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Really, really cool video here :yes:


I didn’t think I’d love this video as much as I did. Really cool behind the scenes. The Olympic Broadcast commentator congratulating the performers at the end is really cool too.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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7 hours ago, phelps said:


point #4 :bowdown:


one of the main factors that lead to world disasters is that people never learn from the mistakes of the past...if only they could give a bit of attention to what happened before them, maybe they would learn how to keep far away from the usual repeated errors...


point #5


I agree on principles, but not at all in how they're put in practice...

not to be forgotten, in many cultures promiscuity is not allowed (I'm not only referring to the well known Religious factors and to the Countries following them strictly)...

so, the mixed events are really discriminatory for part of the audience and part of the competitors themselves...

and the only way to respect that, is to have equal men and women's events, but please, keep the mixed events in the bag...

Some of Mixed Events makes sense though.

Mixed Recurve makes perfect sense to me. No, quota increase and another medal opportunity for archers. Plus, it has a easy to understand and easy to watch format. 

Mixed Relays. Yes, I know they’re hated, but they are also brilliant. They’re are easy to watch and can be fun when a team comes from out of no where to win a medal.


“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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6 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Wait, what. 

When referring to US, which I was using as a what happens scenario when the first 3 points go well.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Just now, JoshMartini007 said:


I don't think history should play a bit part on whether or not an event should be part of the Olympics. Just because it was popular a long time ago does not justify it's inclusion if very few nations participate in it now.


The largest factor should be the nation participation rate at World and Continental Champions and other major events. The Olympic schedule would be quite different if the IOC was remotely strict with their criteria.

For historical point I was more taking about protecting Events that have been around forever like the 50m pistol event. It was popular amongst the shooting community, but taken for way less popular events. (They should have just added women’s 50m pistol for record).


Right, that should be AN important factor, but the as a student of communication, history, marketing, and politics; I have a pretty good understanding of how get people what they want. It’s also about making sure the Olympics stay relevant. It’s about attracting new fans, keeping loyal fans, and bringing back old fans. I’m just saying that there’s better alternatives to the current system. I can a hate a sport, Field Hockey for instance, but still understand why it should be in the Olympics and not let my personal bias get in the way. I might want to replace said sport or event, but I also have to understand and be able to live with the foreseen and unforeseen consequences. As content creator, I know there’s a thin you walk between an amazing product that people you, and a complete crap project that no one will even take a look at. In the end, the Olympics will always be the Olympics to me. Plus, there’s an abundance of other multi-sports games to love. I loved the Pacific Games, but think they could be organized better. I disliked this year’s Pan American Games, but completely understand why many of you have loved them. I would want to foster a love of the event from the loyal fanbase, and really put time and effort into making both the host country and fans happy. It’s not impossible. It just takes effort that some people don’t want to put in. I wholeheartedly believe I could take over the IOC Presidency and do a better job than Bach, but that is my opinion. I could make my case, but it wouldn’t matter because I am not the president of the IOC. He runs the show, so he gets to control audience. Here are few of my biggest grievances with multi-sports games currently:


1) Many of failed to embrace the age of connection. This is a place where the IOC, or at least the OBS, have excelled. They managed during Rio and Pyeongchang to stream every event from every sport. They are maximizing their coverage, and I think they are most likely seeing positive returns. For instance, Artistic Gymnastics is seen as universally popular, but full coverage of that sport only (like at the Pan American Games, Asian Games, Mediterranean, CAC Games, etc.) doesn’t do any favors for a Sailing, Shooting, Archery, Cycling, Climbing fan like myself. So when the IOC, IWGA, or EOC manage to stream every event (and making them accessible for the global audience) they are maximizing their global audience, which should help keep international sports thriving. There’s also something to be said about making full event replays available. I never watched a single event at the 2015 European Games live, but I came across some events right before Rio and I couldn’t stop watching. I feel in love with games because I could watch what I wanted when I wanted to. That type of global reach and permanent mark could increase fandom tenfold. So I would recommend finding creative ways to stream every event, having amazing/catchy theme songs, having awesome stylized graphics, and making sure the streams are available worldwide and forever.

2) I touched on graphics design and cultural appearance right at the end of my first point. If I, as a fan, can become immersed for two weeks in a countries culture; it makes me more likely to pay attention to the games. Opening Ceremonies are hugely important because they can present a positive image, even if fake, of the host country. Baku 2015’s ceremony made me want to visit Azerbaijan for month to take the markets, the history, the architecture, etc. I love feeling like the event is a celebration of life. I makes the whole occasion more joyous. Now, to talk about graphics. On screen graphics from streams so show off a unique, cultural, or artistic look for the games. It should be fresh and something never before seen, or a call back to a much loved design (like Mexico City 1968 for example). Fans show love looking at the graphics. They should feel excited when hearing the theme song, or watching the Broadcast Intro. The more cultural and organizing committee can sell, the more longevity the event will have. You can also overcome a design mistake by hitting my other points well, but it would be difficult.

3) Good Governance At Every Level. I cannot stress this enough. No one wants to watch an event that obviously favors one team, or one athlete, and one region (unless it’s a regional games, than duh). No one wants to watch people give endless praise to the Olympic Fencing Champion from 1976. Governance is just as key to the success of a multi-sports games, just as much as marketing, accessibility, equality, and fun factor. Good Governance helps insure that  the other criteria on my list are meet. It also helps keep a positive image of your event in the worldwide media, which can have an influence on whether or not people care. 

