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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. One additional interesting fact about my voting in this edition. This was the first time that Moldova and China got points from Lithuania and both of them were medal positions. As well as 4 of the top 6 were non-English.
  2. LITHUANIA New Zealand 12 Moldova 11 China 10 Ireland 9 Brazil 8 Czech Republic 7 Malta 6 Great Britain 5 France 4 United States 3 Germany 2 Croatia 1 Concluding Comment: And 12 points go to mr. I really like 15 songs this year and I think that my song is not even in that top 15 - @Wanderer 2020. Brazil remains the only nation that can boast about getting the Lithuanian 12 points twice.
  3. LITHUANIA Moldova 11 China 10 Ireland 9 Brazil 8 Czech Republic 7 Malta 6 Great Britain 5 France 4 United States 3 Germany 2 Croatia 1
  4. LITHUANIA Greeting in national language: Sveiki visi Totallympics forumo lankytojai, tikiuosi šių metų renginys visiems bus smagus English translation: Hello there, this translation is not going to be accurate to what I wrote in Lithuanian. Just wanted to say that in this extremely difficult year, I'm very happy that we're all here together and having fun. This means a lot to me and I'm glad that I can make some countries happy with my votes. China 10 Ireland 9 Brazil 8 Czech Republic 7 Malta 6 Great Britain 5 France 4 United States 3 Germany 2 Croatia 1
  5. Thank you kindly Brazil and @titicow, you always shower me with kind surprises. Can't recall the last Lithuanian gold, it definitely didn't happen in the previous contest
  6. I refuse to believe this based on the fact that Portuguese is probably my favourite language, whilst I can't listen to Russian without feeling bad (can't explain why, perhaps it's the occupation, but it's even hard to listen to Russian music)
  7. If Lithuania is not getting points right now, I'm going to personally fly to Brazil and register @vinipereira back into TISC
  8. It's like all those years when I bashed my head into the wall that was @dezbee2008 You're sending the same songs I'm sending, so why am I giving points to the USA, but never getting points from the USA? Luckily this was not the trend in the past few years.
  9. Just get it over with and post the final one Or perhaps I'll accidentally do that when I'm 76 in the TISC of 2070
  10. I'm excited that I get to vote soon, then I'll be free from unintentional or intentional spoilers.
  11. next year we're putting you in front of the camera, because we're all about equality
  12. omg, thanks @stefanbg for the 7 points! This session pretty much already equaled the Lithuanian efforts of the first session
  13. Thing is that with the amount of points that Poland got this session, we would be in this Next year instead of elim we could do bracket points for every finished round and tally up the points. 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
  14. If this is how we're playing the game, I'm bound to end up fairly anti-establishment this year
  15. No joke, took a second to analyse the standings right now and can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?
  16. Well, at least it doesn't hurt in a way since we had no chance what so ever and were not even close
  17. Good news is that there won't be time for a coffee break as I don't drink coffee and I don't need a break
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