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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. I can't believe you've done this... Had to actually go back to the scoreboard to see if this was real
  2. Perhaps Spotify playing "In Disco Lights" will bring some luck back to Denmark.
  3. Would be the second time that I give a 13th place to the eventual winner, being the second time that I don't give points to a winner.
  4. What in the absolute........ Thank you Tunisia @amen09 and @tuniscof for the 8 points to Lithuania
  5. I just love how no matter how many times the jury from GB changes, the tradition to give points to India remains
  6. I can expect 0 points then anti-establishment somehow never tended to favour Lithuania
  7. My playlist for the next 15 minutes projecting Germany, Argentina, New Zealand and Malta
  8. Did we sign some sort of mutual agreement to not give points to each other somewhere down the line? I don't think I remember points from Slovakia ever and I checked my all time table and I gave Slovakia points three times, but the last one was 2015
  9. Also, can someone please explain why 4 countries that got votes from me are sharing 21st place right now?
  10. I remember that before it was my turn to vote, New Zealand was struggling to stay on the left side of the scoreboard. Happy that I wasn't the only one that recognised their potential and we're sharing a 6th place together now
  11. The tradition of hosts not getting to eat during the competition continues
  12. Since my playlist is on Australia right now, I would assume that those 11 points might not be New Zealand.
  13. Slovakia hasn't decided on the 12 points yet. They'll give it to the country that begs the hardest starting now
  14. The kinetic energy of not giving points to Poland was just too overwhelming. That's how it happened.
  15. Oh, isn't this the most successful Late Night show to pop out of America?
  16. Another funny thing is that my TISC playlist right now is on a Portuguese song, so they've bribed everything
  17. I just hope that it's a joke and that all of the other templates don't have to be readjusted
  18. I don't want to jinx it, but I love the fact that this contest has the potential of being close.
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