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Jan Linha

Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Like
    Jan Linha got a reaction from copravolley in Judo EJU European Championships 2024   
    Now, honestly, can Zachová be another medal candidate in Paris together with Krpálek? 😁
  2. Like
    Jan Linha reacted to Makedonas in Sailing WS Semaine Olympique Française 2024   
    Finally we got quotas in sailing! 
    We were in danger of missing out for the first time since 1936, after we had 8 sailors in Tokyo. Now we have 2 confirmed here, and should get another 2 in the 470 mixed.
    I'm happy for Maramenidis to make his Olympic debut. I'm glad we got the quota in iQFoil and Kokkalanis will go to the Olympics for the 4th time, though I am sad for Tsortanidis who I wanted to see take the quota, he is from a small island and it would've been nice to see him go to the Olympics from there, also Kokkalanis is old and had his chances for a medal in the past and didn't take them.
    Of course Tsortanidis also finished this regatta in a qualifying position but there's only one quota per nation. It's too bad that he has to miss out when there are other boat classes where we did not qualify anyone.
    And the 470 quota with Spanaki/Spanaki looks 99% confirmed. I'm happy for Spanaki, she proved her critics (aka me ) wrong after accusing her of stealing the Tokyo quota from a more deserving team (she came out of nowhere and got a 2004 Olympic gold medalist out of retirement and together they won our internal regatta over Bozi/Klonaridou who were our only competitive 470 duo from Rio 2016 until a few months before Tokyo).
    Also it's a shame Papadakos is 5th in the ILCA 7 and will miss Paris, after our sailing federation messed up and prevented him from getting the quota a few months ago. He is young so hopefully he can make it to LA and/or Brisbane instead.
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    Jan Linha got a reaction from Pasolini in Sailing WS Semaine Olympique Française 2024   
    Well, I don't know. Just saying what Czech federation said and they also mentioned that it has been confirmed. Of course I am happy if it's true but also surprised 
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    Jan Linha reacted to hckošice in Sailing WS Semaine Olympique Française 2024   
    Imagine Slovakia qualify in Sailing and failing in Canoeing Sprint ... this world is really upside down lately
  5. Thanks
    Jan Linha reacted to Griff88 in Badminton Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Mendrek/Kral won't have any issue with the outcome of this dispute. They are safe. The one who should be watching this is the next eligible men's singles player since an extra quota would open in men's singles if the Popovs are selected.
    In normal circumstances, indeed France can just simply choose who should play in Paris 2024 (be it from ranking or who the federation deemed to have better chances). But this is caused by BWF which did not do their job properly and Corvee/Labar got robbed caused by a mistake that is only fixed after the last tournament for Olympic qualification. The French Federation doesn't want to be a villain to their own players, so they simply handed this mess to the one who caused it (and tried their luck a bit with this excessive demand).
  6. Like
    Jan Linha got a reaction from Josh in Badminton Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Well, I think badminton Federation will closely watch this as pair Medrek/Král should be taking the last qualifying spot. I understand that France is the host but in order to enter 2 pairs, they would have to have best pair ranked in top 8. The rules are strict, but 17 pairs, it would be too troublesome. But at some point, they can actually choose which pair they want to qualify. Or they want to enter 2 pairs because Popovs are both high ranked players in singles so they could use this as a leverage?? 
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    Jan Linha reacted to Adriano in Sailing WS Semaine Olympique Française 2024   
  8. Like
    Jan Linha reacted to Benolympique in Track Cycling Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
    Quota Olympic
  9. Like
    Jan Linha reacted to rafalgorka in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Tickets, Trips and Experiences   
    For those who plan to go Paris, there is a nice new Paris 2024 Transport app available now, with detailed info on how to get to every venue.
    And there is also official Paris 2024 app with the same detailed schedule as on the website.
  10. Like
    Jan Linha got a reaction from Adriano in Shooting ISSF Shotgun Final World Olympic Qualifier 2024   
    Can't wait any longer for the men's trap shoot-off results 😀😀
  11. Like
    Jan Linha got a reaction from Fer GUA in Athletics WA Team Race Walking World Championships 2024   
    Three pairs will qualify based on the WA Ranking by June 30th. Currently 3 highest ranked NOCs (not those countries that already qualified at least 1 pair) based the fastest time achieved:
    But still there will be some competitions to improve their time. I guess and maybe also will try to improve their times and qualify through the ranking. Although, I haven't found another event where will be the mixed relay event, I suppose they will be a part of some national championship? 
  12. Like
    Jan Linha reacted to hckošice in Team Slovakia - Paríž 2024   
    Dominik Černý s Hanou Burzalovou vybojovali ďalšie atletické miestenky do Paríža 2024

