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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. VOTING POSITIONS 18 Argentina 1 Nation 19 Nation 2 Nation 20 Portugal 3 Nation 21 Nation 4 Nation 22 Nation 5 Nation 23 Nation 6 Nation 24 New Zealand 7 Nation 25 Nation 8 Nation 26 Nation 9 Nation 27 Nation 10 Bulgaria 28 Nation 11 Nation 29 Nation 12 Nation 30 Czech Republic 13 Nation 31 Nation 14 Nation 32 Nation 15 Nation 33 Nation 16 Nation 34 Mexico 17 Nation 35 Malta Team Allocation Staverden Ghosts 1 Nation 8 Nation 15 Nation 22 Nation 29 Nation Ermelo Riders 2 Nation 9 Nation 16 Nation 23 Nation 30 Czech Republic Harderwijk Dolphins 3 Nation 10 Bulgaria 17 Nation 24 New Zealand 31 Nation Elburg Botter 4 Nation 11 Nation 18 Argentina 25 Nation 32 Nation Veluwe Vipers 5 Nation 12 Nation 19 Nation 26 Nation 33 Nation Apeldoorn Gorillas 6 Nation 13 Nation 20 Portugal 27 Nation 34 Mexico Nunspeet Wolves 7 Nation 14 Nation 21 Nation 28 Nation 35 Malta
  2. VOTING POSITIONS 18 Argentina 1 Nation 19 Nation 2 Nation 20 Nation 3 Nation 21 Nation 4 Nation 22 Nation 5 Nation 23 Nation 6 Nation 24 New Zealand 7 Nation 25 Nation 8 Nation 26 Nation 9 Nation 27 Nation 10 Bulgaria 28 Nation 11 Nation 29 Nation 12 Nation 30 Czech Republic 13 Nation 31 Nation 14 Nation 32 Nation 15 Nation 33 Nation 16 Nation 34 Nation 17 Nation 35 Malta Team Allocation Staverden Ghosts 1 Nation 8 Nation 15 Nation 22 Nation 29 Nation Ermelo Riders 2 Nation 9 Nation 16 Nation 23 Nation 30 Czech Republic Harderwijk Dolphins 3 Nation 10 Bulgaria 17 Nation 24 New Zealand 31 Nation Elburg Botter 4 Nation 11 Nation 18 Argentina 25 Nation 32 Nation Veluwe Vipers 5 Nation 12 Nation 19 Nation 26 Nation 33 Nation Apeldoorn Gorillas 6 Nation 13 Nation 20 Nation 27 Nation 34 Nation Nunspeet Wolves 7 Nation 14 Nation 21 Nation 28 Nation 35 Malta
  3. VOTING POSITIONS 18 Nation 1 Nation 19 Nation 2 Nation 20 Nation 3 Nation 21 Nation 4 Nation 22 Nation 5 Nation 23 Nation 6 Nation 24 New Zealand 7 Nation 25 Nation 8 Nation 26 Nation 9 Nation 27 Nation 10 Bulgaria 28 Nation 11 Nation 29 Nation 12 Nation 30 Nation 13 Nation 31 Nation 14 Nation 32 Nation 15 Nation 33 Nation 16 Nation 34 Nation 17 Nation 35 Malta Team Allocation Staverden Ghosts 1 Nation 8 Nation 15 Nation 22 Nation 29 Nation Ermelo Riders 2 Nation 9 Nation 16 Nation 23 Nation 30 Nation Harderwijk Dolphins 3 Nation 10 Bulgaria 17 Nation 24 New Zealand 31 Nation Elburg Botter 4 Nation 11 Nation 18 Nation 25 Nation 32 Nation Veluwe Vipers 5 Nation 12 Nation 19 Nation 26 Nation 33 Nation Apeldoorn Gorillas 6 Nation 13 Nation 20 Nation 27 Nation 34 Nation Nunspeet Wolves 7 Nation 14 Nation 21 Nation 28 Nation 35 Malta
  4. Oops... I thought that was amen09. Nevermind then, I have no idea what is the procedure here.
  5. Heywoodu: "Ballads Are Supposed to Have Meaning" Heywoodu in Amsterdam. Future Netflix series? The Netherlands hold a distinct, often overlooked TISC record. Together with Vietnam, who only participated once, they are the only other nation which never placed outside of the Top 20. A highly impressive record, no doubt, but today we invited their leading juror Heywoodu on a little interview regarding a somewhat different subject... Q: How do you go about evaluating TISC entries? Do you use a specific system when picking out your Top 12? A: I take the playlist and give every song one listen in the playlist's order while trying to not see which country it's from yet (that'll be impossible now, but that's fine). While doing so, every song gets a note from 1 to 10, and if I'm lucky, around 15 songs stand out above the rest. I do give the others a short listen as well if time permits, to make sure I didn't miss something there, but usually, if a song doesn't make my list on the first listen, I don't really change my mind about it later. Q: And what about the maximum 12 points? Can you recognize it immediately? Or do you take a certain amount of time before deciding on it? A: When I've got my shortlist of songs to be awarded points, they all get another listen and often a new note - generally on a new scale, 1 to 100, so that it's easier to differentiate between songs that for example would otherwise all get an 8. If there's still ties left, it's a matter of listening to the songs involved again and simply picking the one I like most. Q: Do you have a favourite music genre? Is there any genre you would like to hear more of on the TISC stage? A: Not really. In general, I like a sort of 'rock-like' songs, but my voting history shows I definitely appreciate much more ballad-like songs as well. Song About Love, Dear Home, Sacre Coeur, Gosto de Ti, Epitáfio, absolute masterpieces. Q: How important are lyrics to you? A: Fairly important. It sort of depends on the kind of song: in the ballad-like songs I mentioned, the combination of the wonderful voices and lyrics make them stand out for me. In more rock-like songs, the general feel and melody mean more for me, which is why songs in languages I don't understand usually only have a chance to score well in my book if they're not ballads - after all, ballads are supposed to have some sort of meaning, for me at least. I do find it pretty important to at least be able to hear what they are singing. Even if I don't know French, I can at least recognize words, which is why for example Arab, Chinese or Indian (non-English) songs are so difficult for me to score high: nothing against these languages, but the sounds and such are so entirely different it is nearly impossible for me to recognize words or anything. I think it'd be similar for someone who's only grown up with, for example, Arab and suddenly hears Italian: it'd probably sound like a bunch of random sounds, simply because it is so totally different. Q: And finally... How can we get 12 points from Heywoodu? A: Enter a song I like more than any other entry. If Heywoodu's musical preferences still feel like a jigsaw puzzle - maybe this will help. Our resident Dutch juror has outlined the following entries as favorites during the most recent TISC editions... Stay tuned for more user interviews to come, as we count down to TOISC 2020...
  6. Has anyone here played Mahjong? I have been wondering if it is a game worth learning.
  7. I guess most of you are familiar with the user interviews at this point. Just a heads up that the publishing will start Saturday.
  8. Cyprus just won a junior rhythm dance in Minsk with an impressive score of 67.11 ! Yeah, okay... It's actually two Russians competing for Cyprus, but still, with a score like that they should be able to qualify for the Olympics quite easily.
  9. I assume the Organizing Committee is rather skeptical about using cloud for such classified data?
  10. And yet more and more Chinese companies are starting to see America as hostile market...?
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