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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. Ireland, Malta, Moldova and New Zealand are the only songs that are missing? I might have lost track of some entries, so this is just a wild guess Edit: oh, India as well.
  2. @Wanderer is picking Lorde this year, that's why he's waiting for the final day.
  3. For a moment there I got completely baited and thought that Wild Child is actually a Danish band, but it wasn't meant to be I saw the title in the video frame first and thought what an interesting song name choice to go with "Savage Rose", I don't think I've heard that one from them
  4. A lot of bad things are happening to our rowing behind the scenes, so I'm actually not expecting anything from Lithuania, perhaps a final for M2x We won't even have our women's pair not even sure what's happening over there, perhaps one is injured, but that wouldn't explain why the other one wouldn't start in the single-sculls.
  5. I have a lot of horror stories from my hosting it was a pretty rough time since I balanced my job and October was midterm season at uni and also the fact that the job directly interfered with the grand final date, gosh was that embarrassing. If I ever end up hosting this again, I would be more prepared, I just don't think that I would volunteer to do it, it would have to be a win again that pushed me to take this on. One thing that I can say was the best decision in my hosting year was the draw where @OlympicIRL created a game, in which you had to micromanage 3 sets of tables, if I remember correctly and he asked if he should host to which I insisted that I'll do it myself. That was the training montage that prepared me for the actual grand final and without that experience it would've been one hell of a mess probably
  6. I'm gonna be 26 in a week-ish, but I just don't pour too much optimism into my success Throughout many years in my industry I've seen that people really like to talk a lot, but rarely do they follow through with their promises and I'd dare say that my whole career up to now was trying a lot of everything without getting the chance to take that next step. On the other hand, I might be decently involved with Eurovision this upcoming year and if I keep doing what I'm doing, that whole thing would be a possibility earlier than me being 56 It's just that it's hard for me to trust people as I've already seen so many of my projects crash and burn that I'm simply dreaming carefully from now on.
  7. It is definitely something useful and would help to follow the contest, but it is neigh impossible to expect it to be managed by the host since there is a 12 minute change-over between juries. Only solution would just be making 5 templates ready to copy at the end of each session. I've heard whispers of some of the hosts making templates for every situation. I personally went with a little bit more of a hectic and risky approach of editing the scoreboards live Don't know, perhaps it's the usual way to do it, but I had a lot of tabs opened and when I called in a country to vote, I was already jumping between tabs to their votes and started editing the scoreboard. It all looks fine and all, but there were like half of the participants that don't actually post their own scores, so I was jumping between that as well. For some miraculous reason, I don't remember the show being late and I only screwed up by adding 1 additional point to a country twice during one vote. I cherrished every single break that I had that day and if I remember correctly, I just drank a lot of water, but only ate after the whole contest was done
  8. The fact that you can even see the Lithuanian flag in this table around so many prominent countries is an achievement. I've got a bit lose over the years and started experimenting a bit more, but I really want to get a top 10 again, especially after the 2020 Annual flop, to prove to myself that I can still succeed in this game Perhaps when I'm 56, I'll be helping the Lithuanian Eurovision selection and I will look back at all of these years of jury experience in TISC with tears in my eyes, thankful that I've been prepared for this exact moment.
  9. I don't want to guess what's our chances this year until I get to listen to all of the songs, but I can imagine Lithuania getting points from here and there
  10. I would never have the confidence to predict a Lithuanian win, especially with how unpredictable TISC is. A top 10 bet at best, but those are hard to come by as well nowadays
  11. This is actually a very tough question to answer, but for me it probably has to be Bastian Baker - Follow The Wind from Switzerland.
  12. I think there's a bit of a fallacy to bet on something in which you directly contribute to the results
  13. Can't wait for the songs to be up, going to have loads of free time from 12th to 14th, so I expect to squeeze in the first two listens by then
  14. Well, sometimes people just genuinely forget or don't see. For new users, sometimes they don't know what this is about. We have to take our shots, because it's more fun for everyone with more users involved.
