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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019

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  On 11/3/2019 at 2:17 PM, Bohemia said:


Do you mean the Italian song that won last year (?) in which they criticized people using their phones and internet all the time? (I don't remember it well enough but I think that at one point they were talking about selfies)


Nah, it was definitely Portuguese with something along the line, get out from your house, you have no life, you hobo, you're missing out on real life and stuff.

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  On 11/3/2019 at 3:07 PM, bestmen said:



remember your edition , you crashed all the flags , that was an insult for the nations and of course you did nothing to fix it  you totally didn't care


just for this you should be ban  as many users left the forum because of the mediocre work


my rule : doing one good job or leave :bye:








Literally, the forum was breaking down during the day of my hosting, it was not human error that the flags were crashing.

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  On 11/3/2019 at 3:30 PM, dezbee2008 said:



Finally, here are my personal votes



12 :CHI Chile

11 :SVK Slovakia

10 :FRA France

:CAN Canada

:SWE Sweden

:MEX Mexico

:MDA Moldova

:IRL Ireland

:FIN Finland

:AUS Australia

:LTU Lithuania

:KAZ Kazakhstan



R1 :BUL Bulgaria

R2 :ITA Italy

R3 :ESP Spain

R4 :ALG Algeria


One more thing: #TISCinALG


So, theoretically, I got my first ever points from @dezbee2008 :champion:

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  On 11/3/2019 at 5:32 PM, Wumo said:

Some very personal thoughts for someone's first time as host:



I feel you. When Lithuania (to my huge surprise) actually won the Open TISC, I had the chance to relinquish my right to host (as Sweden and Germany have done before me). Knowing that I have zero capabilities in web design or design in general, I knew I was not fit for the task, but @OlympicIRL said that everything would be okay and that I would be guided through the design process.


That was the sole reason why I decided to do something that I would have never done and it was the single opportunity that I had to host, because I didn't think that Lithuania could win ever again. I never planned to bid for hosting rights, because I thought that it would be ridiculous for me to do so, if I do not have those skills, I would be mocking the talented people that could have done more than me. Although, having won the competition, I felt it as a right of passage and I could not give up the opportunity.


The struggle was real. I was not in a good place, when the competition was approaching. My studies were destroying everything around me and left me with little time to take care of myself, let alone sleep. At the same time I was balancing a career that was really sucking the energy out of me that I had left. Still, I managed to pull myself together for the show. I even had a huge fight with my management where I had to postpone the TISC for a week, because the band's manager decided to approve a concert on the day, which I marked as 'unavailable' two months ago, then proceeding to harrass me over the phone and me not being a capable liar, she started making fun of my 'little Internet contest' and not really in the mood to argue more, I asked the opinion of the forum members and they didn't mind me postponing with something like 2-3 days left until the contest had to be held.


The day of the contest was somewhat close to Hell. Although, I already knew what to expect as I took up on hosting the draw game created by OlympicIRL to get the feeling of the process better before the big day. Add to that some connection problems as well as the fact that all of the flags in the templates just kept crashing throughout the entire day, I was just really looking forward to all of the breaks for recollecting myself and I don't believe that I actually ate that entire day :d Not to mention the fact that I was hosting in the dark times, where the host was expected to update the scoretable after every single voting post (add to that more than 50% of the nations did not vote themselves, so you had to post 6 templates in a 12 minute frame). So, having all that on my plate, I knew that preparing the scoring templates would have been a crazy amount of labour and did all of the counting and score adding live. To my dismay, I made one specific error that night, I gave 1 additional point to Algeria that they were not supposed to have and of course got a huge amount of shit for stealing points from the country when I actually fixed the error.


Anyways, even after all that, I was glad that I did it. And I remember @OlympicIRL's congratulatory private message and if my memory doesn't give up me, we had a nice chat about everything after the contest :d

Edited by Werloc
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  On 11/3/2019 at 4:55 PM, Vektor said:

Does Australia want to the host the contest? Because according to the rules they should get one of them if Netherlands doesn't want both (Australia finished behind the Netherlands in both contests and also were in the Top3 both times). 


Nah, too busy with school to host. If I win next year then I'll definitely host.

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Congratulations @Wumo and @Agger for the great contest, and @heywoodu for the much deserved win.


Thank you for the votes for the brazilian entry. It's not the style we usually go for (MPB, that is), but me and @titicow thought that was the perfect song to remember Rodrigo, who in addition of being a great friend of ours, helped us quite a few times in the selection of the songs for the TISC in the old forum. Sadly he couldn't participate at the Brazil edition last year (the last one he was interested in), but I'll never forget the conversations we had for the old contests when we used to have 4 or 5 different users voting. Good times those were...


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 let me begin by thanking  @Agger and @Wumo for their great work

I went through the same experience of hosting and and I know it's not easy

 I was frustrated , especialy because  english is my third language  and i dont have any knowledge in design 

 I began to question myself like @Wumoif I was  good enough for hosting 

I've tried my best dispite that  i  made the same error like @Werloc  

but in the end I was really satisfied  and a big thanks to @OlympicIRL who helped and supported me 

congratulations @heywoodu  and i hope you will host the next contest 



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Wow, so many comments in such a short time. It took so much time even to turn the pages 5-by-5, posting the results in 3 parts is unnecassary. Congrats to every participants, especially the winners, and the Hungarian team, they chose better than I did years ago.

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  On 11/4/2019 at 8:01 AM, Pifta said:

Wow, so many comments in such a short time. It took so much time even to turn the pages 5-by-5, posting the results in 3 parts is unnecassary. Congrats to every participants, especially the winners, and the Hungarian team, they chose better than I did years ago.


And yet only a tiny, tiny part of the total posts is posts with votes in them.


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  On 11/2/2019 at 8:45 PM, Werloc said:

Well, the Lithuanian performance this year was pretty close to awful, but I guess that's the lesson for me that I'll probably stop playing strategic games and just send songs that I feel are right for me, no matter where they end up in the scoretable.




You can rest next year, but I expect another great in 2021 :d 

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