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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Adriano

  1. @Agger you said jn London you were on the last minute, as I remember corrextly. Any advices? People will sell this tickets later? In the nearly same prices you bought there?
  2. Am I only unlucky person? Any advice what to do? It is still worthy wait for resell?
  3. Wechta yesterday in Spain, unfortunately without MER (24 pen). He still have a chance in next events in Spain. The rest gain also some olympic points Opłatek,Skrzyczynski, Konopacki in events for Longines Ranking, but there it was not pościele gain MER. In my opiniom Turkey, Israel, Czech, Hungary looks good for team quota.
  4. This gold for Italy was amazing to see. I am a french supporter in this sport, but italian women's team made great job today. Congratulation for our italian friends here.
  5. Is that true that cheapest tickets for beach volleyball tenis judo fencing are sold out?
  6. Maybe I will take days with Road cycling, Triathlon, and Race Walking (20km should be polish event.My plan C now Maybe I will see sth.
  7. It will be hard overall, because probably paid places will be nearby finish.
  8. We are still in shock We hope he will repeat his skills in next World Cups. He has 25 years old it's time for that. This results is a huge suprise for us. It's a pity that it's not olympic qualification tournament.
  9. For me after reading the rules this is correct and you can gaim points in Longines Ranking. See how many results are counted in final ranking. We will see after next month.
  10. Dcro so events for Longines ranking are counted? See link above
  11. Our nation should make a boycott. We know how russian #hospitality works. And it is so sad how even ordinary Serbian use the situation in Ukraine for Kosovi thread and not only. And they are now the best friend for Russia. Are you sure that so much people wants to.join to Russia? In this way even in Lvov people will chose joint, because referendum was a joke.
  12. So why results from Leipizg and Amsterdam are on the official ranking site? Look Poland in Group C
  13. Can someone told me how many points is for olympic ranking per event depends on level of tournament. And how olympic ranking works?
  14. I was thinking about going there so long... That's my biggest dream - I am so afraid not getting this. Los Angeles is too far away.
  15. I understand correctly? If I want to by tickets for me and my friend - I can buy 3 tickets in one session, so maximum 9 events for us? Not in this way - max 30 tickets /2= 15 events = 5 sessions
  16. Inna Białorusinka może pomóc nam w ujeżdżeniu, ale jest problem z karencją. Polacy walczą by mogła pomóc.
  17. Ciężko będzie kogoś w skokach do wody wrzucić. Z jeździectwa myślę, że szanse mamy i na trzy drużyny - pytanie jak do tego się przygotowaliśmy. Na pewno liczę na WKKW - choć nie mamy Spisaka. Choć bardzo pragnę siatkarki zobaczyć, to jednak ciężko będzie. Ja ich w głowie nie liczę. Boks obstawiam dwie panie, bo zawody u nas. Torowe wydaje się bardzo optymistyczne. W szermierce są szanse na trzy ekipy, jednak nie widzę tam męskiej drużyny.
  18. Great! I am going in first weekend session (19-20?) with my friend from Inowrocław. Now, I am looking for cheap flights to Budapest. It will be first time for me there. I will be there for 4 days - I am open also for reccomondations.
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