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Posts posted by Herki

  1. Was really hoping our athletes would do better at home. Susan Külm seems to have found her best skiing form ever, too bad she can't hit the targets to make a good result out of it.

    Tuuli Tomingas said she felt dead tired already yesterday and knew she wouldn't do much in the race, she finished the season and even skips relays on Sunday.


    But as France is my favorite biathlon country I am very pleased with the sprints results :)

  2. 44 minutes ago, pdr4332 said:

    Are those haters Estonian? "Interesting" tbh that someone roots against the one realistic OG medal chance of their country....

    Or is this family dispute so serious?


    Well, there are those "family is the most important, you can't fight with them" people. But she started getting a lot hate a few months ago when it was revealed that little brother Henry can't fight for Olympics qualification because their mother won't let him use the sponsor money, there is a rule that for an underage person both parents must give the permission to use the money. So, Henry couldn't travel to competitions and had no chance to make it to OG. Since Kelly is siding with her mother, she was also getting hate for not caring about her brother.

  3. 1 hour ago, NearPup said:

    Kind of annoyed at that tbh. Sildaru owes the Estonian setup nothing, she's basically a one woman show.


    She under-performed at these Olympics, not sure if it's nerves, equipment or an injury. But really not representative of her career so far. Also, she unfortunately finished where she deserved to finish yesterday based on the performances.

    Before the OG she said she definitely feels a lot more pressure than in other competitions. Definitely something wrong with her equipment, don't know how can something like this happen twice during such important moments. Don't think there was any injury but she did say after qualifying that she feels quite fatigued already.

  4. Estonia for sure expected a better catch than "just a bronze" from this OG from Kelly. She has gathered quite a many haters over the whole Sildaru family drama, they had a field day today.

    Funny how in last race a Russian and Norwegian claimed they deserved more points and should have won bronze, Kelly's coach said judges know what they are doing and the results are just right. Today he said that Kelly deserved more points and judges scores were suspicious.



  5. 16 minutes ago, heywoodu said:



    I guess it was just coincidence that someone gets involved with a big doping case himself and years later both his son and his trainee get involved in something similar :p 

    Only reason I may somewhat believe him is that it would be really REALLY stupid to risk like that. I mean, his son is useless with or without doping, there is a high chance these days he could get caught. No brainer that his own case comes into spotlight again. Can he really be that idiot to make himself dirty again so that his son could get 59nd place instead of 72nd?:crazy:

  6. This is so embarrassing and frustrating. Like our cross country skiing isn't a joke enough. :zip: Tammjärv was the only one who could get some points, now we know why. Our skiers reputation here in Estonia has been very low already for years due to miserable results, this will be the final straw. RIP.


    The worst part is who got caught: Andreas Veerpalu - son of Andrus Veerpalu and also Poltoranin, who is coached by Andrus Veerpalu. Andrus himself finished his career with a doping case, he was eventually announced to be clean but this process was kinda skechy and left many Estonians turning their backs to their former hero. Still, he was oficcially declared clean, case closed, everyone moved on. Now his name comes up again and even if he really had no idea what his son and trainee were up to like he claims, it brings more bad light to his case.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Monzanator said:


    What's the best ever result for EST biathlon? Eveli Saue's 5th place in Hochfilzen 2006?

    I am pretty sure yes. Well, there was also Kaija Parve who is 7 times World Champion, sadly this was in the 80s under Soviet Union flag.

  8. What a race from our girls :cheer:Oja and Tomingas did a really good job, especially Tuuli who I have never seen skiing so well before. Talihärm was better last year, easily the best of our girls, now she needs to catch up, but she still did her job. Gaim is sadly not even close to the rest of the team, even without the penalty loops I don't think we had finished higher than maybe 8th.


    This was Estonia's women's relay's first top 10 since 1993! 26 years! (8 out of 9 teams with 12 minutes loss lol) This clearly is the actual best ever really.

  9. 11th looks good for us on paper but being in top 6 in half of the race and also 7th after 3rd exchange got my hopes up for a rare top 10 finish. Sadly, we don't have a more reliable 4th member, just like in women's team, and it is tough to reach higher.

    Zahkna finally with a good first leg again, great to see him gaining some form.


    Overall, another really boring men's race for the top positions:nopompom:

  10. OMG I had never heard of Raul Seema, searched a bit an find out he is 43 year old, he was competing for a couple of races almost 20 years ago, last race was in 2000. He now is our team's ski technicians head coach. :lol: Remember not a long ago we had a few top tier skiers, many other decent guys who regulary picked up WC points and sprinters who could even ocasionally make SF on a good day. Now a ski technician is needed to fill a team of 2 :zip:

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