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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Yeah US Politics Reddit has gotten a lot more one sided since this post. It’s just liberals arguing with each other at this point.
  2. Just happened to be reading through the entirety of the Politics thread starting with the unfortunately failed Turkish coup (what a day that was!). I just happened across this one, and I can give an explanation. All federal elections in the US happen on Tuesdays because of the following. When the US Constitution was written, the US was a highly Protestant religious state. The thought process was everyone would go the mass on Sunday and be reminded of elections. Monday would be a day reserved for travel in case of bad weather of long distances to voting booths. Tuesday everyone votes and begins the journey back home. Again this is another part of the election process that should be changed. Elections should be on a Monday or Friday. The day should be a mandatory holiday. Voting should be mandatory (with those who don’t vote having to pay a fine like in AUS), and we should have automatic voter registration like in many EU countries. In Los Angeles County we no longer have a single Election Day. The election lasts over a 10-day period. The state has created an app where people can choose who to vote for. People then go to their town’s voting meca and use one of the electric machines to vote. At the machines people can read about and select their preferred candidates, or download their prepared votes from the app.
  3. Well this isn’t the first time the “true” winner has lost the actual election. I’ve always been against the electoral college especially since I’m a democratic socialist. People should have all the power. Also, some states shouldn’t matter than other states. Other states argue that California would have to much power in that system. I always point out that there are reasons why California has such a big population. It’s because everyone wants to live here. We provide many benefits and services other states will not. We have our own issues to, but we shouldn’t be punished for being a successful state.
  4. I have a feeling that this isn’t how police in most users countries would treat people with mental “disabilities”: This country is going to shit so fast nowadays.
  5. I’ve been doing some reading up on the Afghanistan War, and it’s not looking good. Currently the Taliban held the most territory they’ve held since 2001, with some estimates giving them control of around 50% of the country. The ANA have been taking a lot of loses and attacks on civilians have increased by quite a few percentage points in the last two years. It’s also well known that Pakistan is still actively supporting the Taliban. Rumor has it that the Russia and Iran are working to arm the Taliban as well. It’s not completely shocking to see that the demise of free Afghanistan may come within the next 2-3 years, but it is a shame after how many lives were lost fighting in the cause.
  6. Henry Borges is no joke. He’ll be in the medal hunt at the Paralympics next summer.
  7. Preliminary Team Sizes (Excluding BMX Athletes) Algeria - 1 (Parkour) Argentina - 4 (BMX Freestyle, Parkour) Australia - 6 (BMX Freestyle, Roller Freestyle, Parkour) Belarus - 4 (3x3) Belgium - 2 (Breaking, Parkour) Brazil - 3 (BMX Freestyle) Bulgaria - 1 (Breaking) Canada - 3 (Flying Disc, Breaking) Chile - 2 (Parkour, Roller Freestyle) People’s Republic of China - 6 (3x3, Breaking, Roller Freestyle) Chinese Taipei - 1 (Breaking) Colombia - 7 (BMX Freestyle, Flying Disc, Parkour, Roller Freestyle) Costa Rica - 2 (BMX Freestyle) Croatia - 1 (BMX Freestyle) Czech Republic - 4 (BMX Freestyle, Parkour) France - 20 (3x3, BMX Freestyle, Breaking. Parkour, Roller Freestyle) Germany - 5 (Breaking, Flying Disc) Great Britain - 8 (BMX Freestyle, Breaking, Flying Disc, Parkour, Roller Freestyle) Greece - 1 (Parkour) Hungary - 14 (3x3, Breaking, Parkour) Israel - 2 (Flying Disc) Italy - 5 (BMX Freestyle, Flying Disc) Japan - 11 (BMX Freestyle, Breaking, Parkour, Roller Freestyle) Republic of Korea - 3 (BMX Freestyle, Breaking) Latvia - 3 (BMX Freestyle, Roller Freestyle) Mexico - 4 (BMX Freestyle, Breaking, Parkour) Netherlands - 16 (3x3, BMX Freestyle, Breaking, Parkour, Roller Freestyle) New Zealand - 1 (BMX Freestyle) Norway - 1 (Breaking) Peru - (Roller Freestyle) Poland - 15 (3x3, Breaking, Flying Disc, Parkour, Roller Freestyle) Portugal - 1 (Breaking) Romania - 8 (3x3) Russian Federation - 16 (3x3, Breaking, Parkour) Spain - 7 (Breaking, Parkour, Roller Freestyle) Sweden - 2 (Flying Disc) Switzerland - 4 (Parkour, Roller Freestyle) Thailand - 2 (Roller Freestyle) Ukraine - 12 (3x3, Breaking, Parkour) United States of America - 14 (Flying Disc, BMX Freestyle, Breaking) Venezuela - 4 (BMX Freestyle, Breaking) Total NOCs: 41
