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Everything posted by Adriano

  1. Yeah, I know that first part. But he was trying to change this?
  2. Why Brasil have still same sex marriage?
  3. He seems like Serbian prime minister. Bolso is not supporting LGBT rights as I know..
  4. Without Pernambuco I see more areas not counted where Bolso is leading
  5. It's always nice to have your opinion, politics or wrestling
  6. But still many votes from Rio and Sao Paulo
  7. Why this two big cities prefer Bolso?
  8. In Poland big cities votes for centre/left. Small villages and poor regions for right.
  9. online results;e=e545
  10. President is not so important in Poland. Not the same 1:1 but the same line.
  11. Thank you so much, totally different than in my country:) I am sitting on each election in the comission and I am counting paper votes.
  12. @vinipereirahow it looks like in your country you have a apper card or different electronical systems? I think second option? How it looks like, machine or sth?
  13. I am checking all news today, Eixo Político on Twitter send details from each country.
  14. I stilll have hopes Brasil will chose Lula and Dems in US will win in Georgia. How on earth people can chose this kind of people like Bolsonaro and Herschel.
  15. Warsaw + Poznań (Rowing/Cayak) and Gdańsk/Sopot (sailing) - will be perfect host.
  16. There is a possibility to see for free events like finish od triathlon, cycling or others? Maybe someone will be kind and give me 50 more points in Club Paris using this personal code - QATciu
  17. Why people from India are so pro Russia. I had this kind of experience recently seeing in social media. I know people from this country was so friendly, kindly and hardworking in my country. And always had a good experience and opinion. They seems pro democratic values. Now, I think people from India are closer Russia and China can someone explain me this?
  18. Still I cannot understand why Iran helps Russia, where is this country which was host for mamy Polish refugees during war.
  19. How to read this? I saw that only events from kult 2022 will count, this ranking includes results from 2020/2021 why?
  20. FIRST SLOTS IN SHOOTING! Paris 2024 dream starts at Chateauroux World Cup for Tanguy de la Forest ( A total of 18 slots at Paris 2024 will be distributed at Chateauroux 2022. Men have the possibility to take four slots and women seven. Another seven can be obtained regardless of gender. The Chateauroux 2022 World Cup will be live on World Shooting Para Sport Facebook page. Live results are available here. R2- Women's 10m Air Riffle Standing - SH1 - Avanii Lekhara (IND) / Emilia Babska (POL) R1 - Men's 10m Air Riffle Standing SH1 - 1 Jean-Louis Michaud (France) 2. Csaba Rescsik (Hungary) "3. Radoslav Malenovsky (Slovakia)" P3 - Mixed 25m Pistol SH1- 1. Szymon Sowinski (Poland) 2. Olivera Nakovska-Bikova (MKD) R4 - Mixed 10m Air Rifle Standing SH2 - 1. Sril Devaraddi Ramakrishna (IND) 2. Francek Goraz Tirsek (Slovenia)
  21. I would like to visit Paris during the Games? Maybe someone could give me a little advice for accomondation (which zones are good and well comunicate) I am interested in events close to Paris and maybe roland garros (tenis /boxing) and athetics stadium. I hope bunch of tickets will be in close area in the first sales.
  22. I will boycott this forum, because moderator let write some users pro Putin words. We are on the olympic forum and olympic values should be respected. Respect for Ukraine, this brave people for saving country and his independance before Russian dictator. Ukraine chose the road for democracy few years ago. This is not China, Russia, and Muslim Countries where you have propaganda in the media and you cannot strike and have diffrent style od life. We all know US is not Saint. And we all can write some judgement. But having here users who blame Ukraine is something to big for me, we have a friends from Ukraine here. It is not bad choice for Ukraine to chose european west values. Not everyone wants to leave in country with dictatorship regime. People in Russia who protest are in jail now.. Russian TV says lies day by day. I am keen on Olympics, this value are important to me. This war has a clear agresor, this is Russia. This is my last post on this forum. Good luck Ukraine 🇺🇦 Sindo let me know it is possible to delete accountant or you can do it.
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