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Totallympics Superstar
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  1. Haha
    intoronto reacted to Dragon in Summer Olympic Games 2020 Debuting, Coming Back, Returning and Missing Nations   
    And the Vatican City.
    Although I doubt we'll see the Pope competing in Greco-Roman wrestling for some time...
  2. Like
    intoronto reacted to dcro in Alpine Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games 2018   
    With 2-3 (20) DNFs...
  3. Like
    intoronto reacted to dcro in Alpine Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games 2018   
    We'll have to wait and see, but I doubt anyone will be able to defeat the Icelanders in fraud and bigfoot competitions (Google Translate).

  4. Sad
    intoronto got a reaction from DaniSRB in Alpine Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games 2018   
    ski federation okayed the athletes, but the NOC of Peru rejected them, saying "its too expensive". 
  5. Sad
    intoronto got a reaction from heywoodu in Alpine Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games 2018   
    ski federation okayed the athletes, but the NOC of Peru rejected them, saying "its too expensive". 
  6. Haha
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Winter Olympics Games 2018 Opening Ceremony Flag Bearers   
    He is expecting to jump really far in qualifying. 
  7. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from heywoodu in Alpine Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games 2018   
    I really don't understand why countries decline team event quotas. Literally anything can happen!
  8. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from DaniSRB in Alpine Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games 2018   
    Means Serbia will qualify (and get an extra quota!, hopefully the Serbian athlete gets a reallocation on the main list as well)
  9. Like
    intoronto reacted to Gianlu33 in Winter Olympic Games 2018 Team Sizes   
    I add only 30 quotas and not 37 for Canada and 31 for USA
  10. Thanks
    intoronto got a reaction from konig in Snowboarding FIS World Cup 2017 - 2018   
    Switzerland usually does not accept reallocation quotas, which would mean he would be first in line to get a spot vacated.
  11. Like
    intoronto reacted to dcro in Cross-Country Skiing 2017 - 2018 Discussion Thread   
    They just have to make a movie out of this, so many ups ans downs in this story.
  12. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from konig in Winter Olympic Games 2018 Team Sizes   
    There can't be more.
  13. Haha
    intoronto reacted to vinipereira in Weightlifting IWF World Championships 2017   
  14. Like
    intoronto reacted to OlympicIRL in Athletes Deaths Thread   
    No, it's a great thread. As you say, it is a tribute to Olympians who played their part in the history of the Games. I for one think it's nice we can remember them 
  15. Like
  16. Like
    intoronto reacted to rybak in Biathlon 2017 - 2018 Discussion Thread   
  17. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from Gianlu33 in Winter Olympics Games 2018 Opening Ceremony Flag Bearers   
    One flag... they take turns. Austria did this in Vancouver.
  18. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from hckošice in Winter Olympics Games 2018 Opening Ceremony Flag Bearers   
    will have two flagbearers, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. 
  19. Like
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Doping Cases and Bans 2018 Thread   
    Froome/Sky keep embarrassing themselves. Their latest attempt for an excuse is that his kidney's were having a problem and then, *poof*, all of a sudden released all that salbutamol right before the doping test. What a coincidence! 
  20. Like
    intoronto reacted to ahjfcshfghb in Winter Olympic Games 2018 Tickets, Trips and Experiences   
    It’s under the ‘Fan-to-fan’ tab on the official ticket website.
  21. Like
    intoronto reacted to Sindo in Totallympics Announcements Thread   
    All the 206 Olympic NOC flags + 50 non-Olympic NOC flags have been updated both here and on the results website.
    Some colours were a bit "discolored", so we can say all the flags made a trip to the washing machine
    Some examples of before and later:
    Old New

  22. Haha
    intoronto reacted to hckošice in Bobsleigh at the Winter Olympic Games 2018   
    This quota is a true miracle, if you consider that we use a old bob that was hidden nearly 2 years in the garage and the guys started to think about competing in this sport only this September and had their first training run only few weeks later. Some of them never sat in a sled before !
  23. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from ofan in Winter Olympic Games 2018 Tickets, Trips and Experiences   
    I have renewed my passport and I am expecting to be in Pyeongchang too.
    (Should add that I am also going to Beijing and Tokyo) so hitting the next 3 hosts in one month
  24. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from hckošice in Figure Skating at the Winter Olympic Games 2018
  25. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from rybak in Winter Olympic Games 2018 Tickets, Trips and Experiences   
    I have renewed my passport and I am expecting to be in Pyeongchang too.
    (Should add that I am also going to Beijing and Tokyo) so hitting the next 3 hosts in one month
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