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Posts posted by DaniSRB

  1. 45 minutes ago, nenad said:

    Barna treći u kvalifikacijama iza Drehsela i Popovićija


    Basketaši se mučili sa Novim Zelandom ali dobili. Imaju još Portoriko, Brazil i Francuze u grupi. 


    Nego, ako neko može da mi kaže gde su najveće promene u sistemu kvalifikacija a koje se tiču nas, bio bih mu zahvalan. 

    ndma vise kontinentalnih kvalifikacija u odbojci, posle 3 svetska turnira gleda se renking



    ostalo ne znam, uglavnom manji broj kvota

  2. 27 minutes ago, Sindo said:

    You can decide that yourself. My general suggestion is initially to have few threads, to avoid having many threads with few replies, then when the section will be more active you can open more threads.


    By the way, I have made Майкл as owner but if you want you can be as well :yes

    I am fine with Майкл being sole owner. 


    Well, we are mostly all active Serbian users here, in last few years noone appeared 😂

  3. 17 minutes ago, NikolaB said:

    Почели смо и Јапанце да увозимо. Вучић је направио чудо, сад је само небо граница :lol:



    Узгред кад већ помињемо тај Српски тим који је основан, колико сам ја схватио он у ствари представља потфорум где ће се писати на српском језику и где би ми имали могућност отварања разних тема, уместо да као до сада пишемо све само на овом једном месту

    Pa da, vrv ce da ugasi ove teme posle nekog vremena

  4. 56 minutes ago, Jesse_Pinkman) said:

    Pa to sam i ja pomislio:d za njih je sad vazno GP i SP jer nose dosta bodova, posebno za Aleksandru i Stefana, Tijana bi morala isto da prikupi dosta bodova ali posle OI je bas u losoj formi, mada i Nadica je postala losa kada je presla kod Galeta

    I dalje imamo dobre sanse za 3 kvote preko renkinga, ali naravno moraju da osvajaju medalje i bodove, jos puno bodova je u igri

  5. Just now, Jesse_Pinkman) said:

    Sto tamo:d pa ne znam ko je, googlao sam je nema nista o njoj, jedino ako znas na japanskom kako da je trazimo:lol:

    Napravljen nam je kao taj klub 😁


    A nije nesto jaka kad je Radmilovic do srebra dosla :d

  6. 38 minutes ago, Jesse_Pinkman) said:

    Aleksandra Perisic je osvojila zlato na Croatia Openu opet je pobedila Mateu Jelic, Nadica bronzu!

    Aleksandra Radmilovic srebro i prva japanka u nasem timu Mao Nisida bronzu u kategoriji -57

    Dad treba da predjemo na onaj klub :D


    Ko je ta Japanka?

  7. 4 minutes ago, ChandlerMne said:

    Djelicno se znaci sjecam.

    Nikada vise nije bilo uspjeha, uglavnom ispadanje u kvalifikacijama. Mozda bi ovo bio neki nagovjestaj, mada se ne nadam previse.

    Klasnic je inace iz NS?

    mislim obojica

  8. Just now, ChandlerMne said:

    Tacno, proslih par godina su bile mrtvo more. ;)

    Koji je par postizao najbolje rezultate, cini mi se pred Rio? Nikako ne mogu da se sjetim. Valjda Kolaric i Basta

    posle Rija, Kolaric i Basta, a onda se jedan povredio

  9. 14 minutes ago, ChandlerMne said:

    Kolarić i Klasnić u polufinalu turnira u Turskoj. Sada traje SP, jasno je da su najjaca imena tamo, ali ipak dobar rezultat za nasu odbojku

    dobro je da bar neko igra :d

    Za Klasnica sam nesto citala da ide u Ameriku mislila sam da su odustali, ma da sam ga skoro srela u NS :d

  10. 1 hour ago, JoshMartini007 said:

    With no Russia, expect a lot of medals to be won by other nations. :AUT is third after the qualification round in the women's duet technical.


    It's also dumb that Canada hasn't competed in the duets here (or at the World Cups). There's a good chance we'll fail to qualify a team to the Olympics and I don't think it will be a good idea to try and scramble a routine to qualify in the duets (though on paper we should qualify relatively easily).

    There will be 18 or 22 duets in Paris?

  11. Draw for European Championship in Split



    Group A: Georgia, Italy, Montenegro, Slovakia

    Group B: Croatia, Greece, France, Malta

    Group C: Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Spain

    Group D: Hungary, Israel, Serbia, Slovenia



    Group A: Croatia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Romania

    Group B: France, Israel, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain

  12. Draw for European u19 championship


    Men (in Podgorica)

    Group A: Czech Republic, Malta, Netherlands, Spain

    Group B: Croatia, Georgia, Italy, Slovakia

    Group C: Germany, Greece, Romania, Serbia

    Group D: France, Hungary, Montenegro, Turkey


    Women (in Netanya)

    Group A: Israel, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Turkey

    Group B: Croatia, France, Italy, Slovakia

    Group C: Germany, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland

    Group D: Great Britain, Netherlands, Potugal, Ukraine

  13. Just now, Sindo said:

    You cant find them but you can open them, right? I think if those pages are public they will be included in Google and other search engine searches.


    Also, I will invite there all the new Serbian users who will register. And once a user will be in the club, you will find the link to the club in all the pages:





    Yes, I can only open link which you left. I don't see clubs anywhere on the forum.


    However, i suppose many users are attracted to forum thanks to seeing national threads and can discuss in  national languages.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Sindo said:

    Hello guys!


    An update regarding the Serbian section of the forum.


    Instead of another website, we are going to use the "club" feature this forum allows. Basically it is a sort of sub-forum only for certain users. You will have the Serbian club where you will have your own sub-forum where you can have sections and threads and write in your national language. This will be much better than having everything inside one single thread, and I am sure it will help to find more Serbian users who will join the discussion in the future


    You can find an example of this with the Team Canada club, which we have launched during the Winter Olympics:


    Can you please help me with the name of the club? It can be whatever you want.


    I hope you will like it and you will follow there all the qualifications to Paris 2024!

    how it  will help to find new users when i can't find existing clubs of other nations?

  15. 1 hour ago, ChandlerMne said:

    Ako je vjerovati stranici na Wikipediji, na Mediteranskim igrama cemo imati 244 takmicara. Ako je tacno, mislim da je to rekord. Takmicimo se u vecini timskih sportova.

    Iz oks-a su bili rekli 160, ali nema spiska jos

  16. 1 minute ago, ChandlerMne said:

    Nisam pratio njene meceve u smislu gledanja snimaka al vidim da je lagano gubila vecinu meceva. 

    Svi se bore da uzmu dosta bodova a vecina nasih mrtvo more.

    Direktno nece niko otici preko plasmana, mozda taj kval turnir i to je to :cry:

    ko je dobsr kvalifikovace se, ko nije nista....sad gledam samo sanse za medalju i ucesce u malom sportu :d

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