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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. Okay, the mandatory: did Lithuania score anything in the craziness that is the Italian jury? @Gianlu33 @SteveParker ? Perhaps you're up.
  2. Is this actually the very first TISC where the scoreboard is updated already in the order by score?
  3. Oh my god, Denmark is always one of my biggest loves Thank you @Wumo and @Agger
  4. Don't know the exact stats how many times Lithuania actually started with getting points in the first round, but that's always a nice feeling
  5. I'm truly sorry, but I'm not too convinced if I'm going to make it till TOISC 2070
  6. Well, that's crazy, but heck, free advertisement. If only they didn't pick tracks from 2014
  7. Lendel and Marozaitė in the top 4 for sprints. The only worrying thing is that their likely to just end up 4th in this battle for medals.
  8. Green beans are actually a really popular side for steaks and such and steaks usually go with a potato side and green vegetables (green beans, asparagus, brussel sprouts etc.), unless you're doing it a bit more asian style with some soy marinate, then you might serve rice instead.
  9. Ah, so you only hate corn, bell-peppers, brusselsprouts, cabbages that are not red, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, bok choy, asparagus, every lettuce in existence, beets, pumpkins, the beans that are not green and long, cucumbers, squash, eggplants, leeks, zuccini, every onion colour that there is, parsnips, radishes, chilli peppers and kale. That sounds reasonable
  10. Oh, so I misinterpreted your thoughts. Then if electric instruments are okay, your music is mostly safe then In the part where I mentioned that digital violin and digital brass instruments sounded trash, I was specifically referring to the samples and tones in the music production program that you select and play on the keyboard. That was not a diss to an electric violin. If you're not playing those instruments live, your options are very very limited and you can't really go for a solo or a decent melody, just a small accent in an instrumental. Trombones are used sometimes, but from what I've heard using a saxophone is highly unrecommended. Same for violins that are more commonly used than for example a cello or contrabass. Funnily enough, if you're using drums from your production program, you're playing them on a keyboard as well, so the all-mighty digital piano has put every instrument out of work Still, for me personally, I am a huge lover of acoustic instruments and if I could, I would do everything the old-fashioned way. Digital instruments are getting closer, but right now you can't replace the soul that comes from an acoustic piano compared to any and every tone that you pick up from those programs.
  11. Some Estonian ministers said this morning that Biden won an illegal election and that he cheated. They've now resigned from their posts.
  12. Forgot to mention that if you're in a band, then you have the instruments on hand and you can even split studio costs, so most of these struggles mentioned there mostly affect solo acts that have to hire musicians for every single live event anyways.
  13. Oooooh, I really wanna interject on this. In order to hire a competent producer that would make your song from scratch (we're talking about a single song here) you usually spend from 800-1200 Euros, which is actually above minimal monthly wage for everyone in Eastern Europe. Usually you are expected to send it off to some other guy for the mixing & mastering, which would be another 200-300 euros. Here you are already not getting a return unless your Spotify or Youtube is in the millions. Imagine then that you need to hire additional people that would come to the studio, spend hours hooking up & recording their instruments and then you end up paying the drummer, the bassist, the guitarist, the pianist, if you're very adventurous, go for a cello or a violin and so on, so on. There are only a few ways that you can actually survive with live instruments in this industry: 1. You are mega rich and can afford everything 2. You have a lot of passionate musician friends that want you to succeed and will come over to the studio to record the instruments for your song for nothing in exchange 3. You are dating a producer or you have a producer that is your best friend, then no studio costs 4. Your producer is secretly a multi-instrumental talent that can play everything and owns every instrument and records it himself at the studio 5. The artist is secretly a multi-instrumental talent and can himself/herself record every instrument in the studio 6. You have a mega rich manager that can afford everything / under contract with a label 7. You are your own producer and are a multi-instrumental talent (ex. Charlie Puth) Let alone, most studios are now nearly fully digital, I don't think I've seen an acoustic piano in a studio in the past five years, so even if you're a great pianist, most likely you're going to be playing on a digital piano at best if not a midi 4 octave keyboard. The most popular instrument that has a good chance to be recorded live is actually an acoustic or electric guitar, the bass tends to be pitched on a keyboard and a rare sight to use live drums. In my case, my producer is a drummer and a guitarist, so there are some live elements going into my music. He's also better at piano than me so that's kinda embarrassing When I was younger, I always thought that every single one of my songs would be live instruments only, because that's the only real way to make music. But time is money and mostly everyone leans towards digital production nowadays. Violins, cello and brass instruments though sound a bit trash in digital form, so it's why you're hearing it less and less in pop music unless we're coming back to points 1, 6 and 7. There's another heap of monetary trouble if you can't write your own music
  14. 5 days till TISC, 7 days till LoL free agency, 19 days till biathlon season starts, 20 days till quarantine is supposed to end if they don't extend it, 36 days till the end of Eurovision applications and 66 days till Eurovision selection. My life right now is literally just me waiting for moments that will make me happy and then I go on to wait for the next best thing. Holy fuck do I want life to go back to normal.
  15. Anti-establishment, they have to be no more than 20% off of @dezbee2008 scorecard.
  16. We could send you two guys from Nevada to help you count the votes, you will definitely have them by Wednesday, but since you never specified the year or month, well, nothing to worry about, as long as it'll be there on a Wednesday.
  17. Is it actually absolutely weird that these songs are my twelve pointers from the last three contests, but I don't really feel that they exactly represent my musical preferences? The Brazilian song is probably the best representation
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