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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. It’s been a pretty snowy winter in California, but there’s some fears the tap might get turned off before we build a big enough snowpack to get out of our drought…
  2. I live in the United States, and you still might genuinely be the first person I’ve met from North Dakota
  3. Polish Sports Minister is hyping up a statement to be made by around 40 NOCs sometime in the near future saying that they don’t support the participation of BLR/RUS. Assuming that actually happens, it would be quite the fracture in the Olympic Movement (again, assuming that actually happens and it’s not just postering on his part.) Link:
  4. Again, it seems very likely the next president will be female based my time around upper management, but assuming male candidates will be considered…I wouldn’t count Illic (PanamSports) out.
  5. Seems like there’s a great deal of divergence on this.
  6. I made a joke about the IOC putting out a statement a day on political issues, but it would seem that was more a prediction now
  7. Her and Hoevertz would seem like the front runners to me (assuming everyone agrees the next president should be a woman.)
  8. The IOC made a pretty big deal of it before Beijing 2022, so apparently I’m not the only one…
  9. The miniature racket sports have really taken off since the pandemic. Pickleball has become crazy popular recreationally and somewhat professionally in the United States. Padel has really taken off in parts of Europe and the Middle East as well. I guess Brazil’s chosen pursuit is beach tennis
  10. I like the studio version of Vesna’s “My sister’s crown,” much more than the live performance at ESCZ. I can also appreciate the lyrics much more with the transition. No clue what the “shadow” threatening Slavic life is…
  11. IOC with another statement today in defense of the existing sanctions on BLR/RUS governments.
  12. Imagine how unsportsmanlike it is to violate the Olympic Truce on the heels of getting a slap on the wrist for running a state-sponsored doping program during the Olympics you hosted…
  13. Kelly Sildaru tore her ACL during a practice session at the X Games, so she’ll be off the World Cup circuit for a while. Eileen Gu also injured her knee on the very same day, but I’m haven’t seen any public news about the extent of her injury yet.
  14. Barbara Pravi is becoming a more frequent entry on my playlists.
  15. I haven’t fully listened to all of the songs yet, but there were two or three that caught my attention. are probably my favorite national competitions this year.
  16. Replay of the Czechia national finals. Anyone can vote until February 6th. I’ve put my rankings in the spoiler box below.
  17. Interesting point raised by Krauchanka. How will the IOC approach the potential participation of “dissident” athletes if BLR/RUS are eligible to send teams. Belarus was already on thin ice with the IOC for political discrimination in athlete selection before the invasion.
  18. Initial sports program approved for LA28: Pretty much the same as Paris 2024, though LA28 can explore the inclusion of para climbing and/or para surfing. Tough loss for World Sailing who made a very public push to have para sailing reinstated on the program.
  19. IOC doubling down on their statement. Definitely looking more and more like this will be the second Olympics in a row dominated by politics.
  20. A follow up to what @Dragon posted… It would seem Ukraine hasn’t made a decision on a potential boycott yet, but will meet soon to discuss potential actions if athletes from BLR/RUS are allowed to compete at Paris 2024.
  21. Atefeh Ahmadi has sought asylum in . She was Iran’s only female participant at the last Winter Olympics. Link:
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