4) Protecting Heritage. Culture runs on memories and traditions. It’s important to protect historic events because they help connect the past and present. A 60 year old might not love watching Parkour or Breaking, but they might live for Tandem Track Cycling. It’s a that balance between old and new that’s oh so important. Events with history make great stories. Newer, more thrilling events help create new ones. It’s all about balance, and not forgetting where you came from. There’s some good lessons the IOC could learn from reading historical texts about past IOC’s. We can adapt to a new future, but we can’t get anywhere without learning from the past. It’s also worth noting that we can learn form historical mistakes to better protect the future of multi-sports events.

5) Equality. The current IOC is all about this point, and they get a lot of distasteful talk from it. Look, women and men are both of the same species, they are scientific differences, but they are both capable of doing similar activities. I think the current IOC is correct to add more and more women’s and mixed events, but they’ve gone about it the wrong way. To grow women’s sport, you have to make people fall in love with it. Women’s soccer would be nothing without determined athletes and organizers. The organizers of the US Women’s World Cup (year slips my mind, sorry) made my country fall in love with women’s soccer. Male soccer is still more popular professionally, but internationally, which is the biggest factor for multi-sports games, the interest is similar between men’s and women’s teams. It’s also a human rights issue, but that argument is never accepted so I’m not even going to bother. I’ll leave you with this; What does a women boxer get out of only watching male boxers in the Olympics. You have just lost potentially 50% of potential worldwide viewership for that sport alone.


Sports are amazing. They do amazing things for humanity. Sometimes the people who run them, just need help getting to the right direction. I think all sorts should be given an equal opportunity to “strut their stuff” in the Olympics. I’d love to see Korfball, Floorball, Oreinteering, Water Ski, or Sumo in the Olympics one day. It just takes time to change. Plus, their should be a cycle. Sport fall out of favor it happens. We take them out of the games, but we give them every resource possible in hopes that they might return one day. 


“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Totallympics Media
On 28/07/2019 at 23:35, heywoodu said:

I'll see if I can write a short Tour de France review if you're interested. 

Sorry, just saw this. Thanks, for the offer though. If any user ever wants to write something as a guest or wants to be a full fledged reporter we have plenty of room on the site. @heywoodu I hope my lateness doesn’t discourage you or other users I’m the future, so sorry about that. We could always use some new writers every now and then. Anyone is welcome.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Here’s my opinion of how how we should determine what sports/events should be Olympic.


1) It’s an historic event that’s been around for a 75+ years (to justify staying in). (To he added) the sport must have been around for at least 50 years or have a ultra popular world tour.

2) It makes a great spectator sport (either in person, or on TV (there should be a balance among the program)

3) The sport meets the IOC participation requirements and goes over them too

4) the event/sport is marketable to audience who’s never seen it

5) the sport should not be ultra expensive.

6) international governance of the sport is at an acceptable standard


Criteria for adding a sport:

1) All the above

2) completely unique from the other sports on the program

3) a good loyal fanbase, or popular amongst younger generations.

4) for a one-off addition: must be popular in the host country

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries
2 minutes ago, Jinzha said:

Definitely agree with Heywoodu that football is the clear most popular sport. Field hockey, cycling and speed skating being the next in line.


It's interesting that note that even in a small country there is clear regional differences. I'd say in the south and west field hockey is the 2nd most popular, in the east volleyball is very popular and speed skating is most commonly done in the north. Korfball and handball are also pretty specific to I-don't-know-where


I also wonder if the current generation of cyclists are going to make it a more popular sport to participate in. There are so many great cyclist both male and female and in all disciplines from bmx to track to road and mountainbike.

What would you make the national sport though. What sport is worth that honor on that list?

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries
20 minutes ago, ofan said:

It's my understanding that baseball is the "de facto" national sport of the US. In fact, very few countries actually have a legislated national sport. 

16–17 based off what I could find. That’s why we’re making our own list for shits and giggles.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries
31 minutes ago, hckosice said:

So for Ice Hockey


trying to make a brief list of countries with Ice Hockey being  #1 in popularity


Countries without hesitating




Countries where it should be #2 or 3




Countries experiencing huge boost of this sport in the country lately




countries with hockey being in top 6




then there a huge gap ahead of :JPN and followed by another enormous abyss ahead of :NOR:LTU:GBR not sure about the situation in :FRA the sport was aiming some important popularity in the last decade, but it looks like it started to experience some declain back after failing to qualify for the Olympics and losing the top division spot this year will certainly not helped a lot as well :(


28 minutes ago, Topicmaster1010 said:

Summary of ice hockey in countries


Ice Hockey is the national sport in:


Ice Hockey is arguably the most popular sport in:


Ice Hockey is also popular in:



Edit: whoops completely missed your prior comment @hckosice

For Finland, based on the stated criteria, I’d argue for Pesapallo over Ice Hockey. I’d also argue for Bobsleigh over Ice Hockey for Latvia.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries
11 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Ah, you're a Frenchman, considering you say you're from where triathlon originated? :p


The Netherlands doesn't really have a national sport. Some candidates and why they may or may not be a national sport:



- Football; like almost anywhere in the world it's by far the most popular sport in terms of viewing numbers, fans, and so on - however, one can hardly call the world's most global sport any country's 'national sport'


- Korfball; obviously the Netherlands has always dominated this to kabaddi-like levels for India, but in reality not many people actually care; the national competition's final is usually live on TV (paid channel nowadays), but that's about it, you won't really see the world championships on TV for example, perhaps a very short bit of highlights of the final.


