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Posts posted by Noorderling29

  1. 1 hour ago, Rafa Maciel said:

    In theory you could - but if you've only earned 1 quota for road cycling, then you are stuck. But under the terms of the qualification document, any athlete who is entered into another cycling discipline would be eligible to be entered into the road cycling events - so if you had track cyclists qualified, then you could sub one in. 

    This can be used tactically. In Tokyo, one of our road quotas was used to take an extra man for the team sprint and one of our two Madison riders took part in the road race. He did not finish the race IIRC.

  2. Why should the security level be raised for a match when there are no evident signs of a threat or of hooliganism? Even if it has been raised, would that have prevented an attack of this kind?

    Most large cities have a significant amount of visitors, both foreign and domestic, every day. Football fans are perhaps more recognizable, especially when they are wearing their team jersey,so are a bit more vulnerable. Unfortunately people get killed by violence, often unprovoked by the victims. It happens in Western Europe, but also for instance in India. 

    Of course an inquiry must be held and where possible lessons must be learned.


  3. 9 hours ago, Roamingrover86 said:

    The shooter is from ISIS as per some reports. How this can happen in an European city & on football fans is beyond belief. What is Europe turning into? Complete failure from the Belgian police. Thoughts are with the victims family & all Swedish fans stuck inside the stadium fearing for their safety!
    Complete lawlessness. 

    Can you explain what exactly the Belgian police did wrong or failed to do? How do you stop a lonely gunman from shooting people?

  4. 46 minutes ago, phelps said:

    I don't know where you read that Belgium is going to win 10 gold medals (or Kopecky winning 3) in my post (which is clearly the base of your answer)


    my ranking only lists real medal chances (not gold, just medals), possible but improbable chances and remote chances (which would be big surprises in case they come, as I wrote)


    and for those guys/teams that this year missed out on the qualification, nothing stops them to get it next year, the same for those who didn't perform well in 2023...they could improve a lot as much as they could even fail to qualify (or get injured)


    and we all know that in practice the conversion rate between chances and actual medals is between 1/3 and half (unless you're San Marino in Tokyo :p)


    it's just a "pour parler", hypothesis, sometimes hope...not science nor a serious, you just can't consider only those who are truly expected to deliver in such kind of thread

    See post by CCB, right after yours

  5. Noor Vidts: if she could not win a medal in Budapest in a weak competion, she’s never going to do it at World level.
    There’s a big question mark about Thiam’s return. But even then, Anna Hall must be the favorite for Gold.
    The Rowing LWX2 did not make it to final of the World Champs, and failed to win a quotum.

    The 4x400 relay Men narrowly failed to qualify for the final in Budapest: time really seems to be up for the incredible Borlee twins and Belgium has failed to find comparable replacements. The women finished 5th, and that was in a race without the Americans. 
    Of the five Judoka’s mentioned, only one won a medal at this years World Champs.

    Kopecky winning 3 golds?: next year’s Road race is far less ideal for her than the one in Glasgow, she’s really not the favorite for the time trial, and her chances in the Madison are heavily influenced by if the doping suspension of her partner will stand or not.

    Hockey: the women are just as capable as sucker punching the Dutch in the final as finishing 7th. Also, they haven’t always been lucky in qualifying. The men failed  to win their last two tournaments, and are in a bit of transition, with some of their older players retiring or not being selected.

    show jumping really is completely unpredictable. In Tokyo Belgium won bronze in the team event on the back of the refusal of one the French horses (IIRC).


    Belgium certainly has a lot of opportunities, but I once read somewhere for most teams only 1/3 of those,come to fruition.

  6. The most probable explanation is (some) Polish fans/players misbehaving and the Dutch police subsequently overreacting.  Both have been known to happen. But of course it’s always easier to take a black and white view and assume that your side is lilywhite and the other side is entirely to blame. 

    The idea that the Dutch police either know or care what parties form the Polish government, which policies those government implements and which individuals either support or oppose that government and their behavior was somehow guided by that knowledge is rather preposterous. This could have happened with any group of supporters from any country, even our own. 

    An independent inquiry will be held and the truth will be ascertained and blame will be apportioned. History shows that these inquiries are far from a whitewash and tend to be very critical of police behavior. 


  7. IIRC our 4 x 100 metres squad won two medals at European Championships with Schippers in the team. Not really a regular ocurrence without her. 


    More generally, before Schippers there was a general feeling that we’re not very good at athletics and never gonna be, with sporadic successes. She proved that a Dutch athlete can be world class, and the level has been raised across the board, with success in youth competions as well. 10 years ago an athlete making it to a semi final at Worlds would be one of the stars of the team, now athletes like Peeters, Jiya and Seedo are bit players.


    Before Tokyo 2020 I would have considered anyone who predicted that in Athletics the Dutch team could win 7/8 medals at World level as certifiable.

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