    Slovensko má po majstrovstvách sveta miešaných chodeckých tímov v tureckom letovisku Antalya 16 miesteniek na olympijské hry v Paríži. O dve miesta do parížskej výpravy pre Slovensko sa postarali chodci Dominik Černý s Hanou Burzalovou v miešanej štafete na maratónskej trati. Okrem toho má Slovensko v tejto disciplíne nárok aj na dve náhradnícke miesta.
    Snúbenci Černý s Burzalovou skončili v Antalyi celkovo na 21. mieste, v olympijskej kvalifikácii na 19., čo stačilo na zisk miestenky, ktorú získalo 22 dvojíc, pričom päť krajín s tímami v TOP 22 malo nárok na dve miestenky. Zverenci Romana Benčíka v banskobystrickej Dukle v Antalyi zlepšili aj vlastný slovenský rekord (3:11:17) z decembra minulého roku v Dubline na 3:05:38 h.
    Obrovskú smolu mala druhá slovenská dvojica. Až do 40. kilometra kráčali Mária Katerinka Czaková s Miroslavom Úradníkom za olympijskou miestenkou, avšak po treťom napomínaní za štýl musela ísť 3-násobná olympionička na tri minúty do tzv. „penalty zone“. Dovtedy išlo duo Czaková – Úradník výborne, mimo kvalifikované dvojice vypadli z 13. miesta a skončili celkovo na 24. priečke (3:06:11 h).
    Olympijské miestenky si v Antalyi vybojovali – po dve Španielsko, Austrália, Čína, Kolumbia a Japonsko, po jednej Taliansko, Mexiko, Brazília, Ukrajina, Francúzsko, Nemecko, India, Turecko, Slovensko, Poľsko, Kanada a Maďarsko.
    POVEDALI PO PRETEKOCH: (zdroj: Slovenský atletický zväz)
    Hana Burzalová: „Ťažko sa mi verí tomu, že sme sa kvalifikovali, kým nevidím naše umiestnenie oficiálne vo výsledkovej listine. Sama som mala počas pretekov z toho trochu chaos aj v súvislosti s odovzdávkami. Tie boli celkom neprehľadné, pretože sa nás tam nakopilo viac štafiet v jednom okamihu. Je to však úžasný pocit, keď si predstavím, kam sme sa dostali od prvej myšlienky, že by sme spoločne s Dominikom mohli ísť na olympiádu ako jeden tím. Už sa neviem dočkať chvíle, keď budeme stáť na štartovej čiare v Paríži. Mali sme stanovenú taktiku a tú sme v Antalyi dodržali. Spravili sme všetko pre to, aby sme sa počas pretekov cítili dobre. Nebol to z našej strany deň D, ale spoločne sme do toho dali všetky sily, čo sme v sebe mali.“
    Dominik Černý: „Určite sme na začiatku pociťovali istú mieru nervozity, ale my sme sa obaja na preteky veľmi tešili. Skôr sme sa teda nemohli dočkať štartového výstrelu, aby sme to mohli rozbaliť. Teraz po skončení máme dobrý pocit z toho, že sme do pretekov dali všetko. Myslím si, že aj takticky sme to zvládli. Spätne však musím uznať, že to nebol úplne náš deň, preto sme radi, že sa to v konečnom dôsledku podarilo. Počas prestávok sme sa obaja celý čas hýbali. Vyklusávali sme, prezliekli sme sa do suchého, dopĺňali sme minerály, tekutiny, cukry, a potom už prišiel čas rozchodiť sa na ďalší úsek. Ubehlo to teda celkom rýchlo a nejaký útlm by zrejme neprospel. Výdajom energie je to teda pre každého člena štafety plnohodnotná vytrvalostná disciplína, prirovnal by som ju k tridsaťpäťke, nie k dvadsiatke a už vôbec nie k desiatke.“
    Czaková s Úradníkom začali výborne. Šiesty tridsaťpäťkár z ME 2022 Úradník došiel do cieľa svojho úseku na 23. pozícii v rámci kvalifikácie. Skúsená odchovankyňa nitrianskej chôdze posunula štafetu na 19. priečku, ktorú zverenec Martina Pupiša vylepšil na treťom úseku ešte o štyri pozície. Finišmanka Czaková sa dokonca dostala na 12. miesto, lenže potom prišiel trest za porušenie chodeckého štýlu a trojminútová nútená zastávka.
    „Žiaľ, rozhodcovia neodviedli dobrú robotu, lebo Marika mala oddychovať o kolo skôr. Nechápem, prečo ju do trestnej zóny neposlali, keď mali, ale až o kolo neskôr. Viacerí sme sa však zhodli, že technicky Miro s Marikou nešli tak zle, aby boli napomínaní červenými kartami,“ hneval sa Úradníkov osobný kouč Martin Pupiš.
    Servítku pred ústa si nedával ani Czakovej tréner. „To, čo rozhodcovia predviedli, je neskutočné,“ krútil hlavou Matej Spišiak. „Marike nemám čo vyčítať. Bola pripravená perfektne, predviedla dve výborné desiatky, pričom druhú vyslovene vypúšťala, lebo nechcela riskovať, čo nebolo nutné. Mrzí nás to, ako to dopadlo, lebo by to bolo špičkové umiestenie podporené výborným výkonom.“
    Článok prevzatý z SOŠ