- Speed skating; by far our most succesful Olympic sport and generally pretty popular (though nowhere near as close as football); usually divided between two sides, one with people who like it and one with people who say it's just for old men; it's on TV pretty often in the winter, but nowhere near as close as the amount of time it had 15 years ago, World Cups are generally not shown live (they are on the public broadcaster's website, not on TV); quite a lot of people own a pair of skates and you'll see a lot of people on the lakes in the rare case they're all frozen, so it might have a chance for being the national sport


- Kaatsen/'Frisian handball'; weird sport practiced in a weird province of the country of which I have no idea how it works and how popular it is over there in reality, rest of the country doesn't give two craps;

Kaatsen was an Olympic demonstration sport in 1928, so I’ve actually heard of that one. I was more familiar with that, before I had even heard of Korfball.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Belle said:

Sweden's national sport is Football. :d

I’d argue for Ice Hockey there...or even Bandy

Edited by Olympian1010

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries
1 minute ago, Nickyc707 said:

Apart from Denmark the UK is also historically a strong European Badminton nation. The All England Championships were regarded as the de facto WC until the late 1970's. It also has a large grassroots social base in this country.


Cricket isn't entirely absent from Europe, e.g. the UK, Ireland and to a lesser degree the Netherlands or the mainland Americas, e.g. Guyana. It's also played in many other countries, e.g. Argentina, Canada and the US. It may not be played at the top level but immigration from the Caribbean and in particular South Asia has actually led to a significant growth in the game at the grassroots level in the US.

Yes, I first saw a game of Cricket in person (it was just a game between friends) on a lawn at the California State University of Fresno of all places.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries
2 minutes ago, Topicmaster1010 said:

Summary of baseball in countries


Baseball is the national sport in:



Baseball is arguably the most popular sport in:



Baseball is also very popular in:



I’d still say Archery and Taekwondo are more popular in Korea than Baseball. The bottom also definitely have sports that would beat baseball out for the title of national sport. Plus, the Bahamas and Canada already have some by law.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries
3 minutes ago, Monzanator said:

Baseball probably profits from being the oldest organized sport in America and before WWII there was this, boxing & horse racing over there? However right now I guess gridiron football is waaaay ahead of the curve. I can argue basketball is more popular than baseball as well? I mean you probably have more Latinos playing in MLB than blacks and NFL & NBA are dominated by black athletes so the color barrier has long fallen. I'm gonna bet preseason football that starts tomorrow beats all MLB viewing numbers alone.

Right, but if you look back on page 3 you can see the model criteria I set down for the list of national sports (as nominated by Totallympics users) I wanted to start. If we go purely off most popular most countries would all share Football as their national sport. I totally agree with what you said, those sports just don’t fit the criteria. Plus, most Americans refer to Baseball as “America's Game” 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries

@bmo I’m assuming you’d have no problems nominating Baseball as our national sport?


Actually, choosing one for the US is quite hard since we invented Baseball (in its current form), Basketball, and American Football (and probably some much lesser known ones). I’d still place my vote for Baseball because it was the first sport to integrate racially, the first to have an ultra popular professional league, and it’s connection to the 4th of July and American national identity.


As for California, I already said our official (by law/decree) state sport is surfing. It makes sense seeing as we have some of the most famous surf spots in the world, and probably the most surfers per capita. I’d personally argue that Cycling, Triathlon, Athletics, or Pickleball be made the official state sport. Beach Volleyball, Volleyball, and Skateboarding would be in contention too. If we were to have an official winter state sport it would most certainly have to be Freestyle Skiing.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries

Alright, we’ll this was a fun little discussion to wake up to this morning. Based off the comments I think we should create another list (National Sports As Nominated By Totallympians). So if you could only choose one sport as your countries national sport what would it be? Some words of advice, try to choose something mildly popular or something that would need cultural protection to survive, choose something with historical or cultural importance in your country, choose something that’s at least developed at the national level, choose something unique.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries

I thought about this topic when I started training for a triathlon today. I was thinking about how my state was the birth place of the sport, but it is neither the state nor national sport. So I thought I’d be cool to here about national sports in your countries. Below the US and California’s “national” sport.


The US has no official national sport, but most people consider Baseball to be the national sport.


California has an official state sport. It is Surfing.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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National Sports of Countries
Posted (edited)

I thought It would be a fun little topic to discuss and compile a list of national sports for all the IOC recognized countries and territories. So below you can (or will in a few days time) find a list of all the NOC’s national sports. If you disagree with your countries national sport and think it should be something else, you can post about that too. Also if you state, region, province, or city has a recognized “national” sport, post about that below, so we start a sub-list of those.