  15. I can attest, this has been one of my biggest struggles in this forum when doing this The forum doesn't make it easy to find members by country, because you have to click individually on each one or base estimated guesses on the nickname/picture
  16. I think that we have finally ran out of our power and it's time to resign from our long held positions and let the younger generation do the tagging @Olympian1010
  17. LITHUANIA This year, Lithuania is sending a song that is not banned in any countries, yay! This artist has been silently making his name in our music industry since 2015. He is only writing music in English and achieved his success mostly as a digital artist, by racking up Youtube views and is one of the most successful Lithuanian artists on Spotify, which is not yet an extremely popular platform for music consumption here in Lithuania, Youtube and radio being king. The fact that he has over a million plays on 4 of his songs means he's in a small club of 3-4 Lithuanian artists that can boast such an achievement themselves. His stage name comes from the fact that he was actually a milkman and is now also a father DADDY WAS A MILKMAN - "SLEEPING ALONE"
  18. I believe you're missing @dezbee2008 in this list? Edit: I'm sorry, I didn't see the comments further up
  19. Yeah, we have the same stigma towards songs in English. The only time that English songs are actually worshipped here and get a chance to appear on every TV channel is during the Eurovision season. Starting from 2010s, there were some up and coming younger artists that blew up in our scene writing in English, but lately, even they started writing in Lithuanian, because of our nationalistic tendencies towards music. I guess if it's not written in Lithuanian, it's immediately not a Lithuanian product. Every radio doesn't give you the light of day if you're writing in English and are not from the top 10 famous artists that are at a peak of popularity where they can write what they want. If you want coverage and an actual return from your music, writing in Lithuanian is fairly inevitable, apart from like two artists that made it big on Spotify and Youtube (writing only in English), and radio had to give into the demand. One of those artists is actually going to represent this year, I'm glad that he actually has songs in 2015, I got kinda baited thinking it was 2017, because that's when the album dropped on Spotify.
  20. Oh, wow, nevermind, I actually just found out that one of my artists' that I was looking out for actually has a song that fits into the criteria by 15 days
  21. Coincidentally, everything went downhill for Lithuania since 2016 We had five top 10s in a row, if that doesn't scream "I used up all of my trump cards", I don't know what does
  22. I'm being honest... We only did wedding music and hip-hop from the moment that I was born upto 2010s Since I'm not a fan of either, my options are very limited and I keep reusing the same 5 artists. In a couple of years I will not need to have this problem, our music scene evolved into something that I can listen to. EDIT: Ideally, I wouldn't re-use artists if I could, unless they release a banger of a song that I just have to share.
  23. I've ran out of songs that had a chance already, I'm quickly running out of songs that I like as well. When growing up, I think I've listened to like 5 Lithuanian artists and all of them have already participated in these contests once or twice. I'm eagerly waiting for us to move up a few years for open contests, 2018-2020 is the golden age and renaissance of Lithuanian music. I remember one user saying that due to covid year, there were not a lot of music releases in their country, but for Lithuania that was not the case, a lot of bands and artists actually came out with the best songs of their careers, so annual contests are continuously getting more difficult for me There are still a few songs in Lithuanian that I would favour, it's just that I get the vibe that a lot of users don't really like to listen to our language (results based analysis, perhaps, but it is what it is). But yeah, I've sent Leon Somov & Jazzu, GJan, Jurga, Erica Jennings, Vaidas Baumila, Saulės Kliošas and these are literally the artists that I'm considering right now for their 2nd or 3rd appearances, because our music has not been that inspiring over the years and only now we are seeing a resurgence. I have two Spotify playlists for Lithuanian music (one in Lithuanian, one in English) and nearly everything there is from 2017 and upwards.
  24. I hope they scratch off two relays instead and add an additional individual in the calendar.
  25. Oh no, I was always of the opinion that scratch results are utter cancer for the sport. Yeah, I guess it helps those athletes that are sick half of the season, but having overall crystal globe winners that have less points win over those that had more would trigger the living fuck out of me. I distinctly remember that nearly happening to Makarainen one year. Seeing as I've already hated 2 results being scratched off, 4 is going to be even more awful. Introducing that for nations cup? What the hell? How will that work? Smaller nations will get all their relay points deleted and they will no longer matter at all then? Or, those countries that can only start a mixed relay, can chill through all of the 4 athlete relays, not start in them at all and theoretically still be able to catch up in nation points if we're scratching off 4 races there as well? Ugh, this sounds really horrible and I doubt that I'll be proven wrong.
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