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Track Cycling at the Summer Olympic Games 2016

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8 minutes ago, dcro said:


2. might be a good point but I don't know how it feels to have medal candidates in this sport. :p


I'll probably join for women's team sprint as we'll have some other winning nation there. :evil:

Now hold on, Fernando Gaviria is the favourite in the men's omnium :d 


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4 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Now hold on, Fernando Gaviria is the favourite in the men's omnium :d 


Maybe at World championships. :p


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vor 11 Minuten schrieb Nickyc707:

Perhaps if you weren't so obviously ignorant you would have been aware that Armistead and Ohurougo were taken to task in both the written and broadcast media for their missed tests. Not sure why you think athletes like Farah or Froome should be attacked though.


Of course, you don't want to discuss it! As the Donald Trump of this site you prefer to make outrageous and unsubstantiated attacks and then start to flail about when anyone stands up to you and exposes the patent nonsense which you propound.

Now that you have exposed my nonsense (i am sure that you really believe that), you can finally fall asleep, you really seem to need it. :yes 

Oh wait ... now that i read your comment again i realize that you didnt answer any of my questions and didnt disprove any of my points. You might want to sleep a couple of hours and then try again, but please try better this time, otherwise just save my time and dont write anything. :yes

For a start you could post a link to some sources (about the media taking those athletes to charge), its crazy that i have to teach you how to discuss ...

Probably you are the Donald Trump here ... its easy to provoke you and you have the very rare ability to write multiple lines of nonesense, without making a single point and without even noticing that you actually didnt prove anything.


Edit: Its funny and expected that you dont see anything wrong about the media not being too critical about Froome, Farah or Radcliffe, british media is really cruel ... you really have to feel sorry for all those poor british athletes. :cry:

Edited by OlympicsFan

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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