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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. So, one step is achieved, thanks to confirmations from Iran and Malta we have now 31 participating countries in this edition
  2. Some news from last days: Czech Republic and Montenegro confirmed their particiaption in 2018 contest, while Kosovo will not debut in the contest. Still is unknown if will take part in next edition, despite this that deadline passed two weeks ago. And very fresh news: Laura Groeseneken from is first selected artist for upcoming contest
  3. How bad results from Mateusz Polaczyk And wow, we have a women in C1
  4. Yes, I forgot about Montenegro, maybe @ChandlerMne will compete this time if we will ask him, competing in Open contest is "easeir" as we can choose song even from 1900 year and older . I would want wake up in one day, when all missing countries would return to the contest bring total number of participating nations to 50.
  5. Ukraine take part only once, at first contests Also since long time we don't see anymore at the contests such countries like Lebanon, Guyana, Egypt and also lately we didn't have noone from Spain, Colombia and Turkey
  6. @Swewi where you are? You wanted take part in the contest, here is it
  7. Finally after all those "x" years Estonia come back to the contest And welcome for the first time Uruguay
  8. If I good readed all our boats advanced to next rounds from today races
  9. Also @AtleNal707 and @Ruslan wasn't mentioned before, they could compete too.
  10. Macedonia just confirmed their participation
  11. I heard that for the first time since "x" years coach of this team will be any Polish coach... I don't like this idea at all, seeing what Polish coaches did with women's team.
  12. According some sources in 3 days from now will be end of the world, once again
  13. @VolleyRuller96 Ferdinando De Giorgi lost his work as coach of Polish men's national team.
  14. Some other regular participatians are missing too as @Werloc @hckosice @justony @mihamiha @Finnator123 @Ionoutz24 @kungshamra71
  15. Bulgaria will compete in 2018 contest.
  16. Last year champions in Davis Cup Argentina lost in play-offs against Kazakhstan and are relegated to American Zone I
  17. [hide] Knockout Round September 9th - September 17th, 2017 16 Nations, Round of 16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match Bronze Medal Match Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 September 17th 2017, h. 17:00, Sinan Erdem Dome, Istanbul Spain 10 Russia Gold Medal Match Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 September 17th 2017, h. 21:30, Sinan Erdem Dome, Istanbul Slovenia 6 Serbia [/hide]
  18. After winning "only" silver in Men's Volleyball European Championships
  19. Italy and Slovenia confirmed their participation in 2018
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