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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2022 in all areas

  1. I guess the only reason why Ghana is even trying at this point is because they hate Uruguay.
    5 points
  2. Well done Cameroon! Clearly a deserved participation.
    4 points
  3. We can't see anything remotely like a rainbow flag but an absolute huge Cameroonese ass crack full on screen is fine
    4 points
  4. Brazil and France took it personal. Each nation wants to prove which team has the worst reserve players in the World Cup.
    3 points
  5. Ok, Aboubakar beats him
    3 points
  6. Sofia is baaaack!!! but damn! it was so close with Suter and Hütter just a fraction behind. very, very good race also by Stuhec...I'm really happy for her, after so many injuries and tech troubles in the past 2/3 seasons...
    3 points
  7. so far the "brightest" moment of this game
    3 points
  8. Brazil has a bye to Quarterfinals...
    3 points
  9. love the enthusiasm of the Korean commentators...
    3 points
  10. Explains a substitution in the 98th minute.
    3 points
  11. some summary of Group Stage
    2 points
  12. Given how things are going, I would say that at least 2 of will not advance. and even should give some difficulty to their opponents.
    2 points
  13. Well, it wasn't a good decision after all
    2 points
  14. settimana molto densa per gli sport invernali... Lisa Vittozzi un lampo nel buio più drammatico dell'inizio di stagione del Biathlon, ottimo secondo posto di Sieff sulla "sua" pista a Lillehammer nella combinata Nordica femminile e pessima figura (tanto per cambiare) nel Fondo (dopo il miracoloso podio di Pellegrino della settimana scorsa)... ma soprattutto, su tutto e tutti...Sofiaaaaaaaaa!!! debutto stagionale con vittoria per la fuoriclasse azzurra, anche se Suter e Hutter sono finite proprio in scia. non bene le altre azzurre, si salva solo Curtoni.
    2 points
  15. my pick is "I'm cuuuummmming!!!"
    2 points
  16. it looks more,pause it ffs ! I need to pee !
    2 points
  17. Serbia playing literally 0-6-4
    2 points
  18. I would understand if it was Turpin though
    2 points
  19. Kudus waits for the goalkeeper to try and get the ball and then dives Just as much a bullshit penalty as the one for Argentina (?) two days ago.
    2 points
  20. I would find it cool as well, but also am starting to think a little about the troubles and safety in the cities here and in that sense it's significantly better if Spain wins and Morocco only has one more match after which to riot because they won or riot because they lost
    1 point
  21. Brazilians can criticize Neymar all they want, it can be bad with him, but it's worse without him.
    1 point
  22. Well this was a fantastic end to a truly fantastic third and last round of group matches
    1 point
  23. More handbags in Serbia vs Switzerland...
    1 point
  24. impossible to repeat such effort twice in a row I guess
    1 point
  25. journey here BRA-SRB 2-0 BRA-SUI 1-0 BRA-CMR 0-0 ? by this logic the next match should be 0-1
    1 point
  26. I think many of the groups have been exciting, but some teams clearly didn't belong. I think with teams like Italy or Sweden the quality would have been ever better. Also not sure what happened to Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Chile. All those nations used to produce lots of good players. I think in 2026 the quality for sure will be worse, but everything else (atmosphere, conditions, performance of the home team(s)) will certainly be much more enjoyable. Hopefully european federations find a way to prevent a repetition of this disaster (Saudi Arabia 2030), but i don't have high hopes (given that they didn't even have the balls to agree on the softest kind of protest this time).
    1 point
  27. Costa Rica has better Center backs than Serbia.
    1 point
  28. i guess it was a fine set piece making by Switzerland players
    1 point
  29. Offcourse you cant be completelly objective as a Portugese, but i respect your POV. I still think that Portugal should beat 95% teams no matter what also, it could be that i overestimated them. Next days will tell...
    1 point
  30. Vlahovic celebration says it all
    1 point
  31. Imagine how low you have to sink to make fun of people who try to promote equal rights ... The more time i spend on this earth, the more i lose faith in humanity.
    1 point
  32. I think it's because Suarez is a douchebag, but I don't hate him because of the hand thing. I would have done the same. Ghana had the chance for a penalty and missed it. Not his problem.
    1 point
  33. How come so many people dislike Uruguay here? Don't tell me it's because of that hand against Ghana. That was perfectly valid in my book.
    1 point
  34. Making physical contact with the referee. Gimenez will be banned for multiple matches IMO.
    1 point
  35. Some 20 second delay on Korean phones but they can celebrate now Bye Suarez, we won't miss you
    1 point
  36. Holy cow, what a totally useless penalty That walk, that stopping motion, the one more step, the awfully weak kick....he really didn't want to hit that one
    1 point
  37. I don't know if I am more disgusted by this bastard or by the company that hires people with such history as drivers.
    1 point
  38. Two of these things are not like the others, two of these things just don't belong
    1 point
  39. Just to clarify, I did not mean you with my comment, I think that was obvious, no worries The sunglasses guy seems to know what's going to happen and already likes it, so that one
    1 point
  40. Gone are the likes of Liu Xianying and Eveli Saue too, not to mention Dafovska and Nikulchina or even Tofalvi and Khrustaleva. It's really a sad decline of diversity...
    1 point
  41. Bump & reminder to all that we start tomorrow! Live streaming & here. Let’s hope we are back to normal with Tim onsite & random passers-by conscripted as co-commentators.
    1 point
  42. phelps

    Sport Estivi 2022

    smentisco subito me stesso, ma penso sia opportuno dedicare 2 righe a Letizia Radaelli e Silvia Coluzzi, che tra ieri e oggi hanno riscritto la storia del Trampolino Elastico italiano, diventando una dopo l'altra campionesse del mondo juniores rispettivamente nella categoria 13/14 anni e 15/16 anni. e Silvia, ancora una volta, ha guadagnato un punteggio che sarebbe valso le posizioni immediatamente a rincalzo delle medaglie nel mondiale senior. forse abbiamo trovato davvero un gioiellino capace di rimpinguare il bottino azzurro alle prossime Olimpiadi (se non già Parigi 2024, sicuramente L.A. 2028 e seguenti). peccato solo che la disciplina sia un altro di quei maledetti non-sport che personalmente non riesco a seguire nemmeno sotto tortura (e quindi sarebbero medaglie "non godute" in ogni caso)... nonostante ciò, complimenti vivissimi alle ragazze e agli allenatori per quello che hanno raggiunto e speriamo per quello che arriverà in futuro.
    1 point
  43. Team Italy Women Simona Quadarella Margherita Panziera Benedetta Pilato Costanza Cocconcelli Sara Franceschi Ilaria Cusinato Silvia Scalia Silvia Di Pietro Men Leonardo Deplano Alessandro Miressi Paolo Conte Bonin Manuel Frigo Matteo Ciampi Gregorio Paltrinieri Lorenzo Mora Thomas Ceccon Nicolò Martinenghi Simone Cerasuolo Matteo Rivolta Alberto Razzetti
    1 point
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