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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Wind died for the last four and all of them outside Top 10. Another gold for Norway looks unlikely. Sadreev 30th.
  2. Svenja Wuerth down in 17th. I was a little off. She's doing worse than early Goessner in biathlon considering the zero competition level and the fact Geraghty-Moats actually gained 13 places in the cross country.
  3. Marte Lund fell from 2nd! Finally some drama Still gets third. Worst & least competitive event of the Championships is done and dusted.
  4. The lowest of all low-hanging fruits. Tara Geraghty-Moats is a World Cup overall winner after ONE frickin' race I see she completely blew the ski jumping here though? 18th? The biggest chance for gold medal looks toast. How low will Svenja Wuerth tumble? I'd say she finishes 14th
  5. I know what you're talking about, It's the same when Justyna Kowalczyk battled the Norwegian power house in cross-country skiing. Norway had a special lab bus worth 5 million Euro with gazillion skis, waxes & engineers while Kowalczyk only had coach Veretelny and two Estonian waxmen who covered both classic & freestyle skis. And she didn't have a private jet like Vlhova does now She had a Mercedes minivan to travel around Europe.
  6. Yeah, Bolshunov's pace is too much for Musgrave. Klaebo getting tailed off too.
  7. I skipped the predictably boring gold medal for Johaug. Waste of time but I'm happy Karlsson managed to win a silver medal. There is hope somewhere down the line - like in 2032 when Johaug retires aged 43 or something
  8. Pinturault still 2nd despite skiing 80% of the course without a pole.
  9. I feel like every ES commentator (even Polish ones) have said that it feels like Vlhova looks tired out there. It's obviously down to her chasing every single event this season. Shiffrin had a similar problem when she started doing speed races, when she only did tech she won slaloms by like 2 seconds and the gaps shrinked once she started doing speed events. But Shiffrin has actually skipped some speed rounds - and basically the more technical ones more often - and managed her own strenght a little better. Vlhova still has a chance to win the overall - even if Gut sweeps this weekend. But she'd need Gut to look crap in GS again - I have no idea how much confidence Gut has right now but she's clearly running hot while Vlhova seems to be stumbling towards the finish line after peaking in December and early January.
  10. Spela Rogelj keeping Slovenia in the gold medal hunt. If Slovenia doesn't win, this could be on Klinec.
  11. Klinec only 16,5 with telemark. Judges want to make this interesting? Poland 8th.
  12. Blah. We put Szwab instead of Konderla and she swiftly jumped 24 meters shorter than Ulihrova
  13. Czech Republic really struggling after two jumps which probably means Poland get 8th place.
  14. Well, it's the normal hill so style marks are more important here. Austria were only 0,8 better than Slovenia in points. Kramer jumped 3,5 meters better than second best distance of Kriznar. Takanahsi & Bjoerseth skipped the trial round.
  15. Jesus, he can't look any older and senile even if he tried
  16. Wait til he gets warmed up Obama wanted to stay out of Syria so guess Biden forgot that memo. I'm not surprised he did given his age
  17. Mikaela Shiffrin won 5/5 slaloms in 2016 and didn't win the slalom globe either (due to injury)
  18. There are other nations who aren't scared of doping or other questionable methods (NOP in athletics, Larry Nassar sex abuse in gymnastics, jiffy bags in British cycling and so on). This is a problem with winter sports in Germany in general, other than luge & bobsleigh just about every other winter sport is in a slump lately. Biathlon, cross country skiing, ski jumping, nordic combined has also seen better days especially that #1 guy isn't German anymore. Speed skating just fits the trend.
  19. I'd rather ask why is a Canadian interested in US politics so much? You're part of the Commonwealth rather than USA after all.
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