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Posts posted by Cobi






    Greeting in national language:

    ¡Buenos días desde España! Todo listo para vivir un bonito y emocionante día en compañía de la familia de Totallympics.



    English translation:

    Good morning from Spain! Everything is ready to share a wonderful and exciting day with the Totallympics community.




    France 10
    :CAN Canada 9
    :POR Portugal 8
    :INA Indonesia 7
    :ITA Italy 6
    :SRB Serbia 5
    :MLT Malta 4
    :IND India 3
    :CRO Croatia 2
    :DEN Denmark 1


    Jorge Drexler - Todo se transforma


    Uruguay has very prolific industry music considering that the population of the country is slightly below 3.5 million people. There are several authors from this country I usually listen to, but I have decided to present Jorge Drexler, one of my favorites cantautores in Spanish, with very ingenious lyrics. This particular song might not be the best one, but it was the first one I listened and probably the most popular one in terms of views on YouTube.


    Side note: I totally recommend you to discover Montevideo Carnival and murgas

  3. 18 hours ago, kungshamra71 said:




    At every TISC edition I try, more than bringing some popular winning stuff, to bring what I think is the best (or among the best) of different musical genres of portuguese music in hope at least some of you will like it and start listening to some portuguese music.


    After bringing fado, metal, music composers and emblematic portuguese musics, this year I was planning on showing some music from the early 80's, the post-dictatorship era, but then changed my mind and finally decided for something more traditional.


    Did you know that Portuguese is not the only official language in Portugal? In the north of my country, in a small area inland closed to Spain, there is another spoken language called Mirandês


    It's a very old language, from the middle ages, and looks kind of as a mix of spanish with portuguese.


    Besides the language itself, the region has lots of specific traditions and their music is also different, and therefore this year's TISC entry of Portugal will be a traditional song in Mirandês!


    I didn't know about the Mirandês language, but it sounds very close to Medieval Spanish and the current Leonese (which is not widely spoken and it is not an official language, but it stills exists in small towns).


    It is also funny that this language is spoken in a Portuguese town named Miranda do Douro, when in the other side of Spain we have Miranda de Ebro, and the football team is precisely the C.D Mirandés. Another relationship with Spain is the title, "burgalesa" is the demonym of the inhabitants of the region of Burgos (Castilla).



    La Casa Azul (The Blue House) has been selected to represent Spain in the Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020. La Casa Azul is an indie pop and electronic music band created by Guille Milkyway in 1997 which virtually consists of five members (David, Virginia, Oscar, Clara and Sergio). However, Guile Milkyway is in fact the sole performer on the records and uses the band "members" (who do not give interviews and whose last names have never been disclosed) in order to project an image.


    The song selected is called "La Revolución Sexual" (The Sexual Revolution). It is the most popular song of the band and finished in third place at the 2008 Eurovision National Final. I hope you enjoy it! 

    La Casa Azul - La Revolución Sexual



    Letra (Español):



    Dímelo ya, necesitas descansar, ahora

    dímelo ya, esperar está de más, porque

    va a suceder, el verano del amor,

    sé que va a suceder, la revolución sexual.


    Y hace días que sabes que no,

    que a veces no hay que tener la razón.


    Well, are you ready to go?


    Tú que decidiste que tu vida no valía,

    que te inclinaste por sentirte siempre mal,

    que anticipabas un futuro catastrófico,

    hoy pronosticas la revolución sexual.


    Tú que decidiste que tu amor ya no servía,

    que preferiste maquillar tu identidad,

    hoy te preparas para el golpe más fantástico

    porque hoy empieza la revolución sexual.


    Déjalo ya, no pretendas despistar, ahora

    déjalo ya, ¿a quien quieres engañar?, porque

    va a suceder, el verano del amor, sé que

    va a suceder, la revolución sexual.


    Y hace días que sabes que no,

    que a veces no hay que tener el control.


    Well, are you ready to go?


    Tú que decidiste que tu vida no valía,

    que te inclinaste por sentirte siempre mal,

    que anticipabas un futuro catastrófico,

    hoy pronosticas la revolución sexual.


    Lyrics (English):



    Tell me, you have to rest now

    Tell me, the waiting is over, because

    It's going to happen, the summer of love,

    I know it will happen, the sexual revolution.


    And for days you know that

    Sometimes you don't have to be right.


    Well, are you ready to go?


    You, the one who decided that your life isn't worthwhile

    The one who always made yourself feel bad,

    The one who has anticipated a catastrophic future,

    Today you're predicting the sexual revolution.


    You, the one who decided that your love was no good,

    The one who preferred to disguise your identity,

    Today you're getting ready for the most terrific strike

    Because today the sexual revolution starts.


    Let it be, don't try to mislead it now

    Stop it, to whom are you trying to fool?, because

    It's going to happen, the summer of love, I know that

    It will happen, the sexual revolution.


