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Posts posted by Noorderling29

  1. Just a quick look shows you’re wrong again.

    The website of the Rwanda tribunal informs us that there are currently 10 judges, with a majority not from Western countries (Togo, Senegal, China, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Madagascar).


    from wikipedia: the Yugoslavia tribunal had nearly 90 judges, with at least 40 from non western countries.

  2. 1 hour ago, Grassmarket said:

    Agree, the whole concept of “International Law” is basically a way for Western lawyers to earn big bucks & travel First Class & stay in luxury hotels. Take the International Court away from The Hague, locate it in Bolivia & pay local salaries & you would never ever hear of it again.

    Which international court in The Hague do you mean, as there are two courts that could be described as such.  Also, international law is much more than those two courts. There’s for instance that “favorite” of right wing Britons, the European Court of Human Rights in Strassbourg.

  3. 1 minute ago, JoshMartini007 said:

    Just did the set ratio math. Canada needs to win all three matches 3-0 to have a chance to beat China or the Netherlands (and they need to lose to Serbia 0-3 while winning 3-2 in their other two matches). Things are a bit more open if the Dominican Republic finishes with a 5-2 record.

    For instance, Although Canada defeated NL, NL scored a few more points. Same today with China.

  4. My point is that, in the context of possible Olympic qualification, it could be in the interest of either Scottish or English players to achieve a certain result in the matches between those two countries to keep their chances of participation in TeamGB in Paris alive. I see they meet at the last match day, with potentially everything still to play for. 


    I hope and expect nothing untoward happens, but there is the potential for serious questions.

  5. 1 hour ago, vinipereira said:

    Big win for :ARG vs :BEL. Probably the best team of the group after the 3 favourites.

    With two defeats, without having played any of the three top teams yet, this should mean the end of any hope.


    To be fair, the Belgian team did not expect to qualify here, but hoped to gain a lot of points. With losses against PR and Argentinia, this target will also be missed. Hard to see them qualifying through the ranking.

  6. 18 hours ago, heywoodu said:

    Thing is, there's hardly a significant 'bouncing back' to a loss against any of the 'lesser' teams (no offense to Canada at all, with 'lesser' teams I mean every team that's not Serbia or China :p), and when losing against one of them, you'd basically have to beat not one, but both of the two top teams. Had the Netherlands won this, the exact same could have said about Canada of course, the Netherlands too is definitely one of those 'lesser' teams you really can't afford to lose to.

    Not necessarily, the one point against Canada could theoretically be decisive. If for instance China wins all its matches 3-0 or 3-1, and the Dutch team wins all matches beside the China one with the same numbers, the Dutch team would finish in front of Serbia by at least that one point, whatever the remaining Serbian results. Unlikely scenario, but mathematically possible.

  7. Minor teams are eliminating each other. As they say, yesterday’s winners are today’s losers and vice versa.


    I think a lot can happen between now and June. A few bad losses to lower placed teams (like Dominican Republic against the Chechs) and you lose many points. 

    Unless one of the minor teams (Germany f.I.) qualify, 10th place should be enough. NL and DR are currently 9th and 10th and have a significant cushion over Canada, of over 30 points. But yesterday has shown we are quite capable of losing the advantage over Canada.

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