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Jan Linha

Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Máme tu další 3 místenky do Tokya - seznam nominovaných a potencionálních nominovaných byl aktualizován!! 1) Horská kola - žebříček uzavřen. V ženách máme 1 místo. Ranking je vyrovnaný mezi Terezou Tvarůžkovou a Jitkou Čabelickou. Za mě, myslím si, že pojede Jitka. Mezi muži jsme skončili na 8. místě, což je bohužel první místo pro závodníky bez vyšší kvóty, takže také jednu kvótu. Nedá se očekávat, že by nějaká země odřekla, takže nejspíš pojede reprezentovat jen Ondřej Cink, který byl na posledních dvou závodech SP vždy čtvrty. 2) Plavec Jan Čejka se pochlapil. Poté, co mu posledně unikl olympijský limit o 0,01 sekundy na 200m znak, tak dnes na ME v Budapešti to v rozplavbě konečně pokořil. Časem 1:56,66 min splnil A limit téměř o sekundu a stává se tak 3. mužským zástupcem v plavání.
  2. ECH 2021 - Budapest JAN ČEJKA - 200 m Backstroke - 1:56,66 min - A standart
  3. Double Olympic medalist in ice hockey Jussi Jokinen has retired from ice hockey at the age of 38 after spending last 3 season back home in Finland.
  4. This decision would be super mean towards those athletes who could actually participate without DNS mark. I feel how big disaster is it for but nobody would fight in their country against government decision. They just have to live with it. must consider the situation and reallocate the quota.....
  5. Fajn, že Češi mají kvóty do horských kol, ale 1 místenka v mužském i ženském závodě je zklamání. O to více, když muži skončili v olympijském žebříčku osmí, méně 50 bodů za 7 Německem, která získalo 2 kvóty ?. Na druhou stranu Ondřej Cink bude patřit k širšímu okruhu favoritů na medaili ??
  6. lost second Olympic quota to Germany by less than 50 points????. So in male competition will be probably just Ondřej Cink, but also as one an adept for Top 10 and possibly a black horse of the cross country race? ??
  7. media has confirmed that no spectators will NOT be allowed throughout the whole championships. According to the news government was considering to allow spectators during play off but this possibility has been declined as well at the beginning of this week. .... Well, this championships will be really special for everyone, especially the players ......
  8. ECH - Budapest Barbora Seemanová - 50m Freestyle - 24,69 s - NR It is her 3rd distance where she qualified ??
  9. Well, I don't think there will be many reallocations in rowing. There are not that many secured spots for so if they refuse, there will be reallocations but I suppose this counts mostly for single sculls or double sculls.
  10. Yeah, tell me about that. When I told my wife, she was not very happy about that :-D ...... Btw are you chinese citizen? I noticed by your name. I am from but I have lived in since 2015.
  11. Veleúspěšná olympijská kvalifikace v Lucernu. Na olympijské hry se probojovala posádka lehovážného dvojskifu Miroslav Vraštil a Jiří Šimánek, kteří patřili před závody mezi největší favority na postup. Vyhráli rozjížďku i semifinále. Ovšem ve finále pořádně zahráli na nervy. Drželi 4. místo ještě v polovině trati. 500 metrů před cílem byli třetí o téměř jednu loď za postupem. Ale opět předvedli heroický finiš, kterým jsou proslulí a i díky tomu, že čínské posádce došly síly, se dokázali kvalifikovat do Tokya. Ještě větší úspěch slaví Kuba Podrazil s Honzou Cincibuchem. Poté, co Kuba se chtěl pokusit o nominaci do Tokya s Ondrou Synkem, což nakonec nedopadlo kvůli špatnému výsledku na ME, se dal narychlo do kupy s Honzou, který na ME soutěžil až ve finále C na skifu. Což se ovšem ukázalo, těmto dvěma to neskutečně sedí. Po 5. pozici na světovém poháru dokázali na olympijské kvalifikaci v Lucernu vyhrát jak rozjížďku, tak i semifinále. Ve finále dlouho vedli a jen těsně před finišem je předjeli Rusové. Smutnit nemuseli, protože si i tak zajistili postup na hry pod 5 kruhy. A to i přesto, že spolu jezdí sotva měsíc!! Klobouk dolů pánové! Super úspěch!
