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Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medal Predictions

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  On 7/20/2024 at 7:59 AM, De_Gambassi said:

From that list, the ones I see who are not going to make it are :KEN & :JPN and possibly :SUI & :BRA 


Can’t see the Swiss take over 10 medals to be fair

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  On 7/15/2024 at 7:12 PM, phelps said:

Italian biggest sports website (OA) full predictions


once again, imho, :GBR:AUS:GER:KOR:CAN and maybe even :CHN:ITA and :NED have been underestimated, meanwhile :USA and, above all, :FRA have been clearly overestimated


That page has some mistakes.  Some medalists don't even participate 

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  On 7/20/2024 at 7:05 AM, De_Gambassi said:

I was trying to find out what were the 'official' medals/placing target of likely top ranked countries set by sports officials. Here they are, feel free to add any.



:FRA "Top 5 of the medals table"


:ITA "Better than in Tokyo"


:ESP "Better than in Barcelona" (> 22 medals)


:AUS "We don't do that kind of thing, piss off mate"


:NZL "Between 13 and 18 medals"


:HUN "Between 15 and 25 medals"


:KOR "5 gold medals at least"


:JPN "55 medals, including 20 golds"


:BRA "Better than in Tokyo" (> 21 medals, >7 golds)


:GER "Keep our Top 9 from Tokyo"


:NED "Top 10 of the medals table"


:BEL "Better than in Tokyo" (>7 medals)


:GBR "Top 5 of the medals table, between 50-70 medals"


:KEN "6 gold medals at least" (athletics only)


:SUI "As good as Tokyo" (≥ 13 medals)



PS : I found nothing for :CAN:USA, :JAM or :POL 


Funny thing about :AUS is our Olympic committee used to set targets for London 2012 and Rio 2016 of finishing top 5 but we then massively underperformed, so then in Tokyo they set no target and we performed much better. So no target this time supposedly 


I guess it’s about not putting to much pressure on the Athletes 🧐

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My prediction for :HUN is 5 gold medals and 16 total medals.


5 would be below average for us but that should be our realistic target. Under the right circumstances we can win up to 8-10 gold medals, but it wouldn't be realistic from this team. We don't have "A-list stars" anymore. 

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I don't think Canada officially has a target (they don't want to pressure the athletes), but typically, it's finish in the top 12 in total medals.

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Here is an updatable excel spreadsheet with the current world champions in each olympic event. I didn't include swimming at the 2024 worlds and some of the 2024 worlds in some sports may be missing. 


I'll try to update it each day and post the projected medal tally but if you input the daily winners the medal standings should auto update.


 Pre-Olympics, the standings are.

:CHN - 37

:USA - 35

:GBR - 26

:JPN - 20

:NED - 15

:AUS - 14

:FRA - 13

:GER - 12

:ITA - 12

:HUN - 9


If you think this is a good idea I might give it a go for the paralympics,

Medal Table.xlsxFetching info...

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  On 7/20/2024 at 4:14 PM, TeamGB said:

Here is an updatable excel spreadsheet with the current world champions in each olympic event. I didn't include swimming at the 2024 worlds and some of the 2024 worlds in some sports may be missing. 


I'll try to update it each day and post the projected medal tally but if you input the daily winners the medal standings should auto update.


 Pre-Olympics, the standings are.

:CHN - 37

:USA - 35

:GBR - 26

:JPN - 20

:NED - 15

:AUS - 14

:FRA - 13

:GER - 12

:ITA - 12

:HUN - 9


If you think this is a good idea I might give it a go for the paralympics,

Medal Table.xlsx 148.03 kB · 43 downloads


Which tournament have you considered for Tennis? 

And yesss, please do this for Paralympics too..:thumbup:

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  On 7/20/2024 at 9:19 AM, George_D said:

That page has some mistakes.  Some medalists don't even participate 


well, the whole job wasn't done in a day...most of those predictions were done quite a few days (if not weeks) ago, when the final entries were not established


also Gracenote and all the other sites that do this job have this kind of mistakes


in particular, OA's Wrestling and Boxing predictions are just beyond imagination, a joke...:dunno:

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