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[OFF TOPIC] Happy Holidays and Birthdays Thread

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Happy Holidays ☃️ 🌲  Wishing everyone and their families mainly lots of health! We have seen how fragile, that can be in the last 2 years and nothing should be taken for granted. Never stop fighting for the ones and things you love, for the goals you want to achieve and everything will fall in it's place. :) 

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Merry Christmas!

I hope that everyone who celebrates will find a happiness and joy in their lives and will have a great year 2022.

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Merry Christmas to all you who celebrate it.

And if don't - have a good time anyway.


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1 hour ago, Vic Liu said:

Happy new year from somewhere already 2022 and it feels much better than 2021!:beer:

That's what I thought in 2021 about 2020! :lol: 


Happy new year to you as well!


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What are your actual traditions for these days? So not the "People traditionally eat bread and say hello" kind of thing Wikipedia says, but things you actually do and many people in your country actually do (and presumably don't do in other countries) :p


Here one of the big things is listening the 'Top 2000' on one of the radio stations (which people only listen during this time of year for this reason). Started in the year 2000, people vote for their best songs ever and in the end a list of 2000 best songs ever is compiled. They start playing them on the first day of Christmas (25th of December), starting at position 2000, and then go non-stop until the last minutes of the year, ending the year with playing the number one song of all time (usually Bohemian Rapsody) :cheer: 


We're at number 26 at the moment, Metallica's One :woohoo::woohoo:


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