  12. I am super happy for M2x .... Jakub Podrazil wanted to compete in M2x alongside Ondřej Synek (3 times Olympic medalist in M1x) but after unsuccessful ECH 2021 they broke up. So Podrazil made a crew with Jan Cincibuch who is "the second" single sculls competitor in Czech. Rowing together for less than a month, they successfully made it to Tokyo. That is really incredible story. Nobody would believe they would make if they asked when they started. Really great job!
  13. Yeah, that was incredible. Šimánek & Vraštil are known for their strong finish but when I saw them on 1500m, I was a bit loosing hope. But the finish was incredible. Also chinese crew kinda froze within last 200m.
  14. God damn it, the world rowing site keeps breaking down. Since first heat M4X I have been able to reload .....
  15. I am not sure whether it is only me but on world rowing website, I cannot load anything. Live tracker, schedule, results. It always shows only main sponsors and nothing else. Tried computer and phone. All the same. Anybody having the same problem?
  16. South Korea did great job not only by naturalizing some players but also making a strong team. 7 foreign players cannot make a good strong team. If you read about current chinese national team or at least list of those trying to make chinese national team, many of them are foreigners who were given the exception to hold 2 citizenships (China normally does not allow this) and trying to make the national team. What I checked last time, there are many naturalized Canadians and Russian. But as far as I know, none of them made it to any major league. So I guess they may be some kind of village league players which is surely enough for chinese national team but surely not enough for WCH division A or Olympic tournament. China has promised some stuff they will achieve before the Olympics but nothing happened. In my opinion, IIHF and COC must make some kind of deal about it. Otherwise, it will be a huge shame for the whole country. At least chinese people would feel a big shame about. They have way more chances in other sports. That is where they should focus during the upcoming Olympics. And they should leave ice hockey to those who can actually play and deserve to play around the rings way more than some unskilled chinese players or naturalized village league foreign players.
  17. That is great! Cheering for you, brothers Slovaks !!!! Btw, the same or similar I can say about Sprint Canoe. The system has been very great since 2012 when we took first medal after a long time. Unfortunately generation change and our K4 did not make it to the Olympics. And it also seems that ladies are on the rise. Denisa Řáhová in canoe and Anežka Paloudová in kayak and the youngsters are also building 2 and 4 women/men boats. Hopefully, it will be even more interesting regarding Paris. As for current qualified boats. K1 1000 - Dostál, K2 1000 - Dostál/Šlouf, C1 1000 - Fuksa. C2 1000 - Fuksa/Fuksa. I believe all boats have a great potencial for Final A in Tokyo and fight for medal.
  18. Bro, you have 5 boats in final in total. I mean, you must make at least one boat qualified ???. This Gamjager girl looks good!
  19. After 4th race. I dare to say 90% sure that the quota will go to
  20. Agreed. But you can see how fear is playing with people's opinions...
  21. Interesting theory. As I said above, China take prepare for such event in a very short time. Just Chinese government would most likely be against opening borders. They would probably allow only those with biological passport which is still in process of making...
  22. Agreed on this. Was thinking of London, too. But logistically impossible. We got around 70 days to go..... As for China. They would definitely love to accept as I know them. They are able to prepare such event in a very short time. Big problem is the covid situation and government would most likely not open the borders....
  23. Well, I just wanted to bring a bit funny topic instead of sharing how much are Japanese against the Games...... ???
  24. Let's start a bit crazier discussion ??. What would you guys say about venue change for the 2021 Summer Olympics. If so, where it may happen? ??.
  25. Nádhera!! Obrovská gratulace!!! Nakonec budete ve všech kategoriích. Vždy je nesmírně náročné bojovat jen o 1 místenku. Velká gratulace!!
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