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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Right, my first taste of the much discussed graphics (since there was nothing odd in the marathon).
  2. And then still UCI can take this decision in a few minutes instead of waiting for said rider to determine pretty much the entire main portion of the race and then DQ him hours after the fact.
  3. UCI really need to step up their game. If you're gonna DQ someone for something that happened with 120+ kilometers to go, take them out of the race instead of waiting until after the race. The situation was very clearly on screen, could have made the decision within 5 minutes. Once that decision wasn't made, you could assume nothing was wrong, since this thing (and way worse) happens a million times in races without any sort of punishment, but there you go. I wonder if FIFA is going to see a foul by Messi, wait until he scored three goals, and then gives him a red card and takes away the goals after the match Now the entire last 20-30 kilometers of the race were pretty much made by someone who - according to UCI - shouldn't have been there anymore, yet they didn't take him out yet UCI making themselves look silly again Nothing wrong with the sprint, although it was obvious not everyone is a master in positioning yet.
  4. Jakob Ingebrigtsen has been reinstated and is in the final
  5. A name to go with that would be nice, since Salpeter didn't seem to be in trouble.
  6. Rocha out She was doing pretty well Oh she's running again
  7. Much as it sucks for the athlete in question, I can imagine not literally every random abandon getting some screentime..
  8. The sun went down one and a half hour ago or something, luckily after coming back from a run to the top of hell
  9. These days I am all the time realizing "hey it's already late at home"
  10. But Diniz would be out anyway if he turned into a runner
  11. Some early evening softporn right on this forum. We've got a kid reading along, keep it down please
  12. Well yeah, considering he was DQ'ed I kind of suspected something like that
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