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Jan Linha

Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Jan Linha

  1. This game was a huge shame from the referees. Felt dissapointed when one of them was from . Anyways, I did not really thr second 5+20? The Czech reporters were also confused. Don't tell me it was the spitting part..... Live results says spearing. But did not see him doing that at all ....
  2. Amber Hill earns the Olympic ranking quota for sure. No matter of her result today, she's got it. But if she earns the quota today in the final, then I am not sure who is next in line for the Olympic ranking quota.
  3. I would also guess that it might the best team in second place. But we still have at least half an year for the final decision. As for China, I think they will also consider the reflection on their country in a political way. As I said, there would be a lot of critics from public if for example China lost to Canada even just 0:11. Of course, from IOC would be fair if they did reallocate their quota to a better team. But China has been trying to improve and I think if they saw that the Olympic Games matches would have ended up bad, they might even withdraw the quota themselves. Chinese people are very proud but I believe this move would also make a difference as they are trying to be more world friendly. I am really curious how this topic ends.
  4. also mentioned they wanna naturalize some foreign players. But I am pretty sure that most of the citizens would critsize this step. Because China's government would be playing against their own rules/laws. In other words, they are too proud to do this. And with locals, they haven't developed enough in ice hockey to face the world best teams. They need at least one more generation. That is why I think the quota should belong to another country. For me, is playing amazing games at WCH this year, but already failed to qualify due to very unexpected loss against . Well, let'ss how this goes .....
  5. I truly hope IOC has enough common sense and based on their "progress" within past few won't let them participate and reallocate the quota to the country that really deserves to play the Olympic tournament.
  6. Well, when I get back to Czech Republic some day (probably in 2023) , we should definitely meet, have "a few" :-D :-D and talk about hockey :-D :-D
  7. Don't overestimate us :-D :-D .... P.S. I think we could have this conversation for eternity :-D
  8. Well, I would not underestimate your roster. Look at the Czech roster from WCH 2010 and what they were able to achieve! As far as I remember, there were 15 withdrawals from NHL players and there were bunch of player from home extraliga. And playing against big stars from NHL. Let's see.
  9. Bro, some foreign news were publishing that Czechs are the contenders No.1 to win the gold. Especially after those home tournament games where we defeated all , and ... And look at the WCH. We even had to play OT to win against Belarus. With this performance, we are not even making quarterfinals. has 9 points even after playing .... I am nearly certain you guys are making it to 1/4 finals and since we can only guess who else will make it there, since play offs, anything can happen. I watch your game against and I have liked anyone's game at this WCH more than game. Com'on guys!!! Wish you good luck.
  10. True??. As for now, I think is a big favourite to win one of the medals. Not lost any point yet, so let's see. I wish you guys made it and won the medal cause team does not play much better than and this year ??
  11. Freaking great game from !!!! Absolutely deserved victory.
  12. Russian goal was not regular. The hand pass in front of the blue line - wrong decision by the referees!!!!!
  14. The French fella totally froze. He was kinda secure on 5th or 6th position and it looked that David will finish last. But last 2 shots for the French guy meant only 19.5 points and fell behind David by 0,1 point. Lucky for , we have already 6th spot for male shooting and 8th in total!
  15. And honestly, would not be surprised if did not make it to the quarterfinals ???
  16. I think we are going to experience very interesting quarterfinal games. I think there will be some teams qualified which noone would expect before the WCH started ???. And possibly even some strong teams playing to save their asses from being downgraded to Divison 1 ?
  17. Výborně!!! TEREZA HROCHOVÁ a její první kariérní maraton a hned limit do Tokya! Obrovské překvapení! Obrovská gratulace!!!
  18. Leihaberg Radmarathon Tereza Hrochová - Marathon Women - 2:29:06 - A Standart It was her very first career marathon ???
  19. If I am not mistaken.... If Larduet does not go to Tokyo, next reallocation should go to David Jessen ...
  20. Curling Mixed Doubles World Championships 2021 Aberdeen - 17-23 May 2021 Curling at the Summer Olympic Games 2022 - Mixed Doubles Tournament Canada (2 Quotas) Great Britain(2 Quotas) Italy (2 Quotas) Sweden (2 Quotas) Switzerland (2 Quotas) Norway (2 Quotas) Czech Republic (2 Quotas)
  21. Hell yeah!!!! took the final spot for Beijing 2022!!!!!
  22. VÝBORNÝ ÚSPĚCH V CURLINGU! Manželská dvojice Tomáš a Zuzana Paulovi dnes na MS smíšených dvojic porazili v přímém souboji o postup na ZOH do Pekingu USA 8:6 a díky 7. místu se přímo kvalifikovali na OH příští rok!!! Poprvé v historii se tak český curling objeví pod 5 kruhy!!!
  23. For my entire career, I have not seen worse end of the game from than today. .... They obviously still have many things to improve but loose the game 19sec before the end of the 3rd period cause of "change mistake" or I would say laziness because they already saw themselves in the OT .....
  24. You got live results? I could not even find those .....
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