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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. It's happned during a Nobel commission event and he is the husband of a member of the commission. He has also been accused of using Nobel money
  2. I thinks that she broke her knee in the routine yesterday, awful awful injury... i never see that during a competition
  3. I follow SanRemo like a religion (like almost all Italian),so I know the Meta/Moro song
  4. I don't listen any song becouse.. spoiler I'll wait the live show for vote..
  5. It seems that they haven't any security...
  6. Acres is like an hell A lot of trubles for the cyclist
  7. Giro d'Italia Stage 2: Haifa - Tel Aviv The stage is essentially flat, with a single and short categorised climb mid-course, with gradients exceeding 10%, in Zikron Ya’aqov. The route travels a long stretch on the motorway, on a wide roadway, and then enters the city along broad avenues, heading for the finish. Final kilometres: after leaving the motorway, the route runs on wide city avenues interspersed with 90-degree bends. The main obstacles along the course are the ones typically found in urban areas, such as roundabouts, traffic islands and sometimes speed bumps. The home straight (600 m) is on 8-m wide asphalt road.
  8. Here
  9. It's time to update the collection
  10. He do a 47.90 in South Africa,I read about him on an Italian website, but I didn't expect this! Btw, maybe he win in Doha last year.. I'm not sure
  11. PB and South African national record for Semenya in 1500m
  12. Great diamond league start! 71.38m for Sandra Perktovic, new DLR for her!
  13. I'm finally back at home.. good Giro at all!
  14. Giro d'Italia Stage 1: Jerusalem - Jerusalem The stage is an individual time trial running through the city. The roads are variably wide and the route is very wavy, with several bends and constantly changing gradients. Split time is taken at km 5.1. At km 7.3, the route takes in a short, well-lit tunnel. Final kilometres:the last 3 km are wavy, still on city roads. The route descends slightly in the first part, with a bend 750 m before the finish. The final 300 m run steeply uphill, with gradients peaking 9% over the last 100 m. The home straight is on 6.5-m wide tarmac.
  15. Nah, they need to skip North Korea - South Korea and go directly to the semifinals
  16. Come forse saprai ci ho già provato, ma ha evitato la domanda, così come ha fatto la federazione C'è molta cautela quando si parla di questo argomento in FIJLKAM
  17. Importantissima giornata per la lotta azzurra che finalmente torna a vincere con un giocatore di scuola italiana e torna a dare vita al movimento! Se la federazione sta intraprendendo una politica di naturalizzazioni c'è anche una scuola italiana che brilla, ed è quella torinese. Oggi agli europei in Daghestan il 20enne Jacopo Sandron è riuscito a vincere una medaglia nella lotta greco romana.. a memoria non ricordo una medaglia in questa specialità da anni!
  18. Apparently Kiprop tests positive for EPO, amazing day for him! In Tokyo2020 we will have the young chemist discipline
  19. We know the reason, Pozzato's father is going to die
  20. Men's Road Cycling UCI Giro d'Italia 2018 Various Cities (ISR/ITA) - 4 May 2018 - 27 May 2018 Totallympics Results Thread
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