  8. They declare support, but their not bound to vote that way.
  9. And to add craziness to our system. Electors/Delegates, in the Electoral College, are not bound by the vote of the people. They are allowed to vote for whoever they want, and are chosen by states using about 5 different systems.
  10. TV Information Olympic Channel: Will live stream all sports/events/rounds. May be blocked in Europe. Eurosport: Will broadcast finals from BMX Freestyle, 3x3 Basketball, and Breaking Budapest2019: May offer livestreaming on YouTube and/or Facebook
  11. It’s look like their testing their YouTube streaming setup. I don’t know what the heel this is, but hopefully it means the competitions will be on YouTube:
  12. I’ll be volunteering as a judge at a USASC Youth Climbing Competition at my gym this week. It will definitely help broaden my knowledge of the sport, and I’ll be better able to explain scores and judge decisions during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics next year. Plus, making sure young athletes have the proper platform to one day possibly make it to the Olympics is important too.
  13. Also that GIF is from the SNL Cold Open when they did the Micheal Cohen Hearing (Parody). I know because I rewatched it last weekend
  14. Your like 30 years old. If your hearts that weak, you should probably see a doctor immediately
  15. I completely understand. My sister doesn’t eat cheese because it grosses her out too. In fact your explanation for why you don’t eat cheese matches my explanation for I don’t eat bananas (almost point for point actually).
  16. This should result in an immediate ban from the forum . I love cheese. I put it on everything. I’ll try different types for different dishes. I’m big into salty, savory dishes; so cheese, olives, grains, and salt are main stays in my diet.
  17. If, and this is only but a very hypothetical situation, the US were to split sometime in the next few decades, my ideal country would be California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada. Our country would be a progressive majority. We all have some of the biggest economies in the US. Our natural resources would be significant. Plus, many our population would be a bit more similar. I don’t think it will ever happen, but that’s my best case scenario should the US dissolve.
  18. Fair points. However, when your current leader lost the popular vote (as in the actual vote) by 3.5 million votes, it might suggest the system needs to changed or tweaked. The US can’t continue like it is right now. Chambers of Congress that pass nothing and actively work against each other. A president that flip-flops his opinions daily. A president that has one of the lowest approval ratings of all time. A Supreme Court controlled by one party. I mean I study a lot of world history, and this is generally how democracy begins to unravel.
  19. It will be the venue for Judo as well. I believe it’s generally been used mainly for national Sumo tournaments in the past.
  20. Yes this one was urban enough . I’d say there’s something wrong with the league (system) if a team could win by 100 on 3 occasions, but loose by a singular point on 4 occasions. I would investigate the cause to make sure the better team wins in the future. I would also accept the result of that Championships (unless I’d enough support not to)
  21. To be perfectly honest. I don’t watch enough Tennis to get this analogy, sorry. It’s not Urban or youthful enough for me to understand.
  22. Trump’s presidency in a nutshell right there. I agree with what you said, but the problem is that white voters tend to only see white male candidates as qualified. I’m sorry but Biden and Buttigieg do not have the cleanest records. Neither does Kamala or Warren, but it in terms of the what this country needs they’re better choices. We’ve tried white males for 300 years and this country has gotten marginally better. All I’m saying is that it’d be nice if our legacy wasn’t so white. I don’t have anything against a white male, I just think it’s time to try something different. All the candidates left in this race our qualified, so why not go for a candidate that’s a true reflection of our country.
  23. I can’t wait for the mostly liberal Patriots fan base to deal with loving Antonio Brown, but also supporting the #metoo movement. Thank God I’m Lions fan and our players only get in trouble for assaulting players on the field
  24. Well I’m am by all means a shity person, so they’re not wrong. The difference is that I try with all my little power to fix what I have done. I try to with my writings, my poems, my political theory, my wit, and my vote to make this country a better place for everyone. So I am a shity person, but at least I’m willing to clean my shit stain of the rug.
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