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Jan Linha

Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Tak se nám to rozrůstá!! Včera plavec Kozubek a pravděpodobně štafeta, dnes lukostřelkyně Marie Horáčková ???
  2. Amazing story for Marie Horáčková. Her mom Barbora represented Czech at the Beijing Olympics but passed away 3 years ago. Her daughter follows her footsteps and I am pretty sure it's gonna be her to be names for the Olympic squad!!
  3. This should be a list of qualified archers, right? If I am right, 7 archers qualify in men's event, right?
  4. Bro, I cheer for her so much!! She deserves it so much! Just one step? I believe in her??
  5. In my opinion, ITF will refuse. I have seen how strict they are regarding this Davis Cup participation. It is not about refusing or not getting a chance in my opinion. I wish it to young Klein very much. But I am afraid of ITF's reaction. It kinda surprises me that he did not choose Zelenay.....
  6. Gael Monfils is also not going to participate the Olympics ..... David Goffin is currently also considering the withdrawal. Currently we have 6 tennis players who already withdrew from the Olympics ....
  7. Tak to vypadá, že bychom v atletice mohli vyslat na OH 2 štafety, což by byla pecka!! Samostatná Česká republika nikdy neměla na OH více než 1 štafetu a pokaždé to byla ženská štafeta 4x400m. Věřím, že nakonec pojede mužská 4x400 i mix. Ženské to v Kluži uniklo cca o sekundu, což je škoda, protože další příležitost asi už nebude. A mužská 4x100 je také velmi blízko, potřebovali by stáhnout cca 2 desetiny z českého rekordu. 2x se jim to již téměř povedlo. Obávám se, že už ale další příležitost štafet nebude .... Ale počkejma na víkend a uvidíme ....
  8. For Hammer it is too far and for Javelin, it is not the Olympic standart So wondering which event is that.....
  9. Josef Černý gave up the Olympics as he made a deal with he pro team to focus on Vuelta. .... For me personally it is a dissapointment. Don't remember any Czech cyclist giving up Olympics cause of focus on one of the major races. He reasoned that his contract finishes by the end of the season and during Vuelta he should fight for his contract extension. Honestly, even without Vuelta he would get a nice offer from his team or any other team anyways ....
  10. Yeah, Czech media said the finish board did not notice him hitting it. Czech team open a dispute and it was accepted. Matěj Kozubek has been placed back to results to 13th place and earned the Tokyo quota.
  11. For me definitely Churandy Martina . The way he got DSQ from silver at the Beijing 2008 was just not right. He will surely be the one I will be chearing for the most, except fellas, of course??
  12. I am pretty sure this was coaches decision. Nothing to do with officers. Look, Czech helped Germany to get mixed relay to the Olympics. But 4x100 Czech has not qualified yet. Germany has. Maybe German athletes maybe come over next weekend to help out during the very last opportunity. I guess this might been the idea of cooperation ?
  13. Well, yes, they are in Cluj this weekend. But most B-team ahtletes are as a reserve. This is B and C team combined. ... Well, we were happy to help. Hope to be together in Tokyo in one month ?
  14. Damn it?. I hope stays on the qualified spot after running national record 3:14,84 min last weekend ??
  15. Yeah, that is what I meant. Should be 14 in total.... But in the live stream they shew only results of TOP 10 and no more .....
  16. Anybody results? The result coverage was pretty bad!!
  17. Yeah, well, many sports have cut a lot the total number of qualified athletes in recent years. That is also the reason. We were also hoping for more. Currently we have 70 spots and hoping for about 100. But it will be tough to reach this number. Depends whether basketball team makes the cut in the qualifier in Canada. Let's hope. Couple more weeks to go.
  18. Jaky ty technicke discipliny jsou docela podelavka no .... Vrhy maji jem 4 pokusy.... Nejvic me bavi, jak si funkcionari mysli, ze to udelaji atraktivnejsi a oni takto zjebou ??
  19. Well, the qualification period in all sports is finishing. We will be seeing many changes and reallocations probably every day. I am really happy for every and who qualify. I always for both counties the same. Will be nice to see some Slovak tennis players. As you know, Olympic tournament is always unpredictable. So let's see??
  20. Sure ,I know. That is what I meant. Gombos will surely play singles. As I guess there will be more withdrawals, he won't miss the singles tournament. As for doubles, I guess as @hckošicesaid, Polášek will most likely choose Igor Zelenay ?
  21. Hele ne nutně ve stejný termín. Navic nektere slabsi zeme maji spolecny sampionat vice zemi. Myslim, ze dost zemi ma narodni sampionat ted o vikendu. Budes koukat na Kluž? Hele myslim, ze stafeta na repce nebude. Ale teoreticky by ji mohli vypsat, pokud by se v Kluži nezadarilo. Myslim si, ze ji mohou vypsat, ale nesezenou konkurenci krome te domaci .... Plavco ,tam pribudou 2 jmena do zenske stafety s B limitem prave na zaklade MČR tento vikend. O limit poplave par lidi, jako treba Tomas Franta nebo Sebastian Luňák, kteri maji navic velkou sanci byt nominovani na zaklade B limitu. Plavani je lepsi nez jsem cekal, vypada, ze bychom mohli mit i 10 nebo vice plavcu. Snad? Basketaci uvidime no. Vcera prohra s Nemeckem, hruza. Ale je to priprava. Zadnej stres. Dulezite bude jak zahraji pristi vikend .... Budeme fandit. Za me tak 50/50
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