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Posts posted by orangeman

  1. 2 minutes ago, intoronto said:


    Tomorrow they have decided to show a Michael Phelps documentary on all Olympic channels instead of the volleyball game.




    I mean, okay fine.  They guy is a great swimmer.  But he also happened to be born with the perfect form for it, into a family that could afford to let him swim, in the country with the best swimming program, in an event that awards multiple medals for basically the same thing, with teammates that could get relay golds without him.  There are much better stories out there than, "Rich white guy wins multiple medals for rich country, again".  These are the Olympics, guys.  There's dozens of great stories being made every day.  

  2. 11 minutes ago, OlympicsFan said:

    For me France and USA are the 2 best teams and Sweden/China arent even in top 5, so our path to the semifinal should be clearly easier. I am not saying that Canada doesnt have a chance, considering how many canadian athletes are overperforming here and also how much Canada always seems to overperform in womens football at the olympics, but for me they are still clearly the underdog in a match against USA/France.

    German coach for example didnt use Däbritz who normally always plays and the substitutions in the second half were also very weird. I think we never wanted to win the match, but of course we aimed for a draw. This doesnt mean that the german team is better than the canadian team at the moment, but there was clearly no reason for Germany to win this match.


    Yeah, it's even more ridiculous now that we see Germany is playing China.  The organizers didn't do a very good job with the seeds.  Oh well, Canada would have had to beat USA/France/Brazil for a medal anyway.  They just have to do it earlier now.  

  3. 4 minutes ago, Canada4thewin said:

    I agree this is getting ridiculous.  The great Michael Phelps.  Is the USA paying the other networks to talk about him lol 


    Nothing really against him either.  But the obsession with him on the CBC is a bit much.  Even if they were just talking about his races (while completely ignoring everyone else), that's fine I guess.  But here's Phelps looking at someone!  Here's Phelps stepping up to the platform!  Here's Phelps warming up!  Here's Phelps blowing snot out his nose!  Here's Phelps blinking!  Like holy crap, enough.  It's a bit gross at this point.  I wouldn't even like it if he was Canadian (but at least then it would make sense).  And it's not even like he's new.  We know Michael Phelps.  We know where he's from.  We know he got a DUI.  We know what his mom looks like.  We've heard all these stories before.  Let's talk about, oh I don't know, the guys in second and third, just for a minute or two.  

  4. 1 minute ago, Canada4thewin said:

    Santo Condolleri Just qualified for the 100 m final tomorrow:clap:


    Tied for third, too (with the fastest guy in the world this year).  Too bad Arian wasn't 0.01 slower this morning, he would have missed the semis.  haha.  

  5. 54 minutes ago, OlympicsFan said:

    Congrats, but is that really important? For me a medal would be much more important than a win against Germany ... :mumble:


    Yeah, but it's not like the other draw was much easier (unless China beats Sweden).  Canada also had one player out due to penalties and Sinclair wasn't playing at the end.  I think Germany just out-sucked them.  

  6. 3 minutes ago, Near said:

    I really dislike the seeding (or lack therof) is done in the women's soccer tournament. Canada finished third in their group in 2012 and had a similarely dificult draw to the other two teams, this time being second gives you a better draw. It's weird.


    I'm sure Germany is aware of it as well, so I'm not expecting to see much push by either team in the second half.  But a tie gives Canada 2nd in the group anyway.  The way the games have worked out, that could mean any one of Sweden, Brazil or China.  Not easy, but easier than France (probably).  

  7. Another medal for Canada!  


    China and Malaysia were very impressive. IMO, both NKorea and GB were overmarked so I don't think it should have been that close in the end.  But it certainly made it exciting.


    But no medal in Judo and our ladies doubles are out.  I don't even want Canada to win their soccer game (easier draw in the quarters if they lose).  

  8. I wasn't wishing ill will towards the Norks, but they had to miss a dive completely in order to get the marks they deserved.  Malaysia was very good today.  The Chinese, like I said, could slip off the platform and still fall gracefully enough to get top marks.  The British gave a good showing, too.  

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