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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2021 in all areas

  1. There's also one other obvious mistake: the continental representation shouldn't be decided by a tournament where already qualified teams can play. For example, we lost our chance for the European quota because Spain (who already qualified for Tokyo) beat us in the Semifinal. Spain was the only team that beat us at the European championship. Meanwhile Russia, who we beat in the group stage, got the quota because the 2nd place in our group meant that they avoided Spain until the final.
    4 points
  2. imho the best qualification system for all sports would be...just ask me who I want to see at the Games!
    2 points
  3. But they deserve 12 teams because it's an Olympic team event. Either a team sport deserves to be at the Olympics, and therefore it should have 12 teams, or it doesn't deserve to be at the Olympics at all.
    2 points
  4. Maka comes in 24th. Should be 26th at finish. Not bad for someone whose World Cup PB was 69th entering today
    2 points
  5. Press conference of the TISC Polish National Jury
    2 points
  6. Yeah, but Americans don’t know that. It just sounds better to say “We want Swedish-style socialism” than it does to say the truth which is “We want Chinese-style Socialism.”
    1 point
  7. This is funny & revealing. Whoever is controlling the Bidenbot speaks into his earpiece to tell him to “Salute the Marines” as they present arms to him. Instead of saluting, he just says “Salute the Marines.” Kamala Harris must be tearing the pages off her desk calendar.
    1 point
  8. Scandinavia isn’t a good example of socialism working because none of the Scandinavian countries are socialist...
    1 point
  9. There are a lot of centrist Democrats in the senate. And I’m not just talking about Manchin and Sinema. Sanders would not be able to get 50, let alone 60, votes for the more extreme aspects if his agenda. Trump signed well over 2T in COVID-19 relief into law. Does that make him a Communist? Is Germany a communist country because they don’t have college tuition? Communism and Socialism isn’t just synonymous for any political position you don’t like.
    1 point
  10. Day 3 Results A - 6-15 (2:8, 2:1, 2:3, 0:3) - 26-4 (6:1, 7:0, 5:2, 8:1) ITA 5 NED 5 FRA 2 SVK 0 B - 5-8 (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:2) - 7-7 (2:2, 1:2, 1:2, 3:1) GRE 6 HUN 4 KAZ 1 ISR 1 QUARTERFINALS 14:00 2A-3B - 20:00 1B-4A - --------------------------------- 16:00 2B-3A - 18:00 1A-4B -
    1 point
  11. FIH has the best qualification system, all team sports should (perhaps not football) follow this system.
    1 point
  12. I strongly support continental representation (of at least 1 team) at the olympics so yeah, that's the only mistake in my view.
    1 point
  13. Communist Poland was, of course, famously on the vanguard of LGBT rights.
    1 point
  14. And that was bullshit as well. If they have to limit it to 6 teams, that sport shouldn't be at the Games. And it's not the top 12 teams' fault that the rest of the world doesn't give a shit about women's water polo. Nothing is stopping Croatia and Serbia for example take it more seriously because they already know how to play the sport on the men's side.
    1 point
  15. It is not our fault other continents withdrew from the tournament. The difference in this sport between the top 7 european countries and the rest is extremely big, everyone knew that. Blame FINA and IOC to have a Final Olympic Qualifier system that need so useless large amount of nations including piss poor teams like SVK or ISR, but keep in mind that we or ISR are not here as a specially invited teams or by shopping buying the place, we are here because the girls earned this place by qualifying to this tournament last year at the EURO.
    1 point
  16. Handball for example used to have as few as 6 teams, and their increase of participation was gradual. France being the best unqualified team (on a global level) is just wrong. It's like Georgia being the next best global team in women's volleyball (i.e. someone completely incapable of threatening other globally qualified teams).
    1 point
  17. These are not the European Games Australia and China are strong teams... Canada came within a goal of beating Hungary and Netherlands in 2019. These 3 teams deserve it for sure.
    1 point
  18. Taken from FINA RULES ON THE PREVENTION OF THE MANIPULATION OF COMPETITIONS: PMC 3 VIOLATIONS PMC 3.2 Manipulation of Competitions Directly or indirectly contriving or attempting to contrive the outcome or any other aspect of any Competition with the goal of obtaining a Benefit for oneself or for others. The definitions are a bit vague, but still broad enough that they could punish if they wanted to.
    1 point
  19. I understand your point obviously. Well, Stupid or not. I just hope you will play at your 100 % and score as many goals as possible, it would definitely be much fairer also for our girls than not playing and just sabotage the match on purpose. playing against italy is an honor for our young girls and an experience these girls may very well never experience again, they definitely don't want you to play only for some 20% and give us such "fake win" gift
    1 point
  20. The difference is that Greece beating Hungary is a believable outcome, so is Netherlands not beating France by 13 goals. Slovakia beating Italy on the other hand... that would be dangerous because I think FINA would consider disqualification. It's not worth it for Italy, they can beat us, and Greece might actually be stronger than us at this tournament.
    1 point
  21. After this farce, i hope that Slovakia will win against us...
    1 point
  22. Horvátová 52nd wow ? That must be also some massive PB
    1 point
  23. It will be interesting to see what Netherlands will do because they know now that Greece is dangerous, but they don't know if we are weak or if we just decided somewhat consciously to not play water polo today.
    1 point
  24. Is HUN too afraid of Slovakia to doing everything to avoid us in the quarters ? just JOKING off course !
    1 point
  25. Roeiseland has a terrible second shoot - misses two & slow. Eckhoff also misses two, but faster shooting. Joanne Reid gets some airtime! Tandrevold 0 0 0, heading for the hardest shot in biathlon.... Roeiseland finishes with 0 2 1 1, probably has the best ski speed. Tandrevold does a Frode Andresen (2002 Salt Lake Olympics) 17/17, misses three.
    1 point
  26. I mean, surely some options are more fair than others...? This just can't work. Because at some point, biological men can just start declaring themselves as women in order to get scolarships, medals, livelihood etc. So much easier than doping (and above board at that).
    1 point
  27. Professional idiot Ted Cruz also doesn't really get it yet. I wonder, did he think the Nürnberg Trials were about some local mischief by a few annoying teenagers in a German city, or what?
    1 point
  28. Can someone with more knowledge than me explain this please? Is it true? I don't really know how this works but I disagree with it if these are the new laws. I am not anti-LGBT or anything, but I disagree with the idea of having people compete in women's sports if they are biologically male.
    1 point
  29. dcro

    [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread

    So I just found out that they are serving Croatian wine (Dingač and Zinfandel) on the inauguration.
    1 point
  30. If that happens, then they should also get a refund on the tuition they paid.
    1 point
  31. Maybe short track will become popular sport in Czech Republic? @hckosice @Grassmarket It's all what I found Maybe this list isn't actually anymore, in few days we will know
    1 point
  32. Well, no. Matches against SVK does not count. ITA has better goal difference against FRA than NED. Italy top the group even if they win by 1 goal. In the semis ITA will play HUN and NED choosed GRE.
    0 points
  33. Can't believe I am saying this, but I am seriously starting to consider entering a trap song for the Annual.
    0 points
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