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Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Sports Programme

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1 minute ago, hckosice said:

Jeez, we really have now to start working on that extreme kayaking :lol:

You mean MCSLX and WCSLX?


Could almost pass for a roman calendar.


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Sports Climbing gets 2 events per gender and 34 quotas per gender :d


My guess is 16 in Speed, 18 in Combined Lead & Boulder

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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13 minutes ago, dcro said:

"Credibilitiy and use of technology" was officially cited as one of the reasons for the 50 km exlusion.


No surprise there. IAAF could have, and should have, done something in this regard.

there's another reason they cut the men's 50km race walk...


Alex Schwazer, after he basically won the process in Italy against him (the judge asked to retire any accusation against him), now is on the way back...


and I can only imagine the embarassment of IOC and WA should (when) they have to give him the gold medal after the next OG triumph...


they can only hope Italian and Swiss burocracy can hold him out from the Tokyo Games (it's gonna be difficult to qualify if he doesn't get reinstated very soon -and he still has to force IOC and WA to lift his 8-year ban -which was going to end before, they solved the problem by cancelling the 50km race walk from Paris 2024 program)...:whistle:

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I'm so mad about 50km race walk is kicked out :mad: 


Extreme canoeing is accepted? And what they did with rowing that this sport lost 24 quotas?

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Sprint canoe only having 10 events will be weird. I have never liked the 200m events all that much so I am not sad about them going away, but I still don't get why K4 500m has to be a thing instead of the usual K4 1000m. For the love of God, change it back!

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This mixed team is a fallacy. How does it give women more events when men are also competing? If you do not want to add athletes, you add events or transfer them over simple as that. Agenda 2020 although successful in some areas, this gender equality is not there. Women are not competing in some events, and men as well. That is not gender equality.

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5 minutes ago, Jur said:

Also, they really dropped the ball wlth no mixed Artistic Swimming.....

They should added this event, to fully gender equality.

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