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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2024


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:SVK Slovak Entry :SVK



Team  -  Prievan v peňaženke

(Empty Wallet or literal translation"draught in the wallet")


Time for some retro-Rockl...


One of the most famous pre and post communism fall era, The Bratislava band Team led by its unique and charismatic singer Pavol Habera who was extremely popular during the most important period of our and czech history around the communism end in 1989. His band survived the hard censure of the regime and produced many, many and Many hits in this period.


Nowadays much older the lads are still playing however with slight softening of the original music style. Habera was also quite famous as Simon Cowell-style judge in the czechoslovak version of American Idol in the previous decade.


The song I picked was and is still a sort of a unofficial anthem of young people, I guess the majority of us knew this feeling about having constantly an empty wallet


but, without further ado, here is the 1989 song Prievan v peňaženke from Team, hope some of you will enjoy it



Lyrics :SVK



Treba na to asi mať zvláštny talent
Mať vreckové suchoty neustále
Škoda ďalších slov
Som z tých dobrákov
Čo sú pravidelne bez prachov

Bývam priateľ dôverný s každou bankou
Ale v peňaženke mám stále manko
Iba desiatnik, roky neplatný

Smutný koniec pások výplatných

Prievan v peňaženke stále mám
Strácam kilá bankoviek
Prievan v peňaženke stále mám
Z diaľky počujem ich smiech...

Trojuholník bermudský mám v nej asi
V tomto boji s prírodou nezvíťazím
Mávam nízky tlak, a rovnaký plat
S prázdnym vreckom ako bigbiťák

Prievan v peňaženke stále mám
Strácam kilá bankoviek
Prievan v peňaženke stále mám

Z diaľky počujem ich smiech...

Ja som odborník na všetky meny
Mne sa v peňaženke nič nezelení
Môžeš, kámo, snáď dvacku požičať?
Vrátim ti ju nabudúce rád! (Možno!)

Prievan v peňaženke stále mám
Strácam kilá bankoviek
Prievan v peňaženke stále mám

Z diaľky počujem ich smiech...



Lyrics :GBR


I guess it takes a special talent

To be always running dry with money

No use wasting any more words

I'm one of those soft-hearted folks

Who are always penniless


I'm a faithful friend to every bank

But there's still no cash in my wallet

Just a ten-penny coin,

long time non-valid

The sad end of payslip days


My wallet is always empty
I lose bank notes by the pound
My wallet is always empty
I can hear their distant laughter…


There might be a Bermuda triangle in my wallet
I can’t win this fight against nature
My blood pressure is low and my salary follows suit
My pockets are empty like those of a big-beat fan


My wallet is always empty
I lose bank notes by the pound
My wallet is always empty
I can hear their distant laughter…


I'm the ultimate currency expert

No success in my wallet

Hey, bro ! could you lend me a twenty ?

I'll be happy to return it later!   (Maybe!)


My wallet is always empty
I lose bank notes by the pound
My wallet is always empty
I can hear their distant laughter…

I guess it takes a special talent
To be always running dry with money1
No use wasting any more words
I’m one of those soft-hearted folks
Who are always penniless
I’m a faithful friend to every bank
But there’s still litt
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14 hours ago, NaBUru38 said:

I'm afraid I have little time to vote.

5 minutes to choose a song, and then 3 minutes in every morning to listen to 1 song, same thing at lunch and in the evening, so three times 3 minutes a day, then you've listened all songs and can vote :cool: 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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