National Sports By Law


Flag Country Sport
:ARG Argentina  Pato 
:BAH Bahamas Cricket
:BAN Bangladesh  Kabaddi
:BHU Bhutan Archery
:BRA Brazil Capoeira
:CAN Canada

Lacrosse/Ice Hockey

:CHI Chile Rodeo
:COL Colombia Tejo 
:MEX Mexico Charrería
:NAM Namibia  Football/Netball/Rugby
:NEP Nepal Volleyball
:PHI Philippines Arnis 
:PUR Puerto Rico Paso Fino
:KOR South Korea Taekwondo 
:SRI Sri Lanka Volleyball
:URU Uruguay Destrezas Criollas



National Sports As Nominated By Totallympics Users


Flag Country User(s) Sport
:BRA Brazil



:CZE Czech Republic @ahjfcshfghb Ice Hockey/Nohejbal
:DEN Denmark @wumo26 Handball
:ENG England



:FRA France 




:HUN Hungary @Vektor Football
:IND India @Shravan Kumar Field Hockey
:ITA Italy @phelps Football
:NED Netherlands @heywoodu Speed Skating
:NZL  New Zealand @Wanderer Rugby
:POL Poland 



Volleyball/Ski Jumping/Speedway

:SVK Slovakia @hckosice Ice Hockey/Nohejbal
:SWE Sweden @Belle Football
:SUI Switzerland @Ustatsch Schwingen
:USA United States @Olympian1010 Baseball


Edited by Olympian1010

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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6 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

It’s called that because my stupid, fat, fucking hands can’t type on this tiny ass keyboard.

It’s worth noting that one of my thumbs is super messed up. Essentially my “friend” bent my thumb back so far in the wrong direction that he tore both sides of the ligament in my thumb. Luckily, We have a very good surgeon in town, and he did a wonderful job on the surgery. However, I never recovered to normal usage of that thumb because I didn’t do enough to help it heal properly. It functions at near 100%, but it’s still pretty delicate. I also now enjoy thumb arthritis at only 18, so I’m looking forward to many more years of that. So sometimes when I make mistakes it’s because the thumb isn’t always working the way I need it to, but hey 19 days of daily blogs should a great thumb workout routine :d

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Just now, heywoodu said:

California is called a 'broader state' because of all the fatsos or what?

It’s called that because my stupid, fat, fucking hands can’t type on this tiny ass keyboard.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Totallympics Media
7 minutes ago, Topicmaster1010 said:

Yes, of course! :d. There may be some mistakes though so feel free to change things up if need be

After the matches tomorrow, I’ll use yours a reference and type another one up while looking at our press information. :thumbup:

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Totallympics Media
40 minutes ago, Topicmaster1010 said:

With competition starting tomorrow, here's the schedule for all of the olympic qualifying events. The schedule contains events that lead to automatic qualification and events that have a chance for qualification. All events are in local time (GMT -5). Enjoy!

Day -2: July 24

13:00: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 1: :PUR Puerto Rico vs. Canada :CAN 

15:30: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 2: :DOM Dominican Republic vs. Peru :PER

18:00: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 3: :ARG Argentina vs. United States :USA

20:30: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 4: :BRA Brazil vs. Cuba :CUB

Day -1: July 25

13:00: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 1: :USA United States vs. Dominican Republic :DOM 

15:30: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 2: :CUB Cuba vs. Puerto Rico :PUR

18:00: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 3: :PER Peru vs. Argentina :ARG

20:30: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 4: :CAN Canada vs. Brazil :BRA 

Day 0: July 26

9:00: Modern Pentathlon- Female Individual Fencing Ranking Round

12:00: Modern Pentathlon- Men Individual Fencing Ranking Round

Day 1: July 27

8:30: Athletics- Men’s Marathon Final

9:00: Shooting- 10m Air Pistol Women Classification

9:30: Athletics- Women’s Marathon Final

11:00: Modern Pentathlon- Female Individual Swimming

11:30: Shooting- 10m Air Pistol Women Final

12:15: Modern Pentathlon- Female Individual Fencing Bonus Round

13:00: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 9: :CUB Cuba vs. Canada :CAN 

13:45: Modern Pentathlon- Female Individual Riding

15:30: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 10: :USA United States vs. Peru :PER 

15:30: Modern Pentathlon- Female Individual Laser-Run

18:00: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 11: :BRA Brazil vs. Puerto Rico :PUR

20:30: Handball- Female Preliminary Match 12: :ARG Argentina vs. Dominican Republic :DOM

Day 2: July 28

9:00: Equestrian- Prix St George/Grand Prix (Team & Individual Qualifier)

9:00: Shooting- 10m Air Pistol Men Classification

9:00: Shooting- Trap Women (75 targets) Classification

9:00: Shooting- 50m Rifle 3 Positions Women Classification

11:00: Modern Pentathlon- Men Individual Swimming

11:30: Shooting- 10m Air Pistol Men Final

12:15: Modern Pentathlon- Men Individual Fencing Bonus Round

13:00: Shooting- 50m Rifle 3 Positions Women Final

13:45: Modern Pentathlon- Men Individual Riding

15:30: Modern Pentathlon- Men Individual Laser-Run

Day 3: July 29

8:30: Equestrian- Intermediate I/Grand Prix Special (Team Final & Individual Qualifier)

9:00: Shooting- Trap Women (50 targets) Classification

9:00: Shooting- Trap Men (50 targets) Classification

9:00: Surfing- Open Surf Main Male Round 1

10:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WA: :ARG Argentina vs. Uruguay :URU 

10:00: Tennis- Men’s Singles (Round of 64)

11:40: Surfing- Open Surf Main Female Round 1

12:00: Artistic Swimming- Duets Technical Routine

12:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WA: :CAN Canada vs. Cuba :CUB

13:00: Shooting- Trap Women Final

14:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WB: :USA United States vs. Mexico :MEX 

14:00: Tennis- Men’s Singles (Round of 64)

16:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WB: :CHI Chile vs. Peru :PER 

16:00: Tennis- Women’s Singles (Round of 32)

