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  On 3/2/2020 at 8:28 PM, Olympian1010 said:

Any Klobachar will drop out of the race in order to give Biden a better chance on Super Tuesday. I hate that the party is going to try everything they can to fix this election for Biden. Progressives can’t ever get anything in this country. Thank the powers that be for California.



Or maybe the 2 just understand that they can't win and won't risk the same as the GOP 4 years ago when internal fighting really helped Trump?

Sure some forces in the party (and very possibly Biden's campaign as well) has most likely pushed for it but really?


Bernie is an outsider who only sees himself as a democrat when running for president. It's part of the mechanism to be wary of such and really not of the first worries for the US democracy. 

Don't get me wrong, the DNC are nowhere near great democrats, but the drop-outs aren't really that unusual to a democratic movement.

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  On 3/1/2020 at 9:55 AM, hckosice said:

All votes counted.


65.80 % attendance. which is really a pretty big amount in Slovak perspective.



6 Parties will be in the parliament.


Hard luck for the liberal/Antifaschist coalition Progresivne Slovensko/Spolu (Progressive Slovakia/Together) they earned 6.97 % (but as a coalition the threshold to enter the parliament is 7 %) so they will miss the parliament and expected governement coalition by 0.03 % :facepalm:



The 6 parliament parties will be :


1. OĽANO (Ordinary peoples and independent personalities)  25.03 % 

the new winner (probably a european or even worldwide exception, since it is not a standard political party but a movement of different peoples fighting against the corrupted previous ruling party who was linked to the mafia and oligarchs)

2. Smer-SD (Direction-Social Democracy)  18.29 %

(Long time ruling party, they governed our country the last 12 years  but the recent cases of corruption, and especially the murder of investigative journalist and his fiancee which was revealed to be orderd by a oligarch linked to the former leader of this party)

3. Sme Rodina (We are Family)  8.24 % 

(Populist right-center oriented party, led by a millionaire who is quite famous in "Gossip" for having around 10 kids with I don´t know 5-6 different womens)

4. ĽSNS (Peoples Party Our Slovakia)  7.97 %  :cry:

(The Marian Kotleba´s notoriously unfamous Neo-Nazi party)

5. PS/Spolu  (Progressive Slovakia/Together)  6.97 %

(Ultra Liberal and Antifaschist coalition) Sadly as coalition they had to reach 7 % to enter the parliament, they missed it by incredible 0.3 %

6. SAS (Freedom and Solidarity)  6.22 % 

(Moderated Liberal, Right-Center party)

7. Za Ľudí  (For the Peoples)  5.77 %

(Liberal party of the former president Andrej Kiska)



Important to notice also that for the first time ever since the independence there will not be any Hungarian Minority party in the parliament !!!

MKO-MKS Hungarian Coalition finished 9th with 3.90 % and Most-Hid finished 13th wth only 2.03 %


Also the Slovak National Party SNS finished far behind the 5% threshold, (interesting enough the Kotleba´s Nazis sickheads are the only nationalistic party in this parliament now, and there were 5 different far right/nationalistic parties entering the elections)






The Parliament seats distribution (remember there 150 seats, so the majority is 76)


Possible very likely coalition

OĽANO - 53, SAS - 13, ZA ĽUDÍ - 12  + maybe SME RODINA - 17


SMER-SD - 38 + maybe SME RODINA - 17 + maybe (not likely anyone will work with them) ĽSNS - 17









and it´s official, Slovakia will have new government, 12 years of the SMER-SD reign is finally over ! :clap:


The president of the republic Zuzana Čaputová just a few minutes ago officially designated Igor Matovič (Leader of the parliamentry elections winning party OĽANO) to form the new government as new prime minister.




Our government will be a coalition of 4 parties OĽANO, Sme Rodina, SAS and Za Ľudí.


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It’s Super Tuesday! I haven’t been this excited about an election ever. Hoping for a big win for two candidates I believe in, and big ass lose for the two I don’t. 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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  On 3/3/2020 at 6:30 PM, Olympian1010 said:

It’s Super Tuesday! I haven’t been this excited about an election ever. Hoping for a big win for two candidates I believe in, and big ass lose for the two I don’t. 



Are you registered for the Democratic pre-elections? It's not that anybody can vote in the primaries, is it?!

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