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Jan Linha

Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Live stream for today. COURT 1 COURT 2
  2. According to the manager of Therese Johaug, she will participate in a meeting in Oslo this weekend in order to try to accomplish A Standart for Tokyo 2020 in the 10.000 m run ... Would be nice having multiple Olympic and world champion in cross country skiing in the athletics competition in Tokyo. She also said if she reaches the standard she would have to decide whether participate or not as she has also been preparing for the Olympic Games in Beijing.
  3. Guys, I think the topic of competing for another nation has already been here several times so I guess it is pointless to talk about and just learn to accept it. There can be multiple reasons why somebody changes a nationality. But if you look at Russians or people from Asian Russian speaking countries like , etc, there surely change the nationality cause there is way higher competition nationwide or they are looking for better conditions as we all know what conditions they are offered in those countries. I was also sad when freestyle skier Matěj Švancer swicthed his nationality to and probably going to Beijing 2022 and he is promissing to get one of the medals. But that is something we have to accept. If the "strong" Russian joins your country, you are surely happy that the person gets to compete under your flag and may get successful under your flag. Even though he/she is not originally your country born. These people also usually get some connections in your country - later they probably work there, they may find a life partner there, learn the language and accept the country as a new home. I think all these things are connected with this. And I fully respect that. does not have any naturalized wrestlers, I know only about 1 figure skater by now who qualified in Pairs competition for Beijing 2022 alongside her Czech partner. But I respect that. Such as I respect that our athletes who have to fight the fact of some athletes being naturalized by other countries when they have to defeat them in the competition ......
  4. Velká gratulace pro Borise a také Lubomíra s Barborou!!!! 3 místenky potvrzené během 1 dne pecka!!!!
  5. Congrats bro, he deserved it. I watched Salkazanov and honestly he was better. He should have been there. Nice job from Boris!! ..... Slovenskooooooo, Slovenskoooooo ey ya ey ya ey ya Slovenskoooo!!!!???
  6. Today 100% successful. All boats in the semifinal ?????
  7. How many screen can operate in your room? ???
  8. Jojo, budeme doufat! Navíc nyni doufame, ze bude oficialne potvrzen i David Jessen v muzskem zavode. Kubansky gymnasta Laurdet netrenuje a ohlasil, ze do Tokya nepojede, takze jeho misto by melo pripadnout dalsimu v poradi, coz je David Jessen. Jeste ale cekam na oficialni potvrzeni!
  9. Damn it.... Dilemma. Stay awake and watch or not ???. I have CEST +6 but early morning work???
  10. Semis are tomorrow, right?
  11. very well Makoev and Salkazanov!!! One match from the Olympics!!!!
  12. Salkazanov and Makoev .... wish them all the best to qualify! They need two more matches!!! @hckošice
  13. Com'on Salkazanov !!!! Two more matches!!
  14. Already qualified? I know there should be 14 mixed relays qualified from the ranking. But it has not been closed yet. The qualification period is still on......
  15. According to this article. Japan has refused one host country quota and Manrique Larduet as well. Which means that Sofus Heggemsnes and David Jessen got the re-allocation quota. Can anybody confirm that?
  16. Well, I am pretty sure there was a Slovakian competitor in the preliminary entries. Cause I was checking whether Czech has already anyone competing in diving :-D :-D ..... Weird that she is not in the results, not even as DNS. I just cannot remember the name and cannot find the preliminary entries PDF again .....
  17. What the hell happened to Gelle? I remember him competing against Dostál and nearly beating him at one WCH or ECH .....
  18. OK, just checked the results ....... I am pretty sure there was one in the preliminary entries but none in the results .....
  19. Bro, you have a female diver at the current Diving World Cup in Tokyo :-P .... Are you sure she cannot get a quota for Slovakia? :-)
  20. Ano, máš pravdu. Je to náročné. Zlomená noha není sranda. Mám obavu, že pokud pojede, bude muset být pod injekcemi. No, uvidíme. Každopádně ji přeji brzké uzdravení a uvidíme, zda to vyjde do Tokya nebo ne :-) nemá doufám žádné zraněné sportovce, kteří se již nominovali nebo mají velkou šanci se nominovat?
  21. Tak gymnastky máme, ale ne tak dobré. A pokud se nepletu, tak nominace v gymnastice je na jméno ne na kvotu, takže by museli leda místenku odříct. Co sama Aneta prohlásila, tak nosí dlahu (ani nemá sádru) a od příštího týdne bude zpět v tělocvičně a připravovat se. Prý je možné se připravit na OH. Dle doktorů je to prý možné. Takže nyní Aneta, doktoří i trenéři budou dělat vše možné, aby to Aneta stihla :-) ... Jasně, ne medaili by to určitě nebylo, ale už jen účast na OH je pecka a kdo ví, kde bude Aneta za 4 roky. Takže chce jít do rizika a buď to vyjde nebo ne ...... Podobně jako moderní pětibojař Vlach, který si poranil rameno a byl asi před 10 dny na operaci. Ale taky by měl vše stihnout, i když teda vypadne na tuším 2-3 týdny z tréninku.
  22. Damn it. Sorry, my bad. I thought Satková took the spot after winning the ECH but Fišerová eventually took silver at the same competition and secured her spot. You are right. I mean, yeah. I my opinion, apart from Rohan who used to be kinda unstable but got way better since 2019 and secured his spot (a bit surprise for me) I think Kudějová, Prskavec and Fišerová, all are possible contestants to win a medal. And after a "disaster" for Czech C2 Kašpar/Šindler attacking gold and turned over 4 or 5 gates before the finish and Kudějová missed the medal just by a little. ..... I truly hope there will be more than 1 medal for Czech from water slalom :-P
  23. have decided already through the series of qualification races in the Czech Cup. They also counted WCH and ECH results in it. As far as I know, our squad should be K1M - Jiří Prskavec (hopefully hot contestant for gold?) C1M - Lukáš Rohan (following dad's steps, who had 2 OG medals in C2) K1W - Kateřina Kudějová C1W - Gabriela Satková No changed in internal quali have been announced so I guess it remains the same?
  24. I understand what you mean. Well, generally, both would fit well. Zhu Ting occupies many advertisements here in China, on the other Wu Jingyu - dont know about any. Zhu Ting is more publically known. It's true that she may win this "contest" as the whole nation knows her. Let's see.
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