18:00: Handball- Female Semifinal Match 15: 1B vs. 2A

18:00: Tennis- Women’s Singles (Round of 32)

20:30: Artistic Swimming- Teams Technical Routine

20:30: Handball- Female Semifinal Match 16: 1A vs. 2B

Day 4: July 30

9:00: Shooting- Trap Men (75 targets) Classification

9:00: Shooting- 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men Classification

9:00: Surfing- Open Surf Main Male Round 2

10:00: Hockey- Men’s Preliminaries Pool MA: :ARG Argentina vs. Chile :CHI 

10:00: Tennis- Women’s Singles (Round of 32)

10:20: Surfing- Open Surf Main Female Round 2

11:40: Surfing- Open Surf Main Male Round 1

12:00: Hockey- Men’s Preliminaries Pool MA: :TTO Trinidad and Tobago vs. Cuba :CUB 

12:00: Tennis- Women’s Singles (Round of 32)/Men’s Singles (Round of 32)

13:00: Shooting- 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men Final

13:00: Surfing- Open Surf Repechage Female Round 1

14:00: Hockey- Men’s Preliminaries Pool MB: :CAN Canada vs. Mexico :MEX 

14:00: Tennis- Men’s Singles (Round of 32)

14:30: Shooting- Trap Men Final

16:00: Field Hockey- Men’s Preliminaries Pool MB: :USA United States vs. Peru :PER 

20:30: Handball- Female Gold Medal Match 20 W.G. 15 vs. W.G. 16

Day 5: July 31

9:00: Shooting- 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Classification

9:00: Surfing- Open Surf Repechage Male Round 2

10:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WB: :MEX Mexico vs. Peru :PER 

10:20: Surfing- Open Surf Repechage Female Round 2

11:00: Tennis- Men’s Singles (Round of 32)

12:00: Artistic Swimming- Duets Free Routine

12:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WB: :CHI Chile vs. United States :USA 

13:00: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 1: :CUB Cuba vs. Chile :CHI 

13:00: Tennis- Men’s Singles (Round of 32)

14:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WA: :URU Uruguay vs. Cuba :CUB 

15:00: Tennis- Women’s Singles (Round of 16)

15:30: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 2: :PUR Puerto Rico vs. Peru :PER 

16:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WA: :CAN Canada vs. Argentina :ARG 

18:00: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 3: :BRA Brazil vs. Mexico :MEX 

20:30: Artistic Swimming- Teams Free Routine

20:30: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 4: :ARG Argentina vs. United States :USA 

Day 6: August 1

9:00: Shooting- 10m Air Rifle Women Classification

9:00: Shooting- 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Classification

9:00: Shooting- Skeet Women (75 targets) Classification

9:00: Surfing- Open Surf Main Male Round 3

9:40: Surfing- Open Surf Main Female Round 3

10:00: Hockey- Men Preliminaries Pool MB: :MEX Mexico vs. Peru :PER 

11:00: Tennis- Men’s Singles (Round of 16)/Women’s Singles (Round of 16)

11:30: Shooting- 10m Air Rifle Women Final

11:40: Surfing- Open Surf Repechage Male Round 3

12:00: Hockey- Men Preliminaries Pool MB: :USA United States vs. Canada :CAN 

12:20: Surfing- Open Surf Repechage Female Round 3

13:00: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 5: :MEX Mexico vs. Puerto Rico :PUR 

13:00: Shooting- 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Final

13:00: Tennis- Men’s Singles (Round of 16)

14:00: Hockey- Men Preliminaries Pool MA: :CHI Chile vs. Cuba :CUB 

15:00: Tennis- Women’s Singles (Quarterfinals)

15:30: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 6: :USA United States vs. Cuba :CUB 

16:00: Hockey- Men Preliminaries Pool MA: :TTO Trinidad and Tobago vs. Argentina :ARG 

18:00: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 7: :PER Peru vs. Brazil :BRA 

20:30: Diving- Men 1m Springboard Finals

20:30: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 8: :CHI Chile vs. Argentina :ARG 

Day 7: August 2

9:00: Equestrian- Dressage Test

9:00: Shooting- 25m Pistol Women (Precision) Classification

9:00: Shooting- 10m Air Rifle Men Classification

9:00: Shooting- Skeet Women (50 targets) Classification

9:00: Shooting- Skeet Men (50 targets) Classification

10:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WA: :URU Uruguay vs. Canada :CAN 

10:20: Surfing- Open Surf Repechage Male Round 4

11:00: Surfing- Open Surf Repechage Female Round 4

11:00: Tennis- Women’s Singles (Quarterfinals)

11:30: Shooting- 10m Air Rifle Men Final

12:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WB: :USA United States vs. Peru :PER 

13:00: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 9: :USA United States vs. Chile :CHI

13:00: Tennis- Men’s Singles (Quarterfinals)

13:30: Shooting- Skeet Women Final

14:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WA: :ARG Argentina vs. Cuba :CUB

14:20: Surfing- Open Surf Repechage Male Round 5

14:40: Surfing- Open Surf Repechage Female Round 5

15:30: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 10: :MEX Mexico vs. Peru :PER

16:00: Hockey- Women Preliminaries Pool WB: :MEX Mexico vs. Chile :CHI

18:00: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 11: :ARG Argentina vs. Cuba :CUB

