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Posts posted by ChandlerMne

  1. 10 hours ago, NikolaB said:

    Нико не помиње хокејаше који пружају сјајне партије на СП дивизије II, група А у Београду. За сада је 4/4 и остао је још дуел са Хрватима за пласман у прву дивизију. Данас су победили УАЕ (за које играју наравно све натурализовани играчи, већином Руси и Белоруси) са 5:2, док су раније били убедљиви и против Исланда, Аустралије и Израела. Хрвате су већ једном убедљиво добили ове године, у квалификацијама за ОИ. 

    Gledao sam ih ja prosle godine u 1B diviziji. Uopste nisu bili losi, dobro su igrali prakticno protiv svih tako da bi bila steta da ostanu u drugoj diviziji. Koliko se ulaze u hokej, oni su fenomenalni.

  2. 4 hours ago, Mecki83 said:

    I am not that optimistic...In any case, I would be much more optimistic if Jolyn Beer and Larissa Wegner hadn't lost their great starting position with 192 each in the standing position and missed the final in 9th and 10th place. :facepalm:

    On the other hand, from a German perspective, the outcome is almost trivial, as Jolyn Beer will almost certainly get the ticket via the Olympic Ranking if she or any German shooter doesn't get a quota place today or at the European Championships.

    Yeah, Jolyn is usually calmer in these deciding moments. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, avlar said:

    I do not know what will they do for belarus, but russian olympic committee is officially suspended.

    So, formally they cannot accept quotas at all))

    We have similar situation in wrestling where quotas were won by ineligible athletes.


    So the IOC will have to deal with this in some way.

    According to the recent communications the process is:

    1) IF sends list of qualified athletes to the IOC

    2) the IOC decides whether they are allowed of not

    That process is logical, only problem is -  will IOC stick to it 100 %. From what i was reading last few months, they changed policies more than once. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, avlar said:

    It is a good point. 

    We really do not know how it will be done. But according to the published documents I do not see an option to substitute an athlete rejected by the IOC.

    And it will be stranhe to get quotas with the help of ineligible persons for other athlets.

    Anyway we will know it soon. 

    As you can see, ISSF already has strange politics in every sense, plus this situation is a precedent. Not an easy task even for most advanced organisations, let alone ISSF. 

    I am curious to see how will IOC untangle this. 


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