  13. Like
    Jan Linha reacted to phelps in Athletics WA Team Race Walking World Championships 2024   
    1 pair per Nation + the 5 best "2nd pair" from 5 Nations 
    in total, max 22 pairs
  14. Like
  15. Like
    Jan Linha got a reaction from Adriano in Shooting ISSF Rifle & Pistol Final World Olympic Qualifier 2024   
    Yeah thank you. Now we have to rely more individual quotas. We did not qualify any team, there is still chance for a woman's rugby team but it will be hard. Now let's hope we have more individual quotas and 2 or 3 relay teams in athletics. Would be pity to have the smallest team in history for the Paris games. Chief or our mission said he counting the number somewhere between 80-120. Big range 😀😀
  16. Like
    Jan Linha got a reaction from Adriano in Shooting ISSF Rifle & Pistol Final World Olympic Qualifier 2024   
    Thanks, also hoping for Rampula do qualify. Anyways was thinking how about the US team as they have already selected Sanderson for the Olympic team despite Henry Leverett earned the quota. Let's see how the final goes. 
  17. Like
    Jan Linha got a reaction from copravolley in Shooting ISSF Rifle & Pistol Final World Olympic Qualifier 2024   
    Thanks, also hoping for Rampula do qualify. Anyways was thinking how about the US team as they have already selected Sanderson for the Olympic team despite Henry Leverett earned the quota. Let's see how the final goes. 
  18. Like
    Jan Linha got a reaction from Josh in Shooting ISSF Rifle & Pistol Final World Olympic Qualifier 2024   
    50m Rifle - 3 Positions 
    There are 5 shooters in the final who already earned the quota. So 2 quota places will be decided between  Ole Martin Halvorsen,  Michael Bargeron and  Jan Lochbihler 
  19. Wow!
    Jan Linha got a reaction from Adriano in Shooting ISSF Rifle & Pistol Final World Olympic Qualifier 2024   
    50m Rifle - 3 Positions 
    There are 5 shooters in the final who already earned the quota. So 2 quota places will be decided between  Ole Martin Halvorsen,  Michael Bargeron and  Jan Lochbihler 
  20. Like
    Jan Linha reacted to hckošice in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2024   
    well, let´s wait for the exit medical exams first to be official, I mean, he missed a couple of training sessions throughout the season but in other hand since he played all 82 matches his health can not be so bad, and this post looks promising
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    Jan Linha reacted to hckošice in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Olympic Houses   
    House will be in La Vilette









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    Jan Linha reacted to Rafa Maciel in Track Cycling Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Yes they do and I expect them to take Kwesi Browne as their second rider. 
    In order to be eligible for selection the rider has to have gained at least 10 UCI points in a qualifying event - '23 & '24 Nations Cup events, '23 World Champs and '23 and '24 Continental Champs
  23. Sad
    Jan Linha reacted to Fran-UDA in Athletics Qualification to Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024

  24. Like
    Jan Linha reacted to Olympicsnell in Track Cycling UCI Nations Cup 2024   
    is everyone else aware this is free to watch on youtube, starts 11.30pm GMT
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