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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Obviously a very poor World Cup season for has come to an end. We truly went out with a bang (4+15) and 22nd place. No Ostersund, just the Nationals at Duszniki-Zdroj next weekend. And then it's Adam Kolodziejczyk time again, watch us SUCK at the Olympic Games big time. Hojnisz should be the only serviceable member of the team, I have zero hopes that AK will fix whatever is wrong with Kamila Zuk's shooting. We need our own JP Amat and that simply won't happen with Kolodziejczyk's imperial style of coaching. [/ rant over]
  2. The classic Arnoux blocking job on Prost and James Hunt sums it up to upgrade Murray's reasoning
  3. Well, today they only talked about the coaching purge in the Polish team. They barely managed to focus on the actual race before the first shoot. Jaronski was clearly trying to obtain some inside knowledge from Sikora while on air At least they didn't hold back in saying that Zuk's season has been a disaster and Zbylut has regressed a lot. And they written off the men's team anyway too. Actually Jaronski said nobody would want the Polish men's team job since it's very lousy (duh!)
  4. Tomasz Sikora was better prepared yesterday when he said Eckhoff would have to win all remaining races to beat that record (there are three individual races in Ostersund IIRC?)
  5. That's most wins by a biathlete. Magdalena Forsberg still has the overall record (14 wins in 2000/01 IIRC).
  6. I've seen this script before and it's unlikely to happen. Charlotta Saefvenberg is labouring around while another junior WC Magdalena Fjaellstroem has completely vanished and she beat Gisin and Vlhova at junior WChamps. Sara Hector was supposed to be the next Anja Paerson and that didn't happen either. Sweden has wasted a lot of talent over the years who never quite reached the expectations on the big stage. That's also the case for other nations, like Jessica Depauli who beat both Shiffrin and Holdener at junior WC or Reto Schmidiger who was like Marco Odermatt before Marco Odermatt. And he fizzled out fast too.
  7. Liensberger wins. Now 22 pts behind Vlhova in slalom standings.
  8. Men's team is hopeless and well, Kamila Zuk has regressed badly this season. That EC gold medal means nothing tbh. Kolodziejczyk coming back is like setting up a funeral
  9. What do you expect when someone like Chiara Mair who never finished better than 6th on World Cup gets a first group starting bib? Austria has nobody other than Liensberger and Sweden is totally gone once Swenn-Larsson got injured. Not gonna even mention France who has 33 year old Noens as their #1 since like forever.
  10. Not gonna spam in two different threads to ask one question
  11. Chloe Kim and Kelly Sildaru decied not to show up or they only care about X Games?
  12. I don't think Davidova has the ski speed even with 10/10. Preuss would have won it if she shot 10/10 though. Looks like Eckhoff - Herrmann - Wierer podium won't change.
  13. Eckhoff 9/10 but still ahead of Herrmann 10/10 after second shoot
  14. Polish team won't make the trip to Ostersund citing difficult return experience from last season and the fact the standings are more or less decided. Vittozzi 2/5. Herrmann & Wierer 5/5.
  15. Why? Germany relies on cheap labour a lot - and those are usually men coming from Eastern Europe to work in Landwirtschaft
  16. Are they doing mixed moguls too? Anything with the word mixed that makes the rich even richer? It's obvious gender equality is more important than excitement so I see no reason why anything would change with moguls. It's curious to see Russia once again provides the young talent as evident by the age of women's dual moguls finalists. Actually Russians makes noise with their youngsters and everyone else sitting on their hands with veterans is one reason moguls might be kicked off the Olympic programme
  17. Why? I'm pretty sure NBC would just put commercials instead of live coverage of their efforts Does NBC even show anything that doesn't include US athletes to begin with?
  18. You know the PT Barnum rule: Say anything you like, just get the name right
  19. Iverson? This ain't NBA. His name is Emil Iversen. Shows you how undeserved champion he is that people can't even get his name right
  20. Yep, Hendrick Motorsport got a proven race winner on the cheap. Nobody gives a fuck about the 'controversy' anymore
  21. Yaas, bitches! Here comes the boom! Told ya Majchrowski's bluff will be called and he's got a pair of deuces in his hand
  22. Yeah, do we need to see another Eric 'The Eel' Moussambani and Paula 'The Crawler' Bolopa again just so the gender equality lobbyists are satisfied?
  23. It's obvious political bullshit... funny thing is the Muslim countries will obviously ignore it and IOC can't afford to ban all the oil countries or else global market takes a plunge... and Thomas Bach is too clever to risk a political crises based on his gender equality bullshit. Europe and America have long lost the privilege of telling the Middle East what to do
  24. Good luck with enforcing the gender parity rule if some nations only qualify for like 3 team sports in the men's events and 0 in women's This political corectness bullshit is really getting to the extreme. I wonder when enough will be enough? It's only a matter of time before this happens, And what if some nations field 80% of women and 20% men? Will anyone scream about gender parity then? I suspect not Muslim nations will NEVER send more women than men but of course IOC only applies the rules to European and North American countries. Will Iran be banned from entering volleyball and football qualifications then?
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