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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Group B has four songs with 150,000,000+ views on Youtube... and Kiribati.
  2. Funny story, Berlin 1936 introduced the torch relay. IOC should scrap it immediately and make a Twitter apology.
  3. Surprisingly (or not), I am not feeling anything about the Olympics being supposed to start tomorrow. Rio 2016 was top of the line stuff for me. Both with exciting competitions in general, and an enjoyable, record-breaking medal haul for Croatia. Waking up early every day for Pyeongchang 2018 already felt like a job, especially towards the end. So maybe I'm just getting over my usual fever...
  4. Keeping up with our scoring theme... In 2012, Hiroshi Hoketsu became the 3rd oldest athlete ever to take to the Olympic stage (video). Right now he is sneakily aiming/hoping to bridge Tokyo 1964 and Tokyo 2020...
  5. Tokyo Story - Yasujirō Ozu Tokyo Story (Tôkyô monogatari, 1953) is, without a doubt, one of the finest movie pictures ever created. Its author Yasujiro Ozu is known for his signature style; static camera and minimalist story-telling. Fun facts on Yasujiro Ozu... Almost exclusively filmed with a static camera, positioned just a few feet above the ground. His characters tend to look directly into the camera during dialogues. Recurring themes of Ozu are changes in post-war Japanese family and society. Sometimes dealing with Westernization of Japanese values. All his films take place in Tokyo. All his films feature moving trains, even if only for a second and somewhere in background. They represent a passage of time. Ozu died on his 60th birthday.
  6. A bit of prejudice, isn't it? There are only 5 million people in Rep Congo so I don't believe they have a large problem with standard of living. Some of the most developed African states have low population (Botswana, Gabon, Namibia, Cape Verde).
  7. Well, if Spanish songs continue their winning ways, then we can probably expect them to bomb out in the Heywoodulands. We don't really like surprises around here, and when they do happen, then retaliation is coming sooner rather than later.
  8. Someone leaked a clip of a judge reacting to the Korean song. Our first controversy?
  9. That's why I really do think we should introduce judges' comments for the further rounds. Comments (if provided) get shared in spoiler, while everything else remains anonymous.
  10. Apparently a whole bunch of Dutch tourists started leaving Istrian camps in panic once it was announced that Croatia will be entering the 'Dutch orange list' (meaning home quarantine would become mandatory for those returning from here). Maybe @heywoodu knows some more details?
  11. But that team (based in Pazin, Croatia) is so poor that they can probably qualify for the UN food shortage grants. Surely you don't see them as someone dirtier than any of the rich teams?
  12. All right, I am so watching these official films. What an opportunity!
  13. Yeah, Asia getting only 4/24 votes is an underperformance to say the least. Maybe indeed it's the China effect. Wouldn't be the first time that some formula which worked at one edition immediately stops working for the next.
  14. At least a couple of them complained about mouth being opened throughout the performance.
  15. They are not really fitting the context right now, but I'll keep my tabs on.
  16. Interesting how Sri Lanka scored well from judges on the long side (E, B). They must have showed some good extensions.
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