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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Yes, which is pretty worrying. Hopefully that was the last major one of this whole 'system' of shocks.
  2. A lot of stuff like photos of damage is coming from Durrës, a city with nearly 300.000 inhabitants which was around 15km from the center of the quake. Capital Tirana with nearly 900.000 people was only around 30km away from it.
  3. Damn, that aftershock alone would be considered seriously strong for Europe..
  4. Considering the amount of damage and big buildings that are still on the brink of collapse, I find it hard to imagine the death toll will stay inside single digits..
  5. The world's leading idiot seems to seriously think he signed an act that has now given women the right to vote. What he signed is an act to bring out a coin that commemorates this happening.....100 years ago. "Why wasn't it done a long time ago?" Holy shit man.
  6. Quick question related to transfers: your biathletes only earn points for you when you have them in your team, correct? I mean, switching someone who is performing badly for someone who is doing great will cost you points (the difference in what they've earned so far), so it's not like you buy the points your new athlete earned thus far? Just making sure
  7. Yeah apparently there were some false rumours about his retirement, but just to clarify: they are not true Source on Sam Ward's non-retirement: Sam Ward.
  8. He is definitely not retired though. In fact, he has said he's going to do everything he can to get to Tokyo.
  9. In terms of creating something other than the standard + a twist, I think there only is one bet. Question is if people want that, since Totallympics is usually extremely tight on staying within the lines (hell, even rules for thread names and your posts get edited if you write something in the first post of a thread). Which is not to say anything bad about the 'standard + a twist' we usually have, since so far I've always liked them. Plus I have absolutely zero doubt in the hosting capabilities of the other candidates, let that be very clear. Just trying to say there's more to a certain candidate than only the eternal bitching (which I sometimes find funny for a little while, but usually goes on too long) we all know and don't love and I wouldn't be totally against seeing how it works out.
  10. Really, the only thing? The guy has the creativity of (almost) all of us combined...
  11. Wow, if someone had randomly shown me this, I would have guessed at least 20 Congratulations to her and her team, although I can't say I much enjoyed this song at all It's the first one I saw though, maybe there's something I like more.
  12. Well, curious when we're going back to the previous format, because this was not exactly interesting enough to turn on the TV and watch (for me, at least) It felt pretty much like another regular tournament, nothing special.
  13. Ah yeah, equal votes between two potential flag beares, so as per the pre-established rules (!), a coin was tossed. He didn't win and so got angry and started about skin color. Too bad that thing happened, but still it didn't and doesn't make me like him less
  14. I even only very vaguely remember something was going on there
  15. I'm going to have to Google that, I have absolutely no idea what's with Shani Davis and the 2002 Games
  16. That closet door isn't's not even there
  17. Legendary speed skater Shani Davis. Hadn't raced since the 2018 Olympics, but had never said he's retired until now.
  18. Shani Davis is back in the world of speed skating...he's a coach for China, training young short track skaters to go to the long track version and win medals in 2022 Dutch NOS had a chat with him at the Junior World Cup in Enschede this weekend, if the video works outside of the country, you can watch it here: Also: that's the first time he has actually said he is retired. He didn't skate anymore after Pyeongchang (they show part of what we now know is his final race), but had never officially retired. Something the reporter says in Dutch at the end will always hold very true though: "Davis likes the Netherlands and Dutch habits and the Netherlands likes Davis. It used to be like that, it still is like that and it will always be like that." Shani
  19. But conservatives aren't exactly known for telling truths. Not hard truths, not soft truths. The Republicans in the US are at this very moment working hard to prove that over and over again, as we've seen in the past few weeks.
  20. But Won't You Be My Neighbour is a 2018 documentary, definitely not with Tom Hanks. It's cool if you recommend movies to people, but it'd be more than helpful if you actually give the name of the movie as well I'm assuming it's this one.
  21. For those interested, second of four stages in the Dutch Trachitol Cup, a sort of stage race with four marathons (AKA real mass starts).
  22. Is there a price per position as well? Because the best goalkeeper award desperately needs to go to Onana
  23. Officially, yeah...but that's about it. This travesty sucks, but congratulations to the two teams in the final.
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