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Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)


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Tamas Ajan (IWF president) is in Iran right now for Iran Grand Prix, he had a little chat with Iranian journalists and according to him 20 weightlifters tested positive in IOC new re-testing, 10 from Beijing and 10 from London, including 5 gold medalists ! (1 Beijing, 4 London)

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2 minutes ago, MHSN said:

Tamas Ajan (IWF president) is in Iran right now for Iran Grand Prix, he had a little chat with Iranian journalists and according to him 20 weightlifters tested positive in IOC new re-testing, 10 from Beijing and 10 from London, including 5 gold medalists ! (1 Beijing, 4 London)

off topic question


will be there livestream for this event?

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