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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Also, there’s nothing wrong with the Winter Olympics. The only reason they’re even held separate from the Summer Olympics is because of climate. Those sports would be in the Olympics either way. It’s not really anyone’s fault that more NOCs don’t win medals. We’ve seen more and more countries competing in the winter sports recently, so clearly there’s a taste for winter sport.
  2. Snowboarding is a “classical” winter sport though. It was an Olympic sport years before the other (which are both debuting in Tokyo (so I could argue they owe Snowboarding some thanks)).
  3. So you mean that countries that care about sports, and often offer funding, do better than those that don’t. Revolutionary Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan have won medals well (Kazakhstan with actual Kazakhs). There’s also a very good chance we could see Colombia, Argentina, or Chile win medals in the future.
  4. Honestly, you have it easier following Olympic qualification. Try following World Games qualification. Only 6 out of like the 30 IFs have even posted qualification docs Do you have any clue why they chose the German Open? It seems a bit random
  5. Oh, well if Germany’s going to qualify anyways, I’d rather then
  6. I can’t find anything. This does look like a case where I’d argue against American Samoa receiving a quota place for universality.
  7. Absolutely horrid weather, small field of skaters, small crowd, but some great racing on the men’s side (and an awesome crash around 14:15 as well): That weather looks awful. I love the cold weather, but even I would’ve stayed inside that day. Doesn’t seem like very many European skaters made the trip to . Another great track too. I’m seeing quite a nations in the World Rankings, so if Salt Lake wins the bid for 2030...
  8. Please do tell me about any issues you have though because if there is prizes on offer one day, I want it to be fair.
  9. 6.3 earthquake has hit the Solomon Islands
  10. Interesting, @Vojthas told me he had a similar mistake earlier. I watched my dad take it as a test, and it worked fine for him. I’ll try to get to the bottom of that issue though. I’m sorry that it affected your score.
  11. I’m ultra impressed with my father since he’s also in the top 5 at the moment
  12. Figure Skating, Short Track Speed Skating, Ice Hockey, Curling (if the country is will to lay down a little funding of course)
  13. This is true. Anytime you threw something away, put something away, toss something, etc. you say “Kobe!” (And then you generally miss horribly because we’re not Kobe ):
  14. Some more stats doing justice to Kobe’s career:
  15. LA Times has gotten rid of all their paywalls on Kobe articles. Probably the best source to follow at this point.
  16. Looking good Some interesting stats in that thread if you click on the tweet.
  17. TWU:
  18. Highest score after 24 hours (or just under at the moment) belongs to @Cobi Highest scores: @Cobi 8/10 @hckosice 7/10 Chorus and aaa 6/10 (I have no clue who those two people are, but I did share the quiz in multiple places so...)
  19. I didn’t really feel qualified to write about Kobe, but nonetheless, here’s a short tribute:
  20. Yes, that is the one downside to this system. I think we just need to tighten NOC representation rules to fix that though. I’m also not opposed to it, if athletes like that are actively working to improve the quality of that sport in their nation.
  21. ABC7 is also reporting that one of Gianna’s teammates and one of her parents was onboard. The fifth person is the pilot.
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