    And for days you know that

    Sometimes you have no control.


    Well, are you ready to go?


    You, the one who decided that your life isn't worthwhile

    The one who always made yourself feel bad,

    The one who has anticipated a catastrophic future,

    Today you're predicting the sexual revolution.


  5. I want to congratulate both @OlympicIRL and @mrv86 for successfully hosting the event.


    Personally, I was lucky with the draw, because I don't think :GUA would have reached the Round of 16 with the traditional format. Anyways, thanks to all the jurors who voted for the song at least once.


    In general I really liked the songs, so I had some troubles judging 4 or 5 matches, and changed my mind a few times during the competition, but finally this is my top7: :PUR :SOM :GIB :IRQ :CRC :BAR :ANG

  6. hace 11 horas, Olympian1010 dijo:

    4 years ago to the day, Brazil opened wide to the world, with warm embrace, to welcome world’s biggest festival of human athleticism. Brazil showed the world it’s beauty, it’s faults, and it’s aspirations. So began the Games of the XXXI Olympiad...



    These days I have been re-watching all the opening ceremonies since Barcelona 92, and Rio 2016 was the worst for me. I realized that I remember better the ceremonies of Beijing and London compared to Rio. Is this an unpopular opinion?

  7. hace 35 minutos, kungshamra71 dijo:


    in galician you actually have the word Saudade, but the meaning is quite different, the best approach to the portuguese one is "morriña", which is pretty much Saudade although a bit stronger and more depressive. 


    I just checked the dictionary and apparently the word "Saudade" appeared in the 1780 edition of the Spanish dictionary, translating literally the definition from the Portuguese dictionary: "Voz portuguesa, que segun su diccionario significa finísimo sentimiento del bien ausente, con deseo de poseerlo. Han usado algunos autores castellanos de esta voz." It was eliminated in 1817 and included again in the 1992 edition as a synonym of "morriña". To be honest I had never heard or read this word before in Spanish.


    It's fascinating to see that Galician/Portugeuse make a distinction between "saudade" and "morriña" when both words describe so similar emotional situations.

  8. hace 17 horas, Olympian1010 dijo:

    Just because we strayed onto this topic a little, here’s a fascinating map put together by Google based on YouTube streaming trends the year leading up to Pyeongchang 2018.



    It is funny to see luge in Spain consdering that we do not have a single athlete :mumble:. The only Winter sport slightly popular in Spain is figure skating, specially since the appearance of Javi Fernández. A few years ago, alpine skiing was also popular, with some World Cup events being shown in public TV, as well as ski jumping with the Four Trampolines, but nowadays nobody cares about Winter sports.

  9. hace 5 horas, Fly_like_a_don dijo:

    Even with the lyrics it's clear that majority of users may not know spanish. That's pretty strange how they all went in favor of it . The song really makes judging easy imo as any song against Puerto Rico would win unless you understand the lyrics and prefer such songs. 


    If you would have asked me yesterday to guess which songs from Group B would move to the next round, Puerto Rico wouldn't have been in my top3. I am also quite surprised that the song did so well against one of the strongest entry of the whole tournament, at least in terms of popularity.

  10. I guess one of the reasons why "La Vuelta al Mundo" has so many views is because of the lyrics. From the perspective of a non-Spanish speaker, the song might sound like simply a guy talking, without any artistic talent. However, what makes this song so interesting is the meaning and how the writer structured the song. 


    The song basically tells how a man realizes that his life sucks. He has spent his whole life studying to get a good job, and once he has the job and a good salary, he is not happy because he is not doing what he really likes. So after a while, he decides to quit after proposing to his girlfriend. The story is quite simple, but from a literary point of view, the lyrics are very interesting to read as a poem, since they play with the double sense of some words and expressions, and the writer uses this to criticize some aspects of the society he doesn't like.


    In fact, they became popular in Spain and Latin America during the early 2010s because of the way they wrote... The music is not the only thing to determine if a song is a good one or not.


    Just to be clear, writing this comment does not mean that I entered the song.

  11. Question 1:

    Would you like to see a once-off special contest to be held this summer with the final being held at some point during the old Olympic schedule?

    (a) Yes

    (b) No



    Question 2:

    Would you like it to be a themed contest? For example (sports themed, movie themed, instrumental themed, talent show themed, any other themed)?

    (a) Yes

    (b) No



    Question 3:

    If we have a themed contest, which type of theme do you prefer? Please answer even if you answered "No" to Question 2.


    (a) Festival of Music style - representing the nations who have not participated in TISC

    (b) Sports themed

    (c) Movie themed

    (d) Instrumental themed

    (e) Talent Show themed

    (f) Dance Music themed

    (g) Dance themed

    (h) Other theme - please specify

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