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Taekwondo 2016 Discussion Thread


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European Cadet Championship - Day 4


Cadets Male A -61

1. :RUS Emelkin Maxim 

2. :ITA Baliva Samuele 

3. :MNE Perunicic Vasilije 

3. :FRA Hamami Aylan 


Cadets Male A -65

1. :SRB Bozanic Dusan

2. :RUS Pryazhnikov Alexander 

3. :TUR Yetimoglu Muaz 

3. :CRO Bozic Pasko 


Cadets Male A +65

1. :TUR Yilmaz Melih 

2. :RUS Ibragimov David 

3. :SRB Radakovic Mihailo 

3. :RUS Chizhik Nikolai 


Cadets Female A -55

1. :CRO Klepac Nika 

2. :RUS Khuzina Liliia

3. :GRE Kalteki Faidra 

3. :ESP Dosil Gago Ana 


Cadets Female A -59

1. :RUS Arzhevitina Polina 

1. :TUR Baysal Irem 

3. :FRA Sassi Shima 

3. :POL Kloczynska Anastazja 


Cadets Female A +59

1. :RUS Adebaio Kristina 

2. :FRA  Sulpice-Timothee Si'ann 

3. :BIH Boric Adna 

3. :TUR Ciftci Berra Nur 

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Definitive changes on the WTF Rules starting next December


The proposed agenda for the WTF Executive Board meeting to be held in Burnaby, Canada details the new changes as well as new proposals for the Taekwondo Rules.


Here all the news:

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and here we have the Draw Sheets for the Junior World Championships, starting today in Burnaby (CAN):

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صورة ذات صلة

Day 2 Medalists 


  • Women's -46kg 
  1. :THA  Napaporn Charanawat
  2. :SWE  Rim Bayaa
  3. :ISR  Abishag Semberg :KAZ  Nuray Muratkyzy



  • Women's -49kg 
  1. :KOR  Yu-Jin Kim
  2. :TPE  Chia Yin Sung
  3. :SVK  Gabriela Briskarova , :MEX  Daniela Paola Suza
Edited by thepharoah
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  On 11/18/2016 at 12:29 PM, thepharoah said:
  • Women's -49kg 
  1. :KOR  Yu-Jin Kim
  2. :TPE  Chia Yin Sung
  3. :SVK  Gabriela Briskarova , :MEX  Daniela Paola Suza


huh what ??????????? how? I mean what ?  please tell me that they were more than 4 athletes competing ?:d

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