
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