20:30: Handball- Male Preliminary Match 12: :BRA Brazil vs. Puerto Rico :PUR

Day 8: August 3

9:00: Shooting- 25m Pistol Women (Rapid Fire) Classification

9:00: Shooting- Skeet Men (75 targets) Classification

9:00: Surfing- Open Surf Main Male Round 4

9:25: Surfing- Open Surf Main Female Round 4

10:00: Diving- Women’s 10m Platform Heats

10:00: Tennis- Women’s Singles (Semifinal)

11:00: Equestrian- Cross-Country Test

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Laser Radial- Race 1

11:30: Sailing- 49er, 49er FX, Nacra 17- Race 1

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Laser Radial- Race 2

11:30: Sailing- 49er, 49er FX, Nacra 17- Race 2

12:00: Tennis- Men’s Singles (Semifinal)

12:30: Diving- Men’s 3m Springboard Heats

12:30: Shooting- 25m Pistol Women Final

14:30: Shooting- Skeet Men Final

19:00: Diving- Women’s 10m Platform Finals

Day 9: August 4

8:00: Athletics- Women’s 20km Race Walk Final

8:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A2 vs. A3- Female-Game 1

9:30: Hockey- Women’s Quarterfinal

9:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B2 vs. B3- Female- Game 2

10:00: Diving- Women’s 3m Springboard Heats

10:00: Equestrian- Jumping Test (Individual & Team finals)

10:30: Athletics- Men’s 20km Race Walk Final

11:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A1 vs. A4- Female- Game 3

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Laser Radial- Race 3

11:30: Sailing- 49er, 49er FX, Nacra 17- Race 3

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Laser Radial- Race 4

11:30: Sailing- 49er, 49er FX, Nacra 17- Race 4

11:45: Hockey- Women’s Quarterfinal

12:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B1 vs. B4- Female- Game 4

13:40: Surfing- Open Surf Main Female Final Gold

14:05: Surfing- Open Surf Main Male Final Gold

15:00: Hockey- Women’s Quarterfinal

15:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A2 vs. A3- Male- Game 5

16:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B2 vs. B3- Male- Game 6

17:15: Hockey- Women’s Quarterfinal

18:00: Handball- Male Semifinal Match 15: 1B vs. 2A

18:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A1 vs. A4- Male- Game 7

19:00: Diving- Men’s 3m Springboard Finals

19:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B1 vs. B4- Male- Game 8

20:30: Handball- Male Semifinal Match 16: 1A vs. 2B

Day 10: August 5

8:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A1 vs. A3- Female- Game 9

9:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B1 vs. B3- Female- Game 10

10:00: Diving- Men’s 10m Platform Heats

11:00: Table Tennis- Women’s Singles 1/16 Round

11:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A2 vs. A4- Female- Game 11

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Nacra 17- Race 5

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Nacra 17- Race 6

12:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B2 vs. B4- Female- Game 12

13:15: Table Tennis- Men’s Singles 1/16 Round

13:30: Hockey- Men’s Quarterfinal

15:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A1 vs. A3- Male- Game 13

15:45: Hockey- Men’s Quarterfinal

16:00: Table Tennis- Men’s Singles 1/16 Round

16:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B1 vs. B3- Male- Game 14

18:00: Hockey- Men’s Quarterfinal

18:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A2 vs. A4- Male- Game 15         

19:00: Diving- Women’s 3m Springboard Finals

19:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B2 vs. B4- Male- Game 16

20:15: Hockey- Men’s Quarterfinal

20:30: Diving- Men’s 10m Platform Finals

20:30: Handball- Male Gold Medal Match 20: W.G. 15 vs. W.G. 16

Day 11: August 6

8:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A2 vs. A1- Female- Game 17

9:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B2 vs. B1- Female- Game 18

10:00: Table Tennis- Women’s Singles 1/8 Round

11:00: Equestrian- First Individual & Team Competition

11:00: Swimming- Heats- Women’s 400m Freestyle, Men’s 400m Freestyle, Women’s 100m Breaststroke, Men’s 100m Breaststroke, Women’s 200m Butterfly, Men’s 200m Butterfly

11:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A3 vs. A4- Female- Game 19

11:30: Sailing- Laser Radial- Race 5

11:30: Sailing- Laser Radial, 49er, 49er FX- Race 6

11:30: Sailing- Nacra 17, 49er, 49er FX- Race 7

11:30: Sailing- Nacra 17, 49er, 49er FX- Race 8

11:40: Table Tennis- Men’s Singles 1/8 Round

12:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B3 vs. B4- Female- Game 20

14:00: Athletics- Men’s 100m Heat Decathlon

14:40: Athletics- Men’s Long Jump Decathlon

15:00: Athletics- Women’s 100m Semifinal

15:00: Hockey- Women’s Semifinals

15:00: Table Tennis- Women’s Singles Quarterfinals

15:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A2 vs. A1- Male- Game 21

15:30: Athletics- Men’s Discus Throw Final

15:35: Athletics- Men’s 100m Semifinal

16:10: Athletics- Men’s Shot Put Decathlon

16:15: Athletics- Women’s 400m Hurdles Semifinal

16:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B2 vs. B1- Male- Game 22

16:40: Athletics- Men’s 400m Hurdles Semifinal

17:00: Table Tennis- Men’s Singles Quarterfinals

17:07: Athletics- Women’s 800m Semifinal

17:15: Hockey- Women’s Semifinals

17:22: Athletics- Men’s High Jump Decathlon

17:25: Athletics- Women’s 10000m Final

17:30: Athletics- Women’s Long Jump Final

18:00: Water Polo- Groups Phase: A3 vs. A4- Male- Game 23

18:25: Athletics- Men’s Discus Throw Final

18:45: Athletics- Men’s 5000m Final

19:30: Water Polo- Groups Phase: B3 vs. B4- Male- Game 24

19:33: Athletics- Men’s 400m Decathlon

20:30: Swimming- Finals- Women’s 400m Freestyle, Men’s 400m Freestyle, Women’s 100m Breaststroke, Men’s 100m Breaststroke, Women’s 200m Butterfly, Men’s 200m Butterfly

Day 12: August 7

8:00: Archery- Recurve practice Male

8:30: Archery- Classifying round Recurve Male

10:00: Equestrian- 2nd Competition Round 1, Team 1st Round

10:00: Table Tennis- Women’s Singles Semifinals

11:00: Archery- Recurve practice Female

11:00: Swimming- Heats- Women’s 200m Freestyle, Men’s 200m Freestyle, Women’s 100m Butterfly, Men’s 100m Butterfly, Women’s 200m Backstroke, Men’s 200m Backstroke

11:30: Archery- Classifying round Recurve Female

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Laser Radial- Race 7

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Laser Radial- Race 8

11:30: Sailing- 49er, 49er FX, Nacra 17- Race 9

11:30: Sailing- 49er, 49er FX, Nacra 17- Race 10

12:00: Table Tennis- Men’s Singles Semifinals

14:00: Athletics- Men’s 110m Hurdles Heat Decathlon

14:00: Equestrian- 2nd Competition Round 2, Team Final

14:40: Athletics- Women’s 100m Hurdles Heat Heptathlon

14:45: Athletics- Men’s Discus Throw Decathlon

15:00: Athletics- Women’s 100m Hurdles Semifinal

15:15: Athletics- Women’s High Jump Heptathlon

15:20: Athletics- Women’s 400m Semifinal

15:35: Athletics- Men’s Long Jump- Final

15:40: Athletics- Men’s 400m Semifinal

16:00: Athletics- Women’s 800m Final

16:35: Athletics- Men’s Pole Vault Decathlon

16:40: Athletics- Women’s 100m Final

16:52: Athletics- Men’s 100m Final

17:00: Athletics- Women’s Shot Put Heptathlon

17:50: Athletics- Men’s Shot Put Final

18:00: Table Tennis- Women’s Singles Final

18:35: Athletics- Men’s Javelin Throw Decathlon

19:15: Table Tennis- Men’s Singles Final

19:20: Athletics- Women’s 200m Heat Heptathlon

19:40: Athletics- Men’s 1500m Decathlon

20:30: Swimming- Finals- Women’s 200m Freestyle, Men’s 200m Freestyle, Women’s 100m Butterfly, Men’s 100m Butterfly, Women’s 200m Backstroke, Men’s 200m Backstroke

Day 13: August 8

8:00: Water Polo- Quarterfinals: 2A vs. 3B- Female- Game 25

9:00: Archery- Recurve (Simultaneous) Group 1 Female 1/16

9:30: Water Polo- Quarterfinals: 3A vs. 2B- Female- Game 26

9:35: Archery- Recurve (Simultaneous) Group 1 Female 1/8

10:10: Archery- Recurve (Simultaneous) Group 2 Female 1/16

10:45: Archery- Recurve (Simultaneous) Group 2 Female 1/8

11:00: Swimming- Heats- Women’s 100m Freestyle, Men’s 100m Freestyle, Women’s 200m Breaststroke, Men’s 200m Breaststroke, Women’s 100m Backstroke, Men’s 100m Backstroke, Women’s 800m Freestyle, Men’s 800m Freestyle

11:00: Water Polo- Quarterfinals: 1A vs. 4B- Female- Game 27

11:20: Archery- Recurve (Alternate) Female Quarterfinals

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Laser Radial- Race 9

11:30: Sailing- Laser Standard, Laser Radial- Race 10

11:30: Sailing- 49er, 49er FX- Nacra 17- Race 12

12:30: Water Polo- Quarterfinals: 4A vs. 1B- Male- Game 28

14:00: Athletics- Men’s Hammer Throw Final

14:50: Athletics- Women’s High Jump Final

14:55: Athletics- Women’s Pole Vault Final

15:00: Athletics- Women’s 200m Semifinal

15:00: Hockey- Men’s Semifinals

15:00: Water Polo- Quarterfinals: 2A vs. 3B- Female- Game 29

15:30: Athletics- Men’s 200m Semifinal

16:00: Athletics- Women’s Long Jump Heptathlon

16:15: Athletics- Women’s 100m Hurdles Final

16:25: Athletics- Men’s 1500m Final

16:30: Water Polo- Quarterfinals: 3A vs. 2B- Female- Game 30

16:40: Athletics- Women’s 400m Final

16:50: Athletics- Men’s 400m Final

17:15: Hockey- Men’s Semifinals

17:20: Athletics- Women’s Javelin Throw Heptathlon

17:25: Athletics- Women’s 400m Hurdles Final

17:45: Athletics- Men’s 400m Hurdles Final

18:00: Water Polo- Quarterfinals: 1A vs. 4B- Male- Game 31

18:50: Athletics- Women’s 800m Heptathlon

19:30: Water Polo- Quarterfinals: 4A vs. 1B- Male- Game 32

20:30: Swimming- Finals- Women’s 100m Freestyle, Men’s 100m Freestyle, Women’s 200m Breaststroke, Men’s 200m Breaststroke, Women’s 100m Backstroke, Men’s 100m Backstroke, Women’s 800m Freestyle, Men’s 800m Freestyle

Day 14: August 9

9:00: Archery- Recurve (Simultaneous) Group 1 Male 1/16

9:35: Archery- Recurve (Simultaneous) Group 1 Male 1/8

10:00: Karate- Individual Women’s Kata, Round Robin

10:10: Archery- Recurve (Simultaneous) Group 2 Male 1/16

10:45: Archery- Recurve (Simultaneous) Group 2 Male 1/8

11:00: Karate- Individual Men’s Kata, Round Robin

11:00: Swimming- Heats, Women’s 50m Freestyle, Men’s 50m Freestyle, Women’s 400m Individual Medley, Men’s 400m Individual Medley

11:00: Water Polo- Semifinal: Winner G25 vs. Winner G28- Female- Game 35

11:20: Archery- Recurve (Alternate) Male Quarterfinals

11:30: Sailing- 49er, 49er FX- Medal Race

11:30: Sailing- Nacra 17, Laser Standard, Laser Radial- Medal Race

12:30: Water Polo- Semifinal: Winner G26 vs. Winner G27- Female- Game 36

15:05: Athletics- Women’s Javelin Throw Final

15:20: Karate- Individual Women’s Kata, Finals

15:20: Karate- Individual Men’s Kata, Finals

15:30: Athletics- Men’s 110m Hurdles Semifinal

15:50: Athletics- Men’s 800m Semifinal

16:15: Athletics- Women’s 200m Final

16:20: Athletics- Women’s Shot Put Final

16:30: Athletics- Men’s 200m Final

16:40: Athletics- Men’s 10000m Final

16:50: Athletics- Men’s High Jump Final

17:15: Hockey- Women’s Gold Medal

17:35: Athletics- Women’s 1500m Final

17:50: Athletics- Women’s Triple Jump Final

18:00: Water Polo- Semifinal: Winner G29 vs. Winner G32- Male- Game 39

18:20: Athletics- Women’s 5000m Final

19:30: Water Polo- Semifinal: Winner G30 vs. Winner G31- Male- Game 40

20:30: Swimming- Finals, Women’s 50m Freestyle, Men’s 50m Freestyle, Women’s 400m Individual Medley, Men’s 400m Individual Medley

Day 15: August 10

9:00: Archery- Team Recurve (Simultaneous) Mixed 1/8 Finals

9:30: Archery- Team Recurve (Simultaneous) Mixed Quarterfinals

10:00: Archery- Team Recurve (Simultaneous) Mixed Semifinals

10:00: Karate- Women’s Under 50kg, Round Robin

10:40: Karate- Women’s Under 55kg, Round Robin

11:00: Swimming- Heats- Women’s 1500m Freestyle, Women’s 200m Individual Medley, Men’s 200m Individual Medley, Men’s 1500m Freestyle

11:20: Karate- Men’s Under 84kg, Round Robin

12:30: Water Polo- Gold Medal- Winner G35 vs. Winner G36- Female- Game 44

14:00: Athletics- Women’s Hammer Throw Final

14:00: Karate- Men’s Over 84kg, Round Robin

14:20: Athletics- Men’s Pole Vault Final

14:30: Athletics- Men’s Triple Jump Final

14:40: Athletics- Men’s 110m Hurdles Final

14:40: Karate- Women’s Under 61kg, Round Robin

14:55: Athletics- Men’s 800m Final

15:10: Athletics- Women’s 3000m Steeplechase Final

15:20: Karate- Women’s Under 50kg, 55kg, 61kg Finals

15:30: Karate- Men’s Under 84kg, Over 84kg, Finals

15:45: Athletics- Men’s Javelin Throw Final

16:10: Athletics- Men’s 3000m Steeplechase Final

17:15: Hockey- Men’s Gold Medal

19:30: Water Polo- Gold Medal- Winner G39 vs. Winner G40- Male- Game 48

20:30: Swimming- Finals- Women’s 1500m Freestyle, Women’s 200m Individual Medley, Men’s 200m Individual Medley, Men’s 1500m Freestyle

Day 16: August 11

7:00: Athletics- 50km Race Walk M/W Final

9:00: Karate- Women’s Under 68kg, Round Robin

9:22: Archery- Team Recurve (Alternate) Mixed Gold Medal Final

9:40: Karate- Women’s Over 68kg, Round Robin

10:20: Karate- Men’s Under 75kg, Round Robin

12:00: Karate- Men’s Under 60kg, Round Robin

12:40: Karate- Men’s Under 67kg, Round Robin

13:00: Archery- Recurve (Alternate) Female Semifinals

13:20: Karate- Women’s Under 68kg, Over 68kg Finals

13:30: Karate- Men’s Under 60kg, 67kg, 75kg Finals

13:34: Archery- Recurve (Alternate) Male Semifinals

14:25: Archery- Recurve (Alternate) Gold Medal Final Female

14:59: Archery- Recurve (Alternate) Male Gold Medal Final


Edit: Sorry wrong topic; could mods please move to pan american games?

@Topicmaster1010 May we put this on the website?

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Totallympics Media
Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, bmo said:

You are absolutely amazing!!!  I love all the work you put in.  I will definitely be following the blog & I am super excited for the games to start in the morning!

Thank You. It’s not just me it’s @Vojthas and @mrv86 too. I share your sentiments about the start the games tomorrow:cheer:

Edited by Olympian1010

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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