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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Oggi alle 18 ci sono i sorteggi di Champions League Disolito la fortuna non é dalla nostra parte.. speriamo bene
  2. Non ci dispiace assolutamente anzi é solo un piacere
  3. At last 120 deaths and 3 medieval city completly destroyed, it's a drama
  4. Emilia, L'Aquila and now center Italy... Italy is again injured
  5. Inanzitutto benvenuto in Totalympics Per quanto riguarda Pyeongchan 2018 io mi concederei almeno la prima metá della stagione, i risultati italiani nello sci alpino sono molto (forse troppo...) instabili. Più tosto riusciremo a raggiungere i 14 atleti ? (Non ho ancora letto i vari regolamenti)
  6. I haven't idea what was our goal in London but in Rio our goal was 25 medal and it was very very optimist Thanks for all and congrats for the 2nd place in the medal table, it was totaly unexpected for me
  7. The last sport session of this games can become boaring C'mon Serbia!
  8. I know this, but for win a set you must score around 25 points. "Only" two points don't change the match. We played in Brazil, we know that it was very diffcult. I remember that few years ago we was defeated by Slovenia, in 2014 we played a ridiculus world championship. It's the time for think at the future
  9. It's real? Italian TV showed this few minuts ago
  10. Very bad routines for Itsly. Comgrats Spain, amazing result!
  11. Sad, very sad end Thanks guys for this 2 week, we never forgot you
  12. Amazing news! So, good luck Totallympics
  13. 1st Olympic title for Brasil After 3 silver, finally!
  14. Very boring match, congrats Serbia you deserve it
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