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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020


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4 minutes ago, Werloc said:







New Zealand 12


Moldova 11


China 10
:IRL Ireland 9
:BRA Brazil 8
:CZE Czech Republic 7
:MLT Malta 6
:GBR Great Britain 5
:FRA France 4
:USA United States 3
:GER Germany 2
:CRO Croatia 1


Concluding Comment:

And 12 points go to mr. I really like 15 songs this year and I think that my song is not even in that top 15 - @Wanderer 2020. Brazil remains the only nation that can boast about getting the Lithuanian 12 points twice.

One additional interesting fact about my voting in this edition. This was the first time that Moldova and China got points from Lithuania and both of them were medal positions.


As well as 4 of the top 6 were non-English.

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Greeting in national language:


Maidin mhaith a chairde.
Tá lúcháir orm a bheith anseo libh arís don chúigiú eagrán déag den chomórtas seo.

Ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a chur in iúl do heywoodu agus an Ísiltír as obair iontach mar óstach.

Bhí sé deacair a shocrú ach gan a thuilleadh moille seo iad na roghanna don ghiúiré na hÉireann….




English translation:


Good morning everyone!

I am happy to be here with you again for the 15th edition of this special competition.

I would like to express my thanks to heywoodu and The Netherlands for their wonderful work as host.

It was difficult to decide but without further ado, these are the choices of the Irish jury....




United States 10
:LTU Lithuania 9
:IND India 8
:CHN China 7
:GBR Great Britain 6
:NZL New Zealand 5
:SLO Slovenia 4
:BRA Brazil 3
:ARG Argentina 2
:MLT Malta 1
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2 hours ago, Werloc said:

Okay, the mandatory: did Lithuania score anything in the craziness that is the Italian jury? :d


@Gianlu33 @SteveParker ? Perhaps you're up.

I give 7 points to Lithuania, but sadly it wasn't enough. I really appreciate the entry :)


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