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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Every team I dislike is going out and every team I like or am neutral to goes through, best World Cup ever
  2. Someone who got 0 points for correct result
  3. "Spain won 5 of their 8 penalty shootouts." Yeah, because it so matters for your current chances if a team 45 years ago won a penalty shootout
  4. Well yeah, they're doing nothing for half the time, nothing wrong with adding that time.
  5. The rollerskis are back in Brazil so shut up
  6. Well yes, of course never before has a 4th substitute been made in this extra time. There has also never been a goal scored in this extra time
  7. No. Beware of fake emails looking like they came from your bank though.
  8. Especially the black magic is strong
  9. Today I learned there's a spearfishing World Cup for clubs.
  10. Cue Cuevas will make his debut? I was convinced he would have had multiple participations by now, his name is familiar
  11. Andy Murray has withdrawn.
  12. If Belgium reaches the final and wins it in their first try, after the Netherlands lost three finals, we are never, ever going to hear the freaking end of that No thanks, they can stop at the semi finals
  13. I'm cheering for Croatia, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, Colombia or Japan to reach the final. England and Russia as acceptable reserves
  14. That would be so cool. Finally a really 'new' country in the final.
  15. Uuuugh that was a terribly tense race with those tires and stuff
  16. Marquez wins. What an insane race, it was basically a 26 lap orgasm
  17. Anyone watching the Dutch TT (GP of the Netherlands)? Holy crap what a race, the best MotoGP race I've seen in a very long time
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