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Wrestling UWW World Olympic Games Qualifier 2021

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15 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

That is absolutely the problem. Judo, Taekwondo, and Karate all have a strong digital presence. They all have fairly well marketed World Cup series. In the case of Taekwondo, they’ve also done fantastic work with their refugee outreach program, which has gotten international attention. 

:lol::lol: that was hilarious, you can say so many bad things about UWW about not promoting the sport but not this one.


90% of those so called refuges are Iranians and all of them are fake. they are legal migrants (moved to Europe because of poor economical situations here) but later changed their status to "refugee" because that was their only way to participate. (obviously in some countries they don't give you a passport right away and without a passport you can't represent that country) and some of them are not even good. they are part of this "refugee team" just to get some easy money from IOC!


UWW solved that problem long time ago. you can participate at the Worlds/Continental events without even being a citizen. Abraham Conyedo won a World bronze for Italy long before being an Italian citizen. that's mandatory only for the Olympics.


PS: UWW also has this stupid refugee idea, but at least that's limited (probably only to real refugees) there is a guy I don't know maybe from Iraq or Syria who will participate on Saturday (and will lose in the first round or the 2nd round)

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18 minutes ago, MHSN said:

:lol::lol: that was hilarious, you can say so many bad things about UWW about not promoting the sport but not this one.


90% of those so called refuges are Iranians and all of them are fake. they are legal migrants (moved to Europe because of poor economical situations here) but later changed their status to "refugee" because that was their only way to participate. (obviously in some countries they don't give you a passport right away and without a passport you can't represent that country) and some of them are not even good. they are part of this "refugee team" just to get some easy money from IOC!

I was referring to the work of the Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation, which was founded by World Taekwondo. Website:


They’ve done some incredible work with refugees, and there’s hope that some of the athletes from these programs will be able to compete at the international elite level some time in the near future.


I do apologize for the confusion though, I should have been more specific in my original post.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Guys, I think the topic of competing for another nation has already been here several times so I guess it is pointless to talk about and just learn to accept it. There can be multiple reasons why somebody changes a nationality. But if you look at Russians or people from Asian Russian speaking countries like :UZB , :KAZ  etc, there surely change the nationality cause there is way higher competition nationwide or they are looking for better conditions as we all know what conditions they are offered in those countries. 


I was also sad when :CZE freestyle skier Matěj Švancer swicthed his nationality to :AUT and probably going to Beijing 2022 and he is promissing to get one of the medals. But that is something we have to accept. If the "strong" Russian joins your country, you are surely happy that the person gets to compete under your flag and may get successful under your flag. Even though he/she is not originally your country born. These people also usually get some connections in your country - later they probably work there, they may find a life partner there, learn the language and accept the country as a new home. I think all these things are connected with this. And I fully respect that. 


:CZE does not have any naturalized wrestlers, I know only about 1 figure skater by now who qualified in Pairs competition for Beijing 2022 alongside her Czech partner. But I respect that. Such as I respect that our athletes who have to fight the fact of some athletes being naturalized by other countries when they have to defeat them in the competition ...... 

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6 hours ago, Jan Linha said:

Congrats bro, he deserved it. I watched Salkazanov and honestly he was better. He should have been there. Nice job from Boris!! :SVK ..... Slovenskooooooo, Slovenskoooooo ey ya ey ya ey ya Slovenskoooo!!!!???


Thank you buddy :hug:


Yes. Strange weird feelings. one eye is smiling and happy for that combat sport quota (no one can even understand how much we needed it), but the other eye is crying, if there one athlete tis year who deserved to qualify for the Games, it was definitely Tajmuraz. Really unfair system. But it is how it is, what can we do. Maybe in Paris  in 3 years he will take his revenge and fight even for medal. who know ?

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11 hours ago, Federer91 said:


I have said it numerous times here, but switching nations should be made extremely hard. To represent you have to be born there, or both parents have to be from the country, or you have be living there for 15 years (even though in modern free times, this not very relevant) or take a lengthy non-compete clause (4 years at minimum like a doping ban). 

If that happened we'd have lots of Greek, Ukrainians, Turks, Armenians, Nigerians, Egyptians etc. It's okay to watch one sided matches as long as it's original content ( I mean athletes of that country itself). 


It's true most sports won't do it, but I have seen the fairytale stories in many sports. From nowhere to best that happens only with homegrown talent. Canada for example was in top 10 nations or so in the 1990s but they continued with expats and today they are like not even in top 20. PNG for example was nowhere today they are seeded 12th for T20 WC 2021 later this year. Also reminds me of Thailand where federation refused to allow expat women and believed in Thai school kids who last year qualified to the 10 team world cup and have already beaten Sri Lanka once. It's a non olympic sport but will soon become a olympic sport ofc in 2-3 editions, no doubt on that because cricket will give more money then 10-15 Olympic sports combined. 

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12 hours ago, Vektor said:

Why wouldn't they allow it? This is how sport works in the 21st century, there's nothing unusual about this. The issue isn't with that Russians are competing for other countries, the issue is that wrestling is so unpopular in other countries that second tier Russian wrestlers are able to take quotas from athletes born outside of Russia. Solve it by making wrestling more popular outside of Russia. 

The only advantage a very minor sport has against other more established sports in any given country is that it allows a relative easier path for international representation. By allowing second rate foreigners to represent your country, you kill that one advantage... 

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15 hours ago, hckošice said:

Boris :clap: Combat sport quota :hyper:


Frst ever Muslim who will compete for :SVK at the Olympics. :)  What a day of history !





Isn't he Ossetian? Ossetians are mostly Orthodox Christians :d

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27 minutes ago, DaniSRB said:

Isn't he Ossetian? Ossetians are mostly Orthodox Christians :d

Both Salkazanov and Gulaev are orthodox, Makoev is Muslim :d


our NT coach and the man behind everything in our wrestling said it to our NOC site







Je spolupráca v rámci slovenskej zápasníckej reprezentácie vo voľnom štýle bezproblémová?

Z môjho pohľadu sme si postupne vybudovali veľmi dobrý vzťah. Mám tu dvoch pravoslávnych Salkazanova a Gulajeva, Makojev je moslim. Museli sme vyriešiť aj túto situáciu. Vznikali tu taktiež „trenice“, pretože v olympijskej kategórii do 74 kg štartovali Gulajev aj Salkazanov. Bolo to prirodzené, obaja chceli zabojovať o olympijskú miestenku. Momentálne sú však zadobre. Som presvedčený, že to tak aj ostane. Budeme sa snažiť zakomponovať ešte viac ľudí do realizačného tímu, aby prišli ďalšie úspechy.


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Happy for the South American girls, they are doing better, than i would have predicted. :thumbup: Got some very good wins over more traditional